There is a light that shines brightly upon the world. It gives a glow that beckons all who see it and it draws people like moths to a flame. Its warmth is comforting and familiar and its energy is calming and healing. The light never wanes, never dims, it never judges and it never condemns. It requires no adoration, no sacrifice, no explanation or apology. It just is.
Within the light there are no colours or beings, no dark and light or good and bad. No duality and no separation. There is nothing and there is everything; it is not solid, but it is of essence. There is no emotion, but it evokes the most wonderful feeling of bliss. The light is love. That is all.
The light encompasses the all. It is without and it is within the all, above and below it. It has an infinite number of parts, yet it is whole. It is unconditional and sacred, of the highest source of the Divine. This light is God.
Where is the throne? Where is the man? You may look but all you will see is yourself reflected in the light, because there is no separation from the light and love of God. He is without and within you. Your energy is encompassed in all levels, dimensions and planes of the energy that encompasses the light of the source of creation. You were created in the light and you will return to the light when you pass from this life. You are an infinite part of source; a co-creator and a light-being of love
There is a light that shines brightly on the world. It is golden and bright. It is a bridge between Heaven and Earth. It is a consciousness, but it was born out of sacrifice. It belongs to the world, but it is personal only to you. It is your higher knowing, your link to Divine knowledge and all of the wisdom you have gained throughout your many lifetimes. It is above you but also within you. It is the Christ Consciousness, your Higher Mind.
It is written that I, Jesus, so loved the world that I died as a sacrifice for the sins of man so that all may be saved from damnation. Yes, I died in pain and sacrifice, but so is the folly of man who believes in an unjust, vengeful God. The ego of my executioners led to my demise, but my faith in the path I had chosen was absolute. I lived in the light of my truth and convictions. I was no saint, but I was a leader. Some say I was a prophet, a great healer and also a magician. Was I really, or was I simply connected to the Source of Creation, thus standing in my power as a co-creator and a conveyor of truth? Am I the Son of God? Of course, but aren’t you also a child of the light? Again, of course!
Many believe that they are now saved through me, as long as they believe what has been written and are faithful to the scriptures. To live your life in faith and belief can be a true gift, because you allow the flow of truth through the word of a higher source. If the word is love, you become an open vessel for the light. If the word is hatred, vengeance or wrath, then you block the light and become a vessel for darkness. An action in the name of God, therefore, is only so if it lives in and leads back to unconditional love. My name, Yesu/ Yeshua/ Jeshua/ Jesus, then is synonymous with love, truth and the way to the light. My light will lead you to the light of God which is, in truth, your own light. To live in the Christ Consciousness, then, is to see everything through the eyes of love, tolerance and unity. There is no room for any other vibration.
There is a light that shines brightly on the world and it is you! Your connection to Source needs no religion, no sacrifice, no explanation nor apology. There is nothing to forgive, for you are on a holiday (of sorts) on the planet of Earth. You are living out your lessons, soul and karmic contracts, your ideas and your goals. You came on a mission to learn, love and assist. Whether you have succeeded or failed it matters not because you came, and that act alone is to be honoured and celebrated. You have suffered pain and experienced incredible joy, cried and laughed, loved and been rejected, been deliriously happy and experienced harrowing sorrow. Your life is a book that has been written before it began but that is subject to change through intervention and disconnection. The journey of life on Earth is truly the hardest experience a soul could ever encounter, yet here you are again, back for another go. You truly are amazing. Be proud, because your service to Humanity, the Earth and to the wider Universe has not gone unnoticed.
Shine your light on the world with pride. Know that you are an infinite thread of Divine love and that nothing can ever separate you from it, not even the darkest deed or the loneliest night. Come into the light of you and be the light for the world that you always intended to be.
I AM Yeshua.
传导: Victoria Cochrane
翻译: Nick Chan