Sadhguru: Any Pournami is significant because one thing is there is a certain aesthetic quality about it. Anything that you look at, if it is beautiful, your receptivity to that object suddenly becomes a little more, isn’t it? Anything that you consider as ugly, the moment you look at it, your receptivity to that just comes down. So one thing is it has a certain aesthetic quality about it, which definitely improves your receptivity.
萨古鲁:每一个满月日( Pournami )都是意义非凡的,一方面是因为其中有美好的品质存在。不管你看什么,如果它是美丽的,你对它的接受度会突然变得更大,是吧?任何你认为是丑陋的事物,你看它的那一刻,你对它的接受度就会下降。所以,一个带有特定美好品质的事物,它肯定会提高你的接受度。
Another thing is, the planet has moved into a certain position with the moon. The vibration and the feel of the moon is very different when it is full than when it is in other states. And the magnetic pull is also different; the pull of the moon is working upon the surface of the planet which is exposed to the moon. So when there is a natural pull like this, because your spine is vertical, there is a tendency for the energy to go into a natural upsurge of upward movement. Within you, the blood and the prana – the fundamental life energies, flow in a different way because the vibrations have changed. So just as the tides rise more on that night because the gravitational pull of the moon is working on the water more than on other nights, your blood is also being pulled and the circulation of blood increases in your brain.
另一方面,地球和月球移到了某一个特定的位置。与其他时候相比,在月圆之夜,月球的振动和感觉非常不同。引力也变得不同;月球的引力会对正对着月球的地球表面发生作用。因此,当存在这种自然引力时,因为你的脊柱挺直,能量会自然地趋向于上升。在你身体里,血液和 Prana—— 最根本的生命能量,随着振动的改变,也会以不同的方式运行。所以潮水在这个晚上上升得更多,因为月球对水的引力比其他夜晚更大,你的血液也被往上拉升着,你大脑的血液循环也因此加快。
When this upward movement happens, whatever is your quality, can get enhanced. You may have heard that people who are a little off their mental balance will become more imbalanced on those days because the upsurge in energy enhances whatever is your quality. If you are little imbalanced, it will make you more imbalanced. It is also doing the same to the other qualities in you, but most people may not be sensitive enough to notice it. If you are meditative, it makes you more meditative. If you are love, it makes you more love. If you are fear, it makes you more fear. Whatever is your quality, it enhances that.
So people on the spiritual path, if they are on the meditative path especially, it is more conducive to meditate on those nights because without an upsurge of energy, without a heightened sense of energy, there is no question of awareness. What you call as awareness will come naturally to you when you have a heightened sense of energy in your system. So we want to just make use of that night, of that natural phenomenon which is occurring. On this day it is like you have a free ride of energy and awareness.