

 原创 2018-02-11 麦达昶 新纪元扬升之光

Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn, February 9th, 2018




Greetings Masters, I am Metatron Lord of Light, with Tyberonn ofCrystalline Service, and we greet each of you, individually, lovingly, in avector of timeless space. We embrace you in the ‘Now’ time that you read thesewords, and surround you in an energy of Unconditional Love.

问候大师们,我是光之主麦达昶,与水晶服务者 Tyberonn 在一起,我们在没有时间的空间里亲切地问候你们每一个人。在“现在”的这个时刻,当你们读到这些话时,我们拥抱着你,让你处于无条件的爱的能量中。


The worldremakes itself in 2018, and whether or not humanity are prepared for expansivechange, is truly a moot point. For the forward inertia of time accelerates morequickly today than it did yesterday. Accordingly will 2018 impel the expeditionof light acceleration and your lucid interpretation of consciousness. With thissurge your cognitive expression of life, will in-kind shift into higher tempo.You see, all is quickening, time is accelerating as the ‘New Earth’ of 2018 andbeyond draws nigh. So as time reshapes itself it will also reshape theexperience of mankind, of visible and invisible forces of nature and that ofthe face of the Earth itself. Ahead are challenges to be faced, but you havethe tools to absolutely meet the challenges.


世界在 2018 年开始重塑,人类是否已经为大范围的变化做好准备,这确实是个悬而未决的重要问题。因为时间向前的惯性比以前更快了。因此, 2018 年将推动光的加速和你们意识上清晰的认识。随着你们对生命的认知的增强,你们将会进入更高的节奏。你看,所有的一切都在加快,时间在加速,因为 2018 年的“新地球”即将到来。因此,随着时间的改变,地球表面大自然有形和无形的力量将重塑人类的体验。未来将面临挑战,但你们会有办法来迎接这个挑战。


Dear Ones,the years of you physical experience, from birth to death, compose the table ofcontents in the ‘book’ of your life….and now, the page has turned. 2017, forbetter and worse, has now yielded to the next ‘annual’ chapter. It is ‘2018,Year Six of the New Earth’.


亲爱的朋友,你的身体经历的从出生到死亡,形成了你生命之“书”的篇章。现在,页面已经改变。 2017 年,无论是好是坏,现在已经翻页下一个“年度”章节, “2018 ,新地球的第六年”。


2018 TheYear Ahead

2018 年展望


And so wespeak of 2018. Indeed it is a supra-energized year of invigorated time, andwill be a period of intense quickening. An unusual & opportune time ofre-calibration will occur thru the first two months of the newly arrived year.All planets will be in forward motion, none in retrograde, for 65 days, fromJanuary 2nd, 2018. This is the only phase of 2018 in which no planet is inbackward flow, and is thus an extraordinary time for clarity & creatingharmony. Within this time of ‘smooth flow’, are 2 eclipses, to amplify theforward movement….amplified by 2 ‘Super Moons’. This phase from January thruearly March, represents a time of a reprise, a phase of recharge andpreparation.


我们谈到 2018 年。确实这是一个充满活力非常动荡的一年,将会有一段剧烈的加速期。在新一年的头两个月,将会出现一个不寻常的、适当的重新校准的时间。从 2018 1 2 日起 65 天,所有的行星都在向前移动,没有逆行的。这是 2018 年的唯一的一个阶段,没有一个行星是反向的,因此这是一个清晰和创造和谐的非凡时期。在这个“平稳流动”的时间内,有 2 次月食,增加了向前的运动。被 2 次“超级月亮”放大。从 1 月到 3 月初的这段时间,代表了一个重新开始的时间,一个充满活力和准备的阶段。


Now, makeno mistake, 2018 will be a challenging year. But fear not, most of you willfind it a bit easier to manage than 2017. Is this not a testament to your frequencialgrowth? Indeed, 2018 contains within it, the extremely potent energyamplifications phases that you are now becoming more accustomed to, butunderstand that these magnifications are part and parcel of your acceleratedgrowth process. Indeed you must learn to operate at higher frequency, and sothe years ahead are in a sense a rigorous training program that will allow youto strengthen and increase your auric fields as the ground-zero inertia of the‘Human Ascension’ nears in two decades (2038).


现在,毫无疑问, 2018 年将是个充满挑战的一年。但不要担心,大多数人会发现,要比 2017 年更容易应对。这难道不是你们频率增加的证明吗?实际上, 2018 年包含了它的非常强大的能量放大阶段,你现在已经变得更加习惯了,但是你要明白,这些放大阶段是你们加速成长过程的一部分。事实上,你必须学会在更高的频率下运作,因此未来几年在某种意义上是一个严格的训练的项目,它将允许你加强和强化你的能量场,因为在 20 年内 (2038 )“ 人类提升”的惰性会接近于零。


ForwardEntry into 2018

进入 2018


The intensewinter solstice which ended 2017, is now being followed by two unusually gentleperigee ‘Super Moons’ in January. The second of these will occur on the Jan31st full moon, total lunar eclipse. This total eclipse is tandem, the totallunar is followed in February by a solar eclipse. This benevolent amalgam of‘coded’ astronomical events will surprisingly provide an interesting, softentry into 2018, relative to the tumultuous final quarter of 2017.


