I am Sananda.
As always, it is my pleasure to be with you, to share with you, to offer these messages of encouragement to keep you all going on path, even those of you that tend to fall off from time to time, tend to feel like this is too much for you, tend to feel like you want to get off the planet.
But know that even in those times you are there for a reason, and you must continue on. You must continue to move into those higher vibrations whenever you feel it within yourself to do so. And when you don’t feel it, bring it on. Bring on those feelings. Bring on those higher vibrations.
Know that as you move into higher vibrations, nothing, and no thing, can attack you, attach to you, can do anything to bring harm to you. Because know that not only do you have the light within you, but you have the protection of all of us who are working directly with you, with you individually and with you as a group. And also know that at those times when you find yourselves in the lower vibrations, it does not match to your higher vibrational frequency that is now becoming you.
So as all of you are moving into these higher vibrations and staying there longer and longer, and if anything of the lower vibrations comes in to your area of influence, it will affect you if you allow it.An example earlier was given of going to a concert and finding yourselves with all of the conflicting frequencies around you, even feeling, hearing possibly, the thoughts of people all around you, and the influence that those thoughts can have if you allow them.
So if you find yourselves in those positions, and many of you do and will, always remember as you leave to bring a cleansing within yourself. You do not have to ask anyone else to do it. Do it for yourself. Bring in the Violet Fire within you. Purge out any of those thoughts those transmissions that cam into you that briefly, even if for a moment, began to find an attachment to you. Shake them off. Bring the Violet Fire around you and through you, and purse out anything of the old.
This also goes for those of you that have become the vegetarians out there. Those that have moved away from the eating of animal flesh. Know that as you would go back, even if for a moment, your body is not able to withstand that any longer. So those of you that are continuing to do so, begin to move away from this, little by little if need be.
Begin to allow the energies, the pranic energies, to come into you to sustain you.Not to take you away from eating your meals: you must bring in the nourishment. But more and more, find yourselves out in the sunlight and feel the sun on the back of your neck and how it penetrates. That pranic energy penetrates into your body and nourishes your central nervous system, nourishes the blood within your body and moves throughout your body, and more and more you can take this nourishment from the sun, from the pranic energies and nourish yourself with this. Do it gradually. There is a saying: Do not take heaven by storm, but take it gently, rhythmically as you can.
For we all, all of us here in the Company of Heaven, all of the Galactics, the Agarthans, the Angels and Archangels, we are all here to assist you, to be with you in these times, these times of travail for some.
But it is only a temporary travail. This too shall pass. Always remember that. This too shall pass. If you find yourself ill, this will pass.
If you find yourself feeling out of balance in any way, this shall pass, but only if you continue to move into those higher vibrations and find yourselves there more and more. And to do that, it is not what you call rocket science. It is simply a thought, a feeling, that can take you into the higher vibrations. Thoughts have meanings. Thoughts are things. Allow yourself to have the positive thoughts on a regular basis. Limit what would be considered the negative thought processes.
Be in the moment.Be in the now. Focus on that. Focus on being in the perfect now, as the perfect beings that you all are, perfect in the eyes of the Source, perfect in our eyes, because we know you. In many respects, we know you better than you know yourselves. And we are here and ready to continue to help you to acclimate to these energies because they are going to become stronger and stronger and stronger.
It is up to you, each and every one of you, to continue to surround yourselves in the higher vibrations with people of the higher vibrations, with animals who are already at higher vibrations, with the plants, the trees. Be in the forest, be by the waters whenever you can. Be in the sun. Put your feet in the dirt and feel the earth energy come up into your bodies and ground yourselves.
This is what it is all about in these moments now, my friends. For you are in those final moments. The final moments that you and we have all been waiting for. Make those moments the best moments of your lives, right here, right now.
I am Sananda. I leave you now in peace and love, and implore you to continue to feel the light within you, to anchor the light within you, and then share it wherever possible.
Peace and love be with you all.
通灵:James McConnell
翻译:Nick Chan