原创 2018-05-01 xiaohaozi0716 nannvshen爱情魔法
AChanneled Message From A Group Called “TheLight”~ By Suzanne Spooner Of Tauk
Suzy ,你好 .
Suzanne:{Hello, how should I address you?]
Suzanne :你好,我应该如何称呼你?
You cancall us The Light.
[Lovely.I am happy to connect with you.]
Suzanne :很可爱。我很高兴与你们连接。
As arewe. We want to let you know this: Theplanet is in a state of transition from the belief of the shift to the knowingof the shift.
(Thefeeling came with this of what it’s like to know you have been given a job vsnow being comfortable in the job and the tasks that it involves.)
Suzanne :这感觉上去就像“知道你已经获得一份工作”和“现在已经舒服地对待这份工作和它所包含的任务”这两者之间的区别。
Theplanet is in a moment of flux and would like all to know how much itappreciates the work and energy so many humans are giving to assist it intransformation. Every thought, feeling and deed of love and support to theearth is known and recognized.
Theupgrade that is happening now is opening portals of light to bring in higherenergy. This in turn will be felt as clearer thinking and easier manifestation.
It isimperative, to those who are aware, to be mindful of your lower vibrations.Please let go of fear, unhappiness and anger. All feelings will manifestquicker now. Focus on forgiveness of others to allow more energy to be used forthe benefit of self and All. For those who harbor ill will or thoughts towardsother or self, life will become more challenging. Let it go.
Playwith the higher energy by sending clear thoughts and feelings of what youdesire. Have a calm and appreciative heart while doing so. Everyone’s time onearth and in this life is just a brief blip in relation to Now. Find the beautyin what is around you.