xiaohaozi0716 nannvshen爱情魔法 2018-07-11
Sheldan Nidle 20180710更新
Salamat Jalwa (be in righteousness).We return to speakwith you about many events unfolding around your globe. Your world is caught ina war between good and evil. For 13 millennia, the dark cabal has been incontrol of your planet. With the new strategies we have provided our Earthallies, now called the Alliance, the tides have turned: the dark is losing itspower while the Alliance continues to gain momentum. All the dark cabal hasleft is the ability to cause vexing delays, which soon will cease as well. Thedark is in serious difficulty because it is running out of ways to delude themasses. The Alliance, gradually and at its own pace, is bringing aboutextraordinary alterations in the world.
Salamat Jalwa (be in righteousness).天狼星语,处在公正中!我们回来跟你们说说在你们世界上正在展开的许多事情。你们的世界正陷入到善良和邪恶的战争中。一万三千年来,黑暗阴谋集团一直控制着你们的星球。用我们提供给地球盟友的新策略,现在称为联盟,局势已经扭转了:黑暗正在失去其权力同时联盟继续势头增大。所有的黑暗阴谋集团就只剩下点制造令人烦的拖延的能力了,这也很快就会停止。黑暗处在严重的困难中,因为它们黔驴技穷,没法在欺骗大众了。联盟逐渐地以其自身的步伐正在世界上带来非凡的改变。
We haveshared with the Alliance one of our successful strategies, which we refer to asFluid Group Dynamics. This strategy tends to confuse the cabal because theirstyle of operation is more static. The Alliance is now using this fluid methodto resolve all the problems confronting your world. When each individual'stalents are applied to a particular problem, group leaders change constantly,depending upon the areas of expertise required. Now, as the egotistic cabalfaces their demise, they are beginning to turn on one another. Because FluidDynamics is not based on the ego, group members are able to work cooperatively.Increasing successes are confirming the efficacy of this strategy.
Changes togovernment, to the global banking and currency network, to world peace and tothe world's economic systems are merely the early stages in manifesting yourprophesied galactic society. The unveiling of suppressed technologies willprovide impetus to the paradigm shift that is in progress. These newtechnologies will supply the means for Gaia's restoration, which will includeclean air, clean water, fertile soil. You, also, will reap the benefits ofrestored health from vibrational technology, anti-gravity transportation,teleportation, telepathy and a host of other astounding and life-alteringinnovations. When we arrive on your shores, we will bring even more thrillingtechnologies.
The energiesthat emanate from the Galactic core are awakening the people of Gaia. Thisglobal consciousness awakening is what the cabal fears the most. The volume ofenergy pouring in from the throne of the Creator is immeasurable! As these newfrequencies become integrated and anchored in Gaia's new consciousness grid,lies and greed can no longer hold sway. Truth is emerging into the Light forall to see. Some of these truths will unhinge the public. They are the uglierside of what the cabal has created throughout the centuries. This is a timewhen the Starseeds and Lightworkers are called upon to help. Your understandingof the ascension process will be vastly needed to calm the masses. Prepareyourselves. The day of reckoning approaches!
Greetings. Weare your Ascended Masters. A new realm is dawning. We ask you to remain patientsince an imponderable number of marvelous events is being readied to berevealed. We thank Heaven for what is about to be born! A most graciousblessing is being bestowed upon us all. You must often feel that what you havebeen working for is farther away than it actually is. That, in 3-D terms, thelife manifesting before you is a fact when, in actuality, it is pure illusion.Often it can seem as if your promised prosperity and world peace are nevergoing to manifest. We are here to tell you that they are closer than theyappear in the light of unfolding world events.
The cabal isreeling from the consciousness growth anchored by Gaia's people into the newenergy grid of Light. It has assumed a momentum that ensures its Victory. Wedescended from the bliss of full consciousness into a realm beset by horrors.Despite this adversity/unfavorable turn, the Anunnaki and their minions failedto obliterate our most sacred thoughts. We retained our memories. Our divineservice as Ascended Masters has always been to grant you mercy and succor fromthe depredations of the dark.
Over the pastfew decades, you have watched your lives held seemingly in limbo, as those whowork for the Light sought how best to restore the right and natural order ofthis realm. A plan exists to restore the old ways of Lemuria and make rubble ofthe tyranny employed by the cabal that has kept you enslaved for millennia. Itis to merge all of you into the greater community of Love, Light and mutualcaring! It is destined to bring you closer to understanding the glorious realmof your desire, to helping others and to attaining the joy of innerachievements. To that end, you are to expand in consciousness and grow ingrace. Hosanna in the highest!!!
Today, webrought you another message about what is developing on your world. You are onthe verge of things that, on one level, are deeply longed for but that, onanother, will be truly shocking to many. Rejoice in the knowledge that thegrand plan of Heaven is unfolding around you! Know, dear Ones, in your Heart ofHearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven areindeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Bein Joy!)