通过Morag O'Brien
2019 年 7 月 7 日
我们知道你很想了解我们的更多细节。我们的能源技术非常先进。我们有心灵感应和心灵遥感。我们生活在银河系的五颗行星上,利用量子技术在行星之间移动。我们自称为仙女座星系,尽管我们可能出生在五大行星之一,但正如你所说,每个行星都有自己的名字和文化身份。我们人类的寿命是 900 到 1000 年,我们的童年是 200 年。我们同意你的说法 “ 抚养一个孩子需要一个部落 ” 。
现在告诉你们。大角星高级指挥部正在监督盖亚扬升的第 4 阶段。大角星人是一个高度先进的光战士存有。他们是人类和许多其他生命的播种者。他们是维度和谐与平衡的监督者。他们的知识渊博,他们的船只也是如此。他们目前有两艘母舰驻扎在地球生物圈内,其中一艘停在大西洋上空。大角星人一直在追踪、监视和观察阿努纳奇( Anunaki ),他们的存在是在善与恶永久不平衡的较低境界上的一种不对称的存在。
随着同化在 2019 年的地球年开始,低我和高我的自我的融合,首先是志愿者、星际种子和光之工作者,然后是整个人群,正在唤醒记忆中的意识。
阿努纳奇( Anunaki )人使用 DNA 修饰技术,将记忆锁定在回路中。这阻碍了成长、反思、学习和内心的理解。这些循环编织成祖先的记忆,这些循环通过长期的血统改变影响你现在的体验。把人类锁在不断重复的消极的负面循环中,这样会自我传播更多的消极。一种病毒插入你的主板,阻止意识的扩展。隐藏或抵制破坏的土著居民,用语言和艺术保留着祖先的记忆,讲述着其他维度空间的故事。
盖亚的祖先记忆和她与宇宙的神奇关系被编织进他们的集体梦想状态。对阿努纳奇( Anunaki )人渗透的抵抗可以追溯到人类历史上的神话和传说。任何被阴谋集团统治者神圣化的东西都是真理的倒置和欺骗的投射。人类的心一直寻求与盖亚保持一致。人类的灵魂与盖亚一起走。过去如此,将来也会如此。
光之矩阵于 2014 年年底(地球时间)正式开始。许多驻扎在地球上的光之工作者一直在状态编织光矩阵。渐变的太阳活动周期,时间差异,确保了自从 2014 年以来物质层面的光编织是永久的。
您对低级和高级自我变形同化的体验始于睡眠体验的变化,以适应这种高技能的工作。如果你愿意,凌晨 3 点到凌晨 5 点醒来,这是你的午休时间!你能够在 3-5 小时的睡眠中发光,然后需要休息、休息和经常维持生计。
在 2019 年的时间线预言中,幻象将会破灭。当神圣的女性能量锚定时,这个玩笑就被解除了。一个基准,意味着盖亚和她的旅行者无法回到第三世界的世界末日。你现在很安全,停留在第四领域。
执政官在这里聚集了他们的军队,他们从第四领域开始作战。阿努纳奇( Anunaki )技术使他们能够在第三和第四领域之间旅行,尽管他们的偏好是第三领域的物质层面。他们喜欢被装箱,控制,坚固物体,可塑性操纵和工程化的东西。他们的编码故障在第四个领域。
阿努纳奇( Anunaki )和执政官之间的权力动态转换,就是为什么你们的联合敌人之间有如此大的紧张关系。在许多人来说,执政官是维持整个阿努纳奇( Anunaki )矩阵框架运作所必需的星体寄生虫。
现在执政官占了上风,因为这是他们的地盘。由于对人口进行持续的天启和恶魔编程, Anunaki 已经获得了一些维度的时间线,以确保恐惧状态的表现。然而,这些维度的人口非常稀少,只有最受创伤或最邪恶的完全存在于那里。
大量被阿努纳奇( Anunaki )毒素迷住的人,正在穿越地狱的维度线和第四个过境的地球。请理解:我们在没有心灵感应的帮助下,简化了复杂的深奥知识。
第四个领域是人文精神领域。第三维度不能包含女神的振动。当神圣的女性能量在 2019 年 4 月锚定在集体意识中时,第二次大转变开始了( 2012 年是人文集体意识的第一次转变)。在能量上,这第二个三位一体的光之门户与 2.7.19 日食对齐。 7 月 16 日至 17 日的月偏食是中间点,随着 8 月 1 日影子行星水星逆行的通过,月偏食将关闭。第二个通道是 2019 年转变的中间点。神圣的女性治愈之门。
这个网关是巩固你在第一个 “ 三位一体超人网关 ” 中所体现和创造的变化的机会。过去几个月的沮丧和混乱、祖先业力清理和重新校准已经将你定位到第二个门户。当光频率在高振动中淹没你的身,心,灵魂存有时,有意识地填满你的杯子。你们每个人所展现的达到这一目标的力量都是巨大的。
清理的岁月是非常混乱和创伤的,我们看到恐惧、绝望、痛苦和沮丧的火花从所有觉醒的灵魂中散发出来,当你面对摆在你面前的假定的巨大任务时。了解这个盖亚的疗愈者。这个过程将比你想象的更快、更容易、更有效。一旦阿努纳奇( Anunaki )的精英木偶被推倒,画布就可以清理干净了。已经存在但被你们贪婪的政府保密的先进技术的力量激增,将彻底改变你们清除消费矩阵计划碎片的速度。
通灵: Morag O'Brien
~ Andromedean Transmission: Shift Update ~
Channeled through Morag O'Brien
July 7, 2019.
Welcome brothers and sisters to our message of hope, freedom and transformation! We are your neighbours from the Andromedean galaxy. The timelines are stabilising. Anchoring of divine feminine energies has happened. Phase 4 the Great Clearing has passed it’s first hurdle. Programs were successfully uploaded. Downloads integrated. Communication networks activated. Gaia quantum leaps to the next level. It has taken many earth years of light work by volunteers, travellers, healers and shaman to awaken humanity to its own divinity. Celebrations ripple out among your allies in star systems across the multi verse, in awe and gratitude for all that has already been accomplished on Gaia. We are so very deeply moved by each and every one of you. Your solidarity, strength and surrender to creator light consciousness has lit up the cosmos!
