My dear friends, we love you so very much,
It is a time of great change upon your planet earth. For years, many existed in stagnation or apathy. Now there is great movement! Almost everyone is bringing their hearts to the surface. More and more people are sharing their opinions – some beautifully and lovingly and some not as kindly. Those who try to avoid their feelings are becoming a bit psychotic, for the energy is so strong that to resist one’s own feelings is painful.
Many of you are experiencing sudden chaos in life, unnamed anxiety, and even strange physical conditions. At the same time, many of you are experiencing a greater sense of peace, freedom, and clarity.
It is important in these exciting and intense energies to allow yourselves to feel the full range of your feelings. It is important not to push them aside, avoid them by engaging in addictive behaviors, or pretend to be someone you are not.
Imagine a mighty force of water is trying to push itself through a pipe. If the pipe were to “stuff its feelings” it would become clogged. The water pressure would build up until the pipe was ready to burst. So took, if you don’t let your feelings flow in a healthy way, the energy coursing through you might just cause you to burst – in outbursts of anger, tears, or strange, or physical conditions.
Even stuffed emotions from your past are coming to the surface, so if you find yourself with an emotion you don’t understand just let it flow through you in a healthy way, without judgment or over-analysis.
If you feel overwhelmed with feeling, sit and talk to your angels. Tell us your problems Allow us to help you. It has been said that you must “be as a child to enter the kingdom of heaven.” Children allow themselves to feel. They ask for help.
Dear ones, do not fear your feelings. They are helping you. They show you where you need to be kinder to yourself, where you need to change, act differently, think differently, or initiate changes in your life. They show you where your thoughts are not quite in alignment with your goals and dreams. They are gifts. Let them flow. Let them go. Then once again you will be able to focus with clarity and certainty on that which you want to create.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.— The Angels
通灵:Ann Albers
翻译:Nick Chan