原创 2018-05-02 阿达玛 新纪元扬升之光
Adama via James McConnell, April 29th, 2018
I AM Adama.
I have not spokenthrough this one and to this group for some time.
But as alwayseverything is being orchestrated and the times that I can be here and be withyou are going to increase over the times coming. Because of necessity, becauseof those things that are beginning to occur not only from above, as you hearfrom our dear brother Ashtar, and Aramda, and others, but also frombelow, for those of my brothers and sisters who reside here yet to thisday.
And we have awaited for long time now,just as you have, for the time that we all come together again as brothers, assisters, as family. For we are all family.Just as you have declared your group, this Ancient Awakenings as a family, weare your extended family. We are a part of your soul group and groups.
And those of youthat have come here to be a part of this expression, this evolution of man,this great leap of consciousness that is about to occur, we are here to assistthat entire process, to be a part of this great orchestration, to be a part ofthis great plan for the Earth. Not only for the surface of Earth but for thoseof us below the Earth as well because as you evolve we evolve. All is one. Weare all moving together in this.
And as we are ofservice to you, you are of service to us. That is how it continues to work. Allyou need to do is to continue to have faith, continue to have trust — not in usbut in yourselves; in yourselves to continue to move forward, to move on witheverything that you know within you. To continue to find that expression withinyourself that is the remembrance, remembrance of old souls coming together onceagain just as we are coming together again.
For as many ofyou, most of you, were in Lemuria in those times, those grand times, thatGolden Age. As you were there I was there with you as well.
And I as I look toall of you now, I remember many of you just as when you are able to finally seeme as I physically would be in front of you, many of you will remember me aswell for we have journey together. We have journeyed together from a farawaysystem and journeyed to this planet thousands and thousands and thousands ofyears ago. Many eons of time has passed. And we came here and we developed thecivilization on the continent of Mu and we grew, together, as one.
And together asone we exited that continent. We left either by moving to another area — manyto the Mount Shasta area — or by exiting the body and moving on into a newenergy knowing that we would all be coming together again.
我们一起离开了那个大陆,在我们离开时,要么转移到另一个地方 - 许多人去了雪士达山地区 - 要么离开身体,继续进入到一种新的能量,因为知道我们都会再次聚在一起。
And this is whatit is all about. This is what we are all here doing now. We are coming togetheragain as one. Not only I, as Adama, with all of you, but Sananda and SanatKumara and St. Germain and One Who Serves and so one and so on, Ashtar, all arecoming back together again to join together as one, as one family. And as onevoice we echo out those energies that we had so long ago that vibration that weall shared. And we are coming back now together as a family within thisvibration this vibration now that is once again reaching the crescendo that itonce did.
We are now readyto move into that vibrational crescendo and all of you are a part of this.
I leave you now.All of my peace and love be with all of you as I long to once again be there infront of you just as many of you long to be there in front of all of us.
Peace and love bewith you.