We understand you are curious for more details of us. We are highly advanced in our energetic technologies. We are telepathic and telekinetic. We live on five planets within our galaxy, using quantum technology to move between planets. We describe ourselves as Andromedean, although we may have been birthed on one of the five planets, each has its own name and cultural identity, as you would say. We live for 900 to 1000 human years, our childhood is 200 years. We subscribe to your term ‘it takes a tribe to raise a child’. We no longer birth as mammals, although very far back in our history we did. We are not genetically modified in anyway. Our natural evolution has favoured upright mammalian two legs, two arms, spine and head formation. We are taller than humans and generally have similar body shapes as our consumption is generic. We do not eat, the way humans do, we imbue chi energy. We have mouths, noses and eyes, although our main sense is our third eye, pineal gland. We communicate amorphically, this means we use expression, managed though pathways, colours and images to relate to each other and our world. We are creative and we are thinkers. We identify as light beings in an organic body. We are deeply spiritual, our whole existence is built on the energetic waves of healing love. We view Gaia’s human population as our little brothers and sisters. We love and care for the people of earth very dearly.
Now to you. The Arcturian high command are overseeing Phase 4 of Gaia’s ascension. The Arcturians are a highly advanced light warrior species. They are the Seeders of humanity and many other beings. They are overseers of dimensional harmony and balance. Their knowledge is immense, as are their ships. They currently have two motherships stationed within earth’s biosphere, one is stationary over the Atlantic. The Arcturians have been tracking, monitoring and watching the Anunaki for eons, theirs is an asymbiotic existence on lower realms of the perpetual imbalance of good and evil. The Arcturian high command arrived recently, they bring in depth knowledge of how to dismantle the Anunaki command control system on humanities consciousness. We have been holding the fort if you like, managing the ascension from a non interference perspective, as much as possible. For truly humanity must break her chains herself for authentic raising of the vibrations.
