Guan Yin says, dear heart, I am Guan Yin. I come today with important message. Divine has decreed that all the light workers who are currently on the planet earth, in human form will have to listen to the call. Divine has sent out the clarion call to all light workers to let them know that the time has come. The time for the light workers to come home. Riding Divine Mother's ascension rays and come home. It is time.
The ascension rays are abundant and the Rays can help. So, take the chance. It is in Divine's best interest that you take this opportunity, ride with the Rays and come home. We are waiting for you at the door, and we want you to come home.
I love you dear ones, I am Guan Yin. The reason the Divine has come forward to make the call is because we have noticed that there are light workers who appear to have enough of the ascension Rays and frequency, who have attended quite a lot of the Divine affairs and we want them, at this time, to come home. We need them to ascend so that the Divine can send them to their next phase which is around the corner. We need our light workers to be ready. We need leaders. Humanity needs way showers, and Divine wants them to be way showers, for their fellow brothers and sisters. So, listen up dear heart. It is your time to come home. You have what it takes. You just need to come home, by will and by Divine Mother's mercy. You will make it. Come join us so that we can start the next step of the ascension process. We are waiting. Divine is waiting. It is time.
In the next few days, we will continue the effort to bring our light workers home. There are quite a few light workers who have just ascended, and are now waiting for the next step. We are so proud of those light workers. They made it home by themselves and now they have literally just gotten home. They have worked hard for the ascension, and they made it.
Dear heart, the reason I said that they made it by themselves is that in the process, we have arranged great numbers of ascension experts and helpers who literally standby, and to help whoever is close to the ascension gate. We do have quite a number of souls who called for the help, and eventually they did ascend after working with the ascension experts. So, know there is help available to everyone who needs it, and know we are at the door, eager to help. So, come and ask for help dear heart. If you feel you are ready to ascend, give it a try. You will make it considering how much help is there available to you.
I love you dear ones. In order to make the ascension smooth, I do want you all to hear the call, give all that you have and come and join us. We have all the help you need. No matter what kind of difficulties you encounter, just give Divine a try, know we are indeed experts on the subject because we have all the knowledge and experience we need, which is by Divine's grace. So, don't hold back, come and join us dear heart. I am Guan Yin. I love you. So it is.
通灵:Linda Li
翻译:Nick Chan