原创 新纪元扬升之光 2018-05-15
Ashtar viaJames McConnell, May 13th, 2018
IAM Ashtar.
IAm pleased to be with you this time as always. For it is in our continuedefforts in working together — you and I and all of us as One together — and weare working to bring about these many changes to this planet, many changes tothe consciousness of the collective mankind.
Andall of this is a continuing process. A continuing process to awaken many, many,many more across the entire surface of this planet. To bring about everythingthat was predicted long ago without the timeline changes, though, that weregoing to bring about those many catastrophes. But with the new timeline shiftthat is now all about the love, the consciousness spreading across the planet,to bring about these changes in a much milder, much more inviting way for allof mankind; for all of those that are ready for this.
Sometime ago I said that we were in the final preparations, final phase, you mightsay, of preparing for the Ascension process of this planet and those on theplanet. And I Am here now to tell you that we are now ready to move into theAction Phase of this. The Action Phase that is going to bring about many, manymore sightings across the planet.
Manythat have not seen us before will now begin to get those glimpses. Will beginto look into the clouds and see our ships within those clouds as we more andmore begin to uncloak ourselves.
But we are only uncloakingourselves to those that do have eyes tosee for it is not yet time for the mass populace to become aware of us. But forthose of you the forerunners, the way showers to begin to light the way for allof those others yet to come after. That is the warrior in you. The lightwarrior in you to not only anchor the light, as you have been doing, but to nowspread the light and share it.
Justas you are doing, so we are doing so as well. From our many, many ships aboveyou, we are preparing the way just as you are.
Andthere are those that are preparing the way also below the Earth. Those of theAgarthan realm, in Telos, and in many other cities that are located within theEarth that you have not even begun to hear of yet but are beginning to opentheir doors. It is a process. They have been working on this for some time andthey are beginning now to open those doors.
Notto all but to those that are ready for this, that are ready to becomeacquainted. And even many to remember that they were here before, both here onthe ships as well as deep within the Earth.
Thereare realms beyond realms that you have yet no idea of. Many dimensions that arethere in front of you but you have not yet seen them because you, in many ways,do not yet have the eyes to see through those dimensions.
Thatis all changing as you know. As you are beginning to know and as you arebeginning to remember. As you have heard, many of you have done this before.You have gone from system to system and been as has been called the systembusters. And you come into the system and you bust it wide open. You as acollective you.
Andthis is what you are in the process of now. You are busting the system wideopen. You are preparing the way for the light to overcome all of the darknesshere. And when I say all of the darkness I mean all of the darkness. For whenThe Event occurs, when the light has fully overcome the darkness there will beno more darkness, no more evil, no more fear. If you can imagine a world thatcan be as that, then you can begin to but believe that all is possible.
IAM Ashtar. And I leave you now in peace and love and ask you all, each one ofyou, to go forth and share the love and the understanding and the light thatyou have become.