



In every waking moment, human beings are consciously thinking. Their thoughts, words and actions are purposeful and deliberate, whether they are organising, planning, discussing, gossiping or writing. Underpinning these thoughts are complex belief systems that are the driving force of the intention behind every thought form, spoken word and action towards other people, both kind and unkind.




Conscious thought is the benefactor of both heredity and upbringing, and how a person thinks and behaves is a direct consequence of what they have learnt to believe about themselves, the world and their place in it. In sleep, however, the unconscious mind brings to the fore all of the thoughts, beliefs and doctrine stored in the recesses of the mind and plays them out in the person’s dreams. The unconscious mind is also powerfully connected to the ALL and to the ethereal kingdom, to each person’s spiritual guides and to their higher mind, the one that is aware of their soul contracts and spiritual purpose for reincarnation.




The higher mind instinctively knows every spiritual law that binds every living soul on Earth. The unwritten laws are the guiding force of the Universe for all beings that have a conscious mind, both in body and spirit. When adhered to, everything flows in harmonious balance but when transgressed, the disharmony causes immediate consequences that ripple out to the world and that are felt across the Universe as a whole.




The knowledge of the higher mind is often at odds with the conscious, waking mind because it is instinctively, but not consciously, known. The feelings of unease when a spiritual law is transgressed is often a mystery to the person that is swiftly ignored because they cannot consciously remember where or what it relates to. The transgression will often become greater as a result, putting the person on a path that may digress from the one their soul originally chose and that may or may not cause them to make conscious decisions that directly contradict their values and beliefs.




A very common transgression of spiritual law made by humans is that of the law of karma, which many believe has come to an end in the new Age of Aquarius. To a certain extent this is true, because many souls are in their last lifetime as humans on Earth and thus have returned to play out or resolve all karma from previous lifetimes. However, living on Earth is extremely difficult for evolved souls who know only love and oneness when living in the light. To return to the harsh, dense and often violent reality of Earth can cause many souls to lose sight of their purpose for returning to Earth and to become immersed in the dense third dimensional energies of ego and serving self. In this state, the return to the wheel of karma is extremely easy to do and can result in the soul creating a new path that could see them also needing to reincarnate several more times to resolve their new karmic contracts.




How to avoid this? All humans must now work hard to bring themselves into a higher state of awareness and access the knowledge of their higher minds. Avoid being dragged into the mess that is the drama of the third dimension by seeing everything as an observer with the knowledge that what is playing out is merely an illusion. Send love, light and the Violet Flame of Transmutation to the parts of the world where humans are suffering and where the energies are most dense, but do not become emotionally attached or you will find yourself in the same spiritual predicament as described above.




Be assured, Dear Hearts, that you have the knowledge of the Universe in your higher mind and know all there is to know about Universal Law. To access this knowledge, one needs to put their thinking brain out of the way. Sit in your Sacred Heartspace and think with your heart, not your mind. Trust that what comes to you is from your higher mind as it will feel sacred and of integrity. Something we can tell you right now is that there are many dimensions to thought and higher vibrational thought that are underpinned with love, tolerance, understanding and peace will bring the person into a higher waking consciousness able to access the knowledge of their higher mind.Much love to you all.




WE ARE the Cosmic Council.




通灵:Victoria Cochrane

翻译:Nick Chan




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