2017 年结束时有能量强大的冬至日,现在在 1 月又出现了两个非常近的“超级月亮”。其中的第二个发生在 1 31 日的满月,月全食。它们是连贯的, 2 月会有日食。相对于 2017 年最后一个季度来说,这种由“编码”的天文事件会令人惊讶地提供一个有趣的现象,以软着陆的方式进入 2018


Indeed,this beginning is influenced by a lunar induction of deep contemplative energythat will span the earth and flow forward into a 65 day phase in which allplanets are moving forward, none in retrograde! This will be a rare and welcomewave of benevolent energy. It will provide a time of relative rest, underpinnedby periods of profound ‘moon driven’ inward reflection. A perfect time toreview the year past, and the year ahead….and a clear energy to recalibrateyour emotions. And actions !


事实上,在开始阶段受到了月球感应能量的影响,地球将进入一个 65 天的阶段,所有的行星都在向前移动,没有一个逆行!这将是一种罕见的、受欢迎的仁慈的能量浪潮。它将提供一个相应平静的时间段,这是由“月亮驱动”的内在反射所支撑的。这是回顾过去一年和未来一年的最佳时机。还有一个清晰的能量来调整你的情绪和行动!


This periodfrom January thru mid-April (when Saturn goes retro) is also a timeimproving the quality of major relationships. A vibration is projected in whichrelationships Can & will be reviewed, in a frequency conducive to openingthe heart. This provides a clear opportunity to analyze your short comings inclose relationships & make considered and concerted efforts to improve. Allgenuine efforts in this energy, will reap positive results. It is a perfecttime to express love, re-express friendship, caring & loyalty to keyplayers in your life.


1 月份到 4 月中旬(土星逆行时)的这段期间也是改善主要人际关系的时期。在关系中,会有一种重新改善的振动,这有利于打开心的频率。这为你提供了一个清晰的机会来分析你在亲密关系中的缺陷,并作出思考以便共同努力来改善。所有在这方面的努力都会取得积极的成果。这是在你生命中重要的关系上表达爱、表达友谊、关心和忠诚的最佳时机。


We alsotell you the timing between the first perigee moon and the January total lunareclipse is a perfect time, a powerful time for initiating new projects, newgoals.




CodedEclipses of 2018

2018 年日月食编码


2018 willhave an extremely rare aggregation of complex coded eclipses. There will be atotal of 5 eclipses in 2018, and 3 of these will occur in a 30 day phasebetween July & August. This period will be amplified & intenselypunctuated with the June 21 Solstice & Mars retrograde into Capricorn. Infact 7 planets, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune & Plutowill all be in backflow, retrograde between June & August.


2018 年将会有极其罕见的复杂的日月食编码。 2018 年将会有 5 次日月食,其中 3 次将在 7 月和 8 月之间的 30 天内发生。在这段时间将会被放大和加强,并伴随着 6 21 日的夏至和火星逆行进入摩羯座。事实上, 7 个行星、水星、火星、木星、土星、天王星、海王星和冥王星都将在 6 月和 8 月之间逆行。


Accordingly,the 3 months of summer (northern hemisphere) and 3 months of winter (southernhemisphere) , from June thru August will be a very intense , rather unsettlingphase of 2018….indeed, this astro gravity amalgamation will be the most trying90 day period of the year.


因此,在这三个月的夏季(北半球)和三个月的冬季(南半球),从 6 月到 8 月,将是 2018 年的一个非常紧张、令人不安的阶段。事实上,这个重大的天体重组的 90 天将是今年最艰难的。


The 2018, fiveeclipse, 3:2 combination of solar and lunar eclipses in a single year is quitepotent. We tell you that the 2018 Eclipses are opportunities for energizingchange. Masters the eclipses are an offering to make necessary shifts that youdiscern appropriate in your individual and collective life stream. These arebest afforded by synergizing through deep contemplation and self-reviewwindows, which are uniquely available on equinoxes and solstices.


2018 年有 5 次日月食, 3 次日食和 2 次月食在这一年内是十分有力的。我们告诉你, 2018 年的日月食是能量改变的机会。掌握好日月食会让你在你的个人和集体生活中出现必要的转变。这些都是通过深度冥想和自我检视来获得的,这在春秋分点和冬夏至点期间都特别有效。



TOTAL LUNARECLIPSE – 2018 January 31 8:26:39 11 Leo 37

 月全食 -2018 1 31 8:26: 39 11 狮子座 37


PARTIALSOLAR ECLIPSE – 2018 February 15 16:05:07 27 Aquarius 08

 日偏食—— 2018 2 15 16:05: 07 27 水瓶座 08

 (北京时间216日,早上 505


PARTIALSOLAR ECLIPSE – 2018 July 12 22:47:47 20 Cancer 41

 日偏食—— 2018 7 12 22:47: 47 20 巨蟹座 41



TOTAL LUNARECLIPSE – 2018 July 27 16:20:15 4 Aquarius 45

 月全食—— 2018 7 27 16:20:15 4 水瓶座 45



PARTIALSOLAR ECLIPSE – 2018 August 11 5:57:38 18 Leo 42

 日偏食—— 2018 8 11 5:57: 38 18 狮子座 42



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