翻译:紫灵 校对:Nick
Greetings. It is I, Uriel. I am very pleased to be here with you to facilitate the next few classes. Many of the Archangels are with me to participate in this experiment. As I dialogue with you in the next several classes, it will be a collective event with many of the Archangels holding specific energetic patternings that will be conducive to the integration of the concepts, the energy, and the initiations. Before we begin, I would like to offer a space here for you to make any comments or ask questions.
Jim: Yes. Can you expand a little more on the definition of the ‘Godhead’ as it relates to Creator/All That Is? You and the other Teachers have been referring to the Godhead more intentionally in the last classes. Would you give me a little more information about the Godhead? What happens there? What is it comprised of?
吉姆:好的。你可以更多地扩张一下对“神性”的定义吗,因为它与造物主 / 一切万有有关?你和其他的老师在过去的课程中更加有意地提及神性。你可以给予我更多关于神性的信息吗?那里发生了什么?它是由什么构成的?
Uriel: First let me say this: All of Creation is very massive. It is more massive than is comprehendible within the physical realm. Creation is a conglomeration of various energetic formats, patterns, and realms of consciousness. It is much more vast than eight or nine or twelve dimensions. And within Creation there are various levels of consciousness and dimensional realms. There are configurations of many collectives that hold consciousness of ever higher dimensions. There are levels of the Higher Mind and there is a Universal Mind that is accessible within those twelve dimensions. There are other Collectives that are far-removed in consciousness that are also present in Creation.
乌列尔:首先让我这样说:所有造物都是非常巨大的。它比在物理领域中对巨大的理解都要巨大。造物是各种能量格式、模式、意识领域的一个凝聚。它比 8 维或者 9 维或者 12 维都要更加巨大。在造物中有着不同的意识水平和维度领域。有着许多拥有更高维意识的集体。有着更高的思维层次并且有着在 12 个维度中可以访问的一个宇宙思维。还有着其他没什么意识的集体存在于造物中。
The Godhead that we speak of has many collective consciousnesses. That Godhead has an unlimited, energetic formatting. There is limitation on your end of the spectrum in comprehending the full expansiveness within that Godhead. What you begin to understand as you access the Godhead are the Elohim, the Lords of Light, the Master realm and the Angelic realm . Those realms are present within that vast Collective of the Godhead. You have access to it within and beyond the ranges of twelfth-dimensional concepts.
我们所说的神性有着许多的集体意识。神性有着一个无限制的能量格式。在对神性有多广阔的理解中在你有着局限性。随着你访问神性 , 你开始理解的是神,光之主,大师领域和天使领域。那些领域存在于广阔的神性集体中。你可以在 12 维度概念的范畴之内和之外访问它
When we speak of the Godhead we speak of It in Its entire complexity. You are able to access and make knowable what is composed of that Godhead from a twelfth-dimensional formatting. Beyond that is the Unknowable; the aspect that you conceive of as Prime Creator. It is an Unknowable realm far beyond what is comprehendible at this level and in this consciousness of the physical realm. There are many, many complexities within Creation. It is vast and far beyond what is comprehendible at this juncture.
当我们述说神性,我们说的是它的整体复杂性。你可以访问并且知道在 12 维度的格式中什么组成了那个神性。超越它的是不可知的;你设想为最初造物主的面向。它是一个未知的领域,远远超出这个物理领域所能理解的。在造物中有着许多的复杂性。它非常巨大并且远远超出目前的理解。
Jim: Okay. That’s along the line I suspected. Thank you. I am grateful for the explanation.
吉姆 : 好吧。我想今天就到这里了。谢谢你。我很感谢你的解释。
Uriel: You are most welcome.