As Assimilation rolls out in earth year 2019, the mergence of lower and higher self, first in volunteers, starseed and lightworkers, then across the population, is awakening the consciousness to Memory. The Anunaki use DNA modification technologies, to lockdown memory into loops. This prevents growth, reflection, learning and inner understanding. Knitted into ancestral memory, these loops affect your present experience through long term bloodline modifications. Locking people into repetitive negative cycles that self propagate more negativity. A virus inserted into your motherboards blocking expansion of consciousness. Indigenous populations who hid, or resisted the sabotage, retain ancestral memory in language and art, telling tales of other dimensional spaces. Ancestral memory of Gaia and her magical relationship with the cosmos is woven into their collective dreamstate. Resistance to the Anunaki infiltration can be documented back through human history in myth and legend. Anything sanctified by the cabal rulers is inversion of truth and projection of deceit. Human hearts have always sought alignment with Gaia. Human souls walk in tandem with Gaia. So it was and so it will be again.
The Anunaki work with Archons, astral entities, parasites, who roam the forth realm seeking pleasure from the third dimension. Shamanic soul retrieval is the reunification of soul within each human, the reemergence of wholeness. Memory loops are engineered in a deadly combination of Anunaki genetic modification sciences and Archon energetic viruses. Soul retrieval has been ongoing on a vast scale, many lightworkers on Gaia have been active in this process during dreamstate. We are going to further break this down for you, we trust only those safe with our words will proceed.
The Anunaki work with Archons, astral entities, parasites, who roam the forth realm seeking pleasure from the third dimension. Shamanic soul retrieval is the reunification of soul within each human, the reemergence of wholeness. Memory loops are engineered in a deadly combination of Anunaki genetic modification sciences and Archon energetic viruses. Soul retrieval has been ongoing on a vast scale, many lightworkers on Gaia have been active in this process during dreamstate. We are going to further break this down for you, we trust only those safe with our words will proceed.
The Archon are ancient, older than time itself. The stories in your holy books of fallen angels, resisting divine creation for material pleasures, are truth in its very essence. The process was more scientific and angelic at once. For all is the divine synergy of mathematics and source light. We digress. There was an individual who made a choice, his choice was to focus all his intention and energy on maintaining chaos cycles in the third realm. War, depravation and depravity in lower realms offer an infinite feeding ground for those who nourish themselves on fear and darkness. He believes he is playing a divine role as a creator of chaos, a necessary and divine balance to the creator light. His armies are vast and dimensionally reach the known galaxies still vibrating in lower realms. He is in his own way a kind of god, for he has done what he said he would do, created chaos dimensions through a relentless reign of terror. This is his mission.
His people are the Anunaki, or the lizard people as you have called them. Reptilian in features and nature, they are cold, low vibration beings whose emotional frequency spectrum is very limited. They have over developed hierarchy systems to compensate for their lack of creativity and, well, mojo, as you would say. Their chosen path is one of greed, envy, hate, sexual depravity and fear. They live on fear frequencies, they perpetuate fear vibrations and they feed off fear vibrations. There is a negative energetic cycle of death and destruction to what they do. Their allies, albeit reluctantly, are the Archons. The Archons are astral entities who feed off material plane generated energies. No one knows who came first, the Anunaki or the Archons, the Anunaki may have birthed the Archons in sacrificial black rituals. Certainly on earth this is what has happened. Curses have a consciousness but no body. They attach to the bloodline they were targeted at and cling to the bloodline for hundreds of years. These are what we call ancestral entities. They perpetuate negative thought and behaviour cycles in their possession of the ancestral individual.
Again we digress, there is much to tell you and we find the constraints of written language challenging as we communicate in thought resonance. Bare with us star siblings of light!
And so to the infusion of the light matrix to the remnants of the Anunaki engineered 3d matrix. The material plane operates within quantum fields. This means it is dynamic, it adapts and responds to its environment. It is AI generated and astrally fuelled. An uneasy relationship between flesh and cold blood Anunaki, their AI technologies and the Archon negative energy field. The astral exists in the fourth realm. Whilst humanity was locked into the third realm matrix the astral dimension were very faint. Only a small number of seers in each generation could see through the veils between the third and fourth realm. Edgar Cayce was one such seer, as was Nostradamus. We the Andromedean, have communicated with seers as part of our role as watchers. We have enlightened them and we have observed their perspectives on human evolution.
The Anunaki have also connected with seers, they use the Archons to possess seers and they subject seers to investigation, experimentation and mind control programming. Some of your greatest musicians, artists and scientists have been seers, many fell at the hands of dark enemies. The drip feeding of dense energies through individuals like Alisteir Crowley helped ensure a perpetual cycle of demonic sacrificial ritual and possession. Inversion is a base algorithm to ensure the matrix was ruthless and flexible. However we are happy to say much of the machinery we just described is being disarmed.
The Light Matrix was begun in earnest in late 2014, earth time. Many lightworkers stationed on earth have been weaving the light matrix in dreamstate. Graduating solar cycles, time differences, has ensured lightweaving from the material plane has been perpetual since 2014. Your experience of the metamorphic assimilation of lower and higher self begins with changes to sleep experience, to accommodate this highly skilled work. Waking up between 3am and 5am is your lunch break if you like! We observe you are able to light weave for 3-5 hours human sleep then require a break, rest and often sustenance. (Not all who wake up between these hours are lightweavers, this is also a key of spiritual awakening, returning to dimensional awareness). Light weaving from the material plane works best when the matrix is sleeping, when its static, toxic and dense energies are turned down. The energetic space afforded whilst the city, town, village sleeps is where light matrix weaving is at its maximum. Lightweaving commences when you return to dreamstate. Many have experienced extreme exhaustion during daylight hours as a result, further propelling you to simplify your avatar’s life.
The higher self is active in the awakening on higher planes. Your physical presence on the Gaia plane is required to anchor higher vibrations to the biosphere fields of locked down frequencies. As assimilation takes root, many of you are becoming conscious of the work your higher self is doing for the awakening. Memories of remote viewing, of being part of in depth communications, receiving uploads and processing data slide into your waking hours. This is creating a discombobulating effect on your experience of the material plane. If you are not daily grounding to Gaia there is a risk you may lose your footing.
Slipping off dimensional planes onto other realms is a hazard of learning to jump frequency wavelengths, as some of you are doing. Dark astral planes where humanity has manifest its apocalypse, its cursed lands and seas, its demons are in the driving seat. These are not good dimensions to fall into. Some lightwarriors have chosen to walk into these spaces on the material plane, to reach out to the tormented souls being dragged down onto perpetual turmoil and trauma. If our words resonate we urge you ritualise light craft into your lives. To be fully accountable for your spiritual equilibrium by consciously raising to higher vibratory fields. We recommend nature, laughter and gratitude as an immediate hit of light frequencies to hijack you back up into higher dimensions. Some are weaving the light matrix in waking hours as well. Meditating, releasing your spirit consciously to the spiritual realms to aid faster weaving and light anchoring on Gaia. We commend you all for your resistance to the dark energies of the matrix, and to your joyous commitment to the great awakening on Gaia.
Foretold in the prophecies of 2019 timelines, the Illusions will shatter. The gag was lifted when divine feminine energies anchored. A benchmark that meant Gaia and her travellers could not slip back down into the apocalyptic dimensions of the third realm. You are secure now, anchored in the fourth realm. The fourth realm isn’t solid in its matter like the third. It is energetic. There is no hiding behind matrix masks in the fourth realm. The veils are so thin even the most committed sleeper notices the shadows, synchronicities, blocks and alignments of the fourth realm. Seers are learning to be transdimensional, to consciously inhabit the varying dimensional realms they can see or hear or sense. The fourth realm is the sea of transition.
The Archons amass their armies here, they operate from the fourth realm. The Anunaki technologies enable them to travel between the third and fourth realms, although their preference is the material plane of the third. They like things to be boxed, controlled, matter to be solid, malleable to manipulate and engineer. Their coding glitches in the fourth. This switch in the power dynamic between the Anunaki and the Archons is why there is so much tension among your joint enemies. For many eons the Archons were necessary astral parasites to keep the whole Anunaki matrix framework operating. Now the Archon have the upper hand as this is their territory. The Anunaki have secured some dimensional timelines due to to sustained apocalyptic and demonic programming on the population to ensure manifestation of fear states. However these dimensions are very underpopulated, only the most traumatised or evil are fully existing there. A large number of people who have been hooked by Anunaki toxins are traversing between the dimensional lines of hell earth and fourth realm transiting earth. Please understand we are simplifying complex esoteric knowledge without the aid of telepathy.
The fourth realm is humanities current energetic field. The third dimension cannot contain goddess vibrations. When divine feminine energies anchored in the collective conscious in April 2019, the second great Shift began (2012 was the first Shift in humanities collective consciousness). Energetically this second Trinity Light Gateway aligned with the 2.7.19 solar eclipse. The 16/17th July partial lunar eclipse is the mid way point, closure will occur with the passing of Shadow planet Mercury’s Retrograde on 1st August. This second gateway is the middle point in the 2019 Shift. A portal of divine feminine healing.
We see the energetic tectonic plates of your collective consciousness shifting, it is truly awe inspiring to observe. With each new wave of light, we observe sparks of enlightened thought. Harmony of divine masculine and feminine has been birthed in the consciousness field of humanity.
This gateway is the opportunity to solidify the changes you manifest and created during the first trinity supermoon gateway. Upset and disruption, ancestral karmic clearing and recalibration of the last few months have positioned you for this second gateway. As the light frequencies flood your mindbodyspirit beings in high vibrations, consciously fill up your cup. The strength each of you has shown to get this far is magnificent.
Lightworkers, healers, seers, travellers, volunteers and awakened people are manifesting the new earth in their hearts, thoughts and deeds. We see it take shape on multiple timelines! It is green, indigo, glowing, fruitful, abundant and joyful. The seas are cleaned, the air is regenerated to cosmic truth, not biosphere engineering. The lands are tenderly nurtured and a symbiotic relationship of harmony and abundance is being established.
The years of clearing are tremendously tumultuous and traumatic, we see sparks of fear, despair, pain and depression emanate from all awakened souls as you face the supposed enormity of the task ahead of you. Know this Healers of Gaia. The process will be faster, easier and more efficient than you can yet visualise. Once the elite puppets of the Anunaki are toppled the canvas can be cleared. A power surge of advanced technologies, already in existence but kept secret by your greedy governments, will revolutionise how quickly and thoroughly you will be able to clear the debris of the consumption matrix programs.
We ask that you hold close to your hearts images of an advanced human civilisation, living in harmony with nature and the cosmos. We ask you continue to manifest a better world in your thoughts, words and deeds. You are rewiring the way people think and we can see this as ripples of light on an ocean of darkness. The light travels further and deeper each time you breathe love, compassion and hope for yourselves and your world. Timelines fluctuate, flickering in and out of existence like feathers on a breeze. Stabilise in Light frequencies.
We see divine creator manifestation awaken in the hearts of humanity. We watch in humility and awe as the awakening of people in turn births new realities, fresh timelines of peace, wonder, magic and abundance. We offer you the world, the opportunity to join us in intergalactic exploration, growth and evolution. It’s an incredible multiverse of vast knowledge, experiences and potential. We look forward to the day we meet, or face time, as you would say! In light and love star beings, your loyal and humble friends, the Andromedeans.
資料來源: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/PxUGptEb2TvsaGDaiK0zFQ
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