2018-04-05 14:33
原创 2018-04-05 xiaohaozi0716 nannvshen爱情魔法
SheldanNidle 20180403更新
Selamat Jalwa!We are pleased to inform you that there is a strategy that we, the GalacticFederation, have implemented quite successfully. The cabal, arrogantlybelieving that no one could defeat them and unwilling or unable to change howthey operate, has been hanging on to power with all their might. This ischanging. Although they now realize that they are losing their stranglehold onEarth's citizenry, they stubbornly choose to fight to the bitter end. Whilethis is a position difficult for most Lightworkers to comprehend, remember thatit is in the cabal's epigenetic nature to rule at all costs. For generationstheir dominance has been undisputed. No one of significance challenged them:anyone who did was merely laughed at. The cabal, especially its westernfaction, wants this reality to remain firmly in place. Thankfully, your 3Dreality is evolving and growing effectively energetic. Change is inevitable. Asconsciousness grows, it is becoming more and more dynamic.
Selamat Jalwa! (Be inEverlasting Joy!) 天狼星语,处在永恒的喜悦中。我们很高兴通知你们,有一个战略,我们银河联邦实施得非常成功。阴谋集团,他们自大地认为没人能够击败他们并且不愿或无法改变他们运作的方式,一直竭尽全力紧紧抓住权力不放。这种情况正在改变。尽管现在他们意识到他们正在失去对地球居民的束缚,他们倔强地选择苦战到底。这是一个大多数光之工作者很难理解的局势,请记住不惜任何代价去统治是阴谋集团后天形成的性质。一代又一代,他们的统治一直是无可争辩的。没有重要的人挑战他们:任何挑战他们的人只会被嘲笑而已。阴谋集团,尤其是其西方派系,想要让这个现实稳固地存在下去。满怀感激地,你们的3D现实正在能量上有效地进化和成长着。改变是不可避免的。随着意识增长,它正变得越来越动态化。
This has opened portals by which our team'sstrategy can infiltrate or fill in the holes created by Gaia's increase infrequency and the decrease in her magnetic and gravitational fields. We havegiven you a model of how the earth is transforming from bi-polar to mono-polarenvironment. The bi-polar eco-system imprisons you in limited consciousness.The mono-polar system will hold your new Unity consciousness in place. Thisprocess is being quickened by events observed by climatologists and geologistsalike. Your planet's entire magnetic and gravitic fields are shifting. Thismeans that the currents and the aurora borealis (Northern Lights) are migratingsouthward, covering the surface of Earth. Your geologists have measured thenorthern magnetic field's migration all the way to the equator. The auroraaustralis (Southern Lights) are moving inward at the South Pole. Scientistsdon't know what to make of these roaming magnetic fields because they persistin believing that the Earth is solid.
The change in magnetic fields is in turnaffecting Earth's ocean currents, which allow winter to move farther south.This is the prime reason for the many erratic weather conditions around theworld. The North Atlantic Current is not acting in a normal manner, resultingin weather extremes - colder winters and hotter summers - across the globe. ThePacific currents, likewise, are exhibiting erratic weather cycles. The Japaneseand the Humbolt currents no longer flow the way they have for centuries. Thisis proving most confusing to your scientists.
Change in density creates a new realitythat, like a giant pin cushion, is producing holes in the space-time fabric ofour 3D reality. As gravity becomes irregular, so, too, does our atmosphere. Asspace-time shifts, it creates new realities. They are the pin cushion effect towhich we are referring and produce differences in what is occurring in gravityