大角星人传导Part 8(上): 多维度现实 --- “合一”的意义与 “创造” 一个新的世界
Arcturian Transmission, Multiple Realities 8 – A New World
Saturday, February 2, 2013 传导: Suzanne Lie20130202
中文翻译: 林琚月20130203
3-2-13 Transmissions from the Mothership
Multiple Realities 8 A New World
Then, suddenly our Swirl began to move away, and we knew that the Arcturian was teaching us a more advanced form of bi-location. Thus, we settled into the movement, which was simultaneously the stillness. Within this state of consciousness, all polarities were united into ONE, and we could simultaneously live every alternative and parallel choice. Through this experience we came to realize the true meaning of the ONE, and knew that the Oneness was completely natural and totally normal.
All of our old conceptions of realty were being released into a cohesive package of KNOWING. The sensations of bliss and unconditional love continuously flowed through our Beingness. Whenever a surge of bliss, love and total illumination begin to subside, a new swell would move into our consciousness like a wave on a planetary beach.
Oh, I thought of a world of form, and with that thought, we began to come down from the heights beyond heights. Mytria and I slowly flowed into two, yet totally connected, expressions of our one SELF. I heard my "I statement" and instantly missed being "we." I felt Mytria's agreement, but we both knew that we could no longer maintain that resonance.
"Yes," spoke the Arcturian "That is enough for now. We suggest that you go back to your quarters and meditate together. In this manner, you can assist each other to deeply understand your joint experience." With the close of that short communication, the Arcturian beamed away, likely back to its true Swirling Energy of SELF.
Mytria and I, now expressed as two separate, humanoid bodies, decided to take the long walk back to our quarters. We both knew that we needed to get grounded. In fact, we even stopped at the group Mess Hall, thinking that a hot drink and some food might make it easier to accept that we were again limited to a seemingly, old fashioned model of our SELF.
We both smiled at that description of what we once thought of as very sleek lower-fifth dimensional form. As we walked up to the door to the Mess Hall, we realized how one experience could change the way we thought about everything in our life. Coming to a familiar place and greeting our friends was exactly what we needed.
In fact, we spent the remainder of that "day" enjoying the camaraderie of people with whom we had shared many experiences. In fact, as we were leaving a large group of friends from a Pleiadian convoy entered the Mess Hall. Of course we had to visit with them too, so we drank Pleiadian tea and a drink much like human's beer late into the night.
Finally, Mytria and I returned to our quarters wondering about the amazing "coincidence" that our friends would arrive just before our mission to the timeline of the ascending Pleiades. Did the Arcturian know about this, we wondered? Of course, we smiled. Was there anything that the Arcturian did not know? Laughing, we shed our uniforms and slipped into our bed. We went straight to sleep and immediately entered a dream; or was it a different reality?
We both blinked our eyes, wondering if we were sharing a dream or another inter-dimensional adventure. “Is there a difference?” We thought simultaneously, then looked at each other and laughed. Since our blending into ONE consciousness, we often had the exact thought at the same time. It appeared that our blending into ONE consciousness was a predecessor to blending into ONE form.
Either way, we found ourselves in a reality, which was totally unfamiliar. It was as if this reality was "in-between" where we were and where we were going. It was denser than the Akashic Membrane, but largely without form. "This is a bit disconcerting," I complained. "I wish there was some differentiation between land and sky."
Instantly, a distant horizon appeared and a cloud filled sky was above us. Mytria looked at me with at twinkle in her eye and said, "I wish there was a huge tree with a still pond just before it." Immediately, a tree and pond appeared before us. We walked over to the tree and found that it was dense to the touch with a rough surface. In fact, we both got sticky sap on our fingers. We went to the still pond to wash our hands and found the water warm and very inviting.
立即,一个遥远的地平线出现了,然后一个多云的天空就在我们头上.Mytria看着我眨了下眼睛,说:“我希望有一棵大树与一潭平静的水在前方.”立刻,一棵树和水池出现在我们面前. ---我们走过去树那里---发现树干摸起来是稠密的---有着粗糙的表皮.---事实上,我们两人的手指头都沾到了‘树液’.我们走去水池洗手---然后发现水是温暖的,而且很诱人.
Within the same moment, we both jumped into the pool. Indeed, the water had a glorious feeling. We both had the impression that we could breath this water, so I tried it first and found it very enjoyable. Then, Mytria began to breathe the water as well, and smiled at the experience. We did not try to talk underwater because the water seemed to create an intense telepathic link between us.
This link was so strong that when Mytria mused, "I wonder where we are?" the very water seemed to answer, "You are here, within our forming reality. We are a reality that is in the process of being created. Hence, all of us Elementals are awaiting the thoughts of a Core Being to create a matrix upon which we can blend our forms."
"A Core Being?" Mytria and I both queried.
"Oh yes," explained the water, "A Core Being is a Being from Source. We are aware that we Elementals are components of Source, but we cannot remember coming from Source. We recognized your swirling energy patterns and knew that you have newly arrived from Source."
Mytria and I looked at each other in surprise. Is that what we had experienced? Had we actually experienced a connection with Source? However, there was no answer as the Water Elemental was asking us to go out and create a matrix for the Earth, Fire and Air Elementals.
"We have been waiting for Beings such as you," said the Water Elemental. We have been sent to assist with the formation of a new reality. We feel very honored to have been chosen to work in co-operation with the Core Beings to create a new world."
“我们一直在等待像你们这样的存有”--- 水元素说.我们被派去协助创造一个‘新的实相’!---我们觉得很光荣---能被选择去与其它‘核心存有们’一起创造一个新的世界.”
- 【大角星人母舰指导】(1)上《双生光灵魂与多维度经验教学》
- 【大角星人母舰指导】(1)下《双生光灵魂与多维度经验教学》
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- 【大角星人母舰指导】(3)上《双光子与多维度生活》
- 【大角星人母舰指导】(3)下《双光子与多维度生活》
- 【大角星人母舰指导】(4)上《无条件的爱,扬升与多元维度生活》
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- 【大角星人母舰指导】(8)下《多维度现实 --- “合一”的意义与 “创造” 一个新的世界》