新纪元扬升之光 2018-07-31
Can you laugh offyour worries and fears with me in this moment?
Greetingsmy dearest brothers and sisters! Greetings! I AM Jesus Sananda, I AM yourbrother and closest friend.
问候我最亲爱的兄弟姐妹们!你们好! 我是耶稣·萨南达,我是你们的兄弟,也是最亲密的朋友。
I come today, and every day, so that I can step in to speak andsit with you, to bring you peace and love. I want to bring you myreassurance that all is well in your world no matter how rocky and bumpy yourroad of travel might be. There are many changes knocking on your door, and oldissues are coming up rapidly for thee, asking you to let go of them, to purifytheir energy, and then to shift your entire beingness into a higher vibration.
Iam asking you to look briefly at them, and then let them go, thus finding yourpeace rapidly without allowing your egos to intervene and stall you. I amasking you to call on me to assist you in clarifying them before you get toooverwhelmed. Do not get confused or discombobulated, for you are not gettinglost nor are you taking any type of scenic detour.
Iam asking you to remember that this is a lifetime in which we are workingtogether as a team to assist the entire human collective in this process ofcollective ascension. This is not only your mission but our mission as well. Asyou can see, you need to let go of any false sense of pride or silly need toprove yourselves by attempting to do it all alone. You need to turn to me, whenin need, so I can uplift thee and take you into that place of knowing andserenity, the place of unity with the Mother/Father/ God, where there is only love.
Rightnow I want to sit with you around that sacred tri-flame and hold you in mypeace and in my love. I want to show you how to create that space of serenityand surrender in your knowing so that even in the midst of turmoil you cantrust that you know you are safe and that you always know what to do next.
Canyou smile now and see that every single time you needed to change course anddirection, and/or, over time, you needed to grow and expand, my assistance wasalways present for you? Can you laugh off your worries and fears with me inthis moment? It is quite hilarious to see how the human mind never finds themost beneficial way to get you out of your limitations. Let go of theseriousness and rigidity of your human minds!
Thisis why we are saying to thee that you have to relinquish all expectations andlet go of trying to solve current challenges with old knowledge. Focus on whatyou need and desire, but not on how to get it. Trust that the means that youneed will be brought to you effortlessly and gracefully. Yes, you need to beopen to all the possibilities and options, yes, you need to use discernment andto take some actions, but trust that the answers are always with and within you– only a telepathic call, or a loud prayer, or a “deep breath taking” away.
Dearbrother and sisters, you are powerful creators. Yes, we are co-creators, but itis still you that need to understand that your high vibrations bring to youthat bright reality that you are working on, in your dreams, in your meditations,and in your visualizations. When you allow negative events or thoughts to bringyou down, when you build on doubting yourselves, then your progress comes to ahalt.
Lookfor me in every soul that comes to you, call on me and know that I am alwayswith thee.
Iwill leave you with my love and eternal peace and trust! Farewell!