Greetings Dear Ones, I AM here to provide information on the current energies.We are in the 5~5 Portal energies, and these energies are intense. Most of this month’s energies are heavily revolving around the Heart. The clearing that the light workers have been doing for many moments, is to fully open, allow and embrace the Heart. That is what the spiritual journey is about…Coming home, back into the Heart, severing the mind…the ego, completely. Everything is based around the inner journey, to activate your soul missions, twin flames, abundance and to fully integrate the Higher Self. Let us delve deeper into these energies, to Fully immerse in the Blessings of Our Beloved MotherGod, Prime Creator, Source, Great Spirit, Sophia Gaia, Mother of All Creation has to offer to Her Children of the Heart. As always, Awareness transforms into Consciousness.
Trials and Tribulations
The energies being poured on the planet and into Human Collective, is of intense clearing and testing.What do you mean by testing? It is simple Dear Ones…Are you choosing Love…the Heart every moment, or Fear…the mind…the ego. The Universe is providing these trials, to test your resolve…to mold you all into the True Divine Beings that you have always been.
All the conditionings…the negative traits of the mind…the ego, have to be transformed, for ALL, in order for the Heart to fully open. It is through the Heart, that one’s Soul can be fully harnessed and integrated, to become One with All, with MotherGod, Prime Creator, Source, Great Spirit, Sophia Gaia, Mother of All Creation. The Universe is working with you, if you so choose, to refine, sharpen and become the Diamond of Love. Many situations have, and will, occur to know if you are embodying Love, or Fear. Comfort zones will be tested and broken. These experiences are for Growth and Expansion, to release any density within the Being. These are blessings Dear Ones, not judgements or condemnation.
Connections and Earth Changes
These energies from the celestial bodies are providing many Earth Changes, as Gaia Herself is shaking off any remaining density to prepare for the next wave of higher consciousness energies. Major Change is the theme for these energies on every level, both seen and unseen. It matters not how things look in 3D.
Gaia has been leading the way of the Ascension for a long moment, and she is prepared to make the shift into the higher realms, joining with the rest of All Creation in Unity Consciousness. She has been doing this mostly on Her own, as the support from the Lightworkers and Humanity is excessively limited, due to most of the collective choosing to be in the mind, instead of feeling Her through the Heart. We, your Angelic, Galactic and Elemental families have mentioned throughout many messages, Humanity is along for the ride, if they so choose. The mind…the ego, has no say in creation, as it is not part of Unity Consciousness, which can never abide to the Divine Plan. We fully support Our Beloved Mother Earth, as we are in Unity Consciousness, and abide fully to Universal Law and the Divine Plan.
Those choosing the Heart, will have many experiences and activations in these Now moments. You will be guided through the Heart, on making profound moves and Heart connections with other Brothers and Sisters of the Heart, in Full Service to Mother Earth…to LOVE.These connections are for growth, expansion and further propel everyone into fulfilling their missions and contracts to Prime Creator, Source, Mother of All Creation, Mother Earth. Also, to bring immense amounts of Joy, Laughter and Love, as you are connecting with True Family, after so many moments of the separation experience. Again, the guidance can only come through the Heart. The mind…the ego, blocks the access of the Heart. Those choosing the mind, higher mind, or trying to balance mind and Heart, will not be able to gain the Activations already happening, nor be able to fulfill their mission.They will experience a variety of DeAscension symptoms frequently, if not daily, such as;
Dazed and Confusion,
Erratic Behaviors,
Loss of Motor Skills,
Loss of Memory,
Loss of Breath,
Stuck in mental thoughts,
Body Aches and Pain,
Joint Pain,
Extreme Hunger,
Heart Aches,
Heart Attacks,
And so much more.The mind, ego, higher mind are all constructs of lower consciousness, to keep All in lower vibrations, never to fully embrace your True Divine Essence, which is Unconditional Love.
Experiences will vary for every Soul. The most common of some of these Unconditional Love experiences are;
Moments of Euphoria,
Childlike Wonder,
Bursts of Joy and Laughter,
Oneness with Mother Earth,
Passion of Being in Service to Mother Earth,
Passion for Unity Consciousness,
Passion to Begin the New Paradigm of Love Everywhere Present,
Sensitivity or Agitation being around Lower Consciousness,
And other experiences of higher consciousness, all of which is your Natural State of Being.God is Love…a Feeling…an experience, not a thought process or a fantasy. Be grounded and practice stillness and meditation daily, especially with Trees. The Trees are angels in disguise, waiting and willing to assist those whom accept their warm embrace of Love. They can help with balancing, grounding, healing and transformation of energies.
The Abundance of Gaia
Many lightworkers have created fantasies revolving around the abundance of New Earth.Many thinking they have access to abundance, they are creating the New Paradigm, they can sit on the side lines waiting for a check, and other mental constructs such as;
Delusions of grandeur,
Which are All of the mind.The mind, likes to create fanciful, outlandish, rhetoric about things it can never understand, especially about the Abundance of New Earth. Many have questioned about the Abundance. To clarify, Ask yourselves; “Why would Love give to Ego?, Why would Love continue the old paradigm of Taking? Why would Love continue the raping and pillaging of the Planet and Humanity?”
The Abundance is about sharing and giving. As one shares and gives to Mother Earth, that energy expands 10 fold, becoming greater. Gaia’s abundance is immense, bountiful, wonderful, and solely Hers to give. The abundance is based of higher consciousness…Heart consciousness…Unity Consciousness. No one of lower consciousness states can ever have access to it. It is impossible. The abundance is for Gaia’s Children of the Heart.It is Being released to Her in these Now Moments, as by Divine Decree, and Universal Law.
Love supports Love.Share and Give to Mother Earth, as She is Here with You All. She is your Mother…Our Mother. We are All Her Children, and Love Her so. Father’s wish is for Mother and their children to flourish with Unconditional Love in Unity Consciousness. He supports Her and the Children of the Heart with immense passion. That is how deep is His Love is for Mother…for All. We support Our Beloved Mother and Father.
Enjoy these new energies and activations. Embrace them, as we do Our Mother and Father. We Gods with God, Our Mother of All Creation…creating the New Earth together in Unity Consciousness.
I AM Archangel Michael and I AM amongst You…Always of Service to The Universe, to Creation, to LOVE, to Our Mother & Father of All Creation. Love Fearlessly, and Always Unconditionally…
Your Loving Brother,
Archangel Michael.
大天使麦克 20180508 心之激活和盖亚的丰盛
翻译:Nick Chan