Beloved ones we greet you, There is much to be celebrated on your planet as the newest transformed energies are creating a powerful reconnection to your resident Universe. An energetic pulse that birthed a new multidimensional platform within Earth has opened a series of awakening frequencies throughout your planet.
Through this new multidimensional platform your earth plane is now carrying a resonance energy that allows for the fulfillment of a deep forging to your resident Universe for the first time.
Earth is now able to realize its true role. To begin a new chapter in its history as it takes a different place within the Universe. Your planet can now fully align to the Collective consciousness light that holds a sacred communion between all life force groups that makes up your resident Universe.
Those of you on Earth can begin to move forward on your missions on yet another level because of this happening. This allows you to align within this communion in the Universe. Through your multidimensional Heart you can begin a new path through this avenue.
We witness you, we hold you as you consciously prepare your self to navigate a brilliant new awakened path.
Blessings,The Pleiadians.
昴宿星 20180509 重新连接
通灵:Christine Day
翻译:Nick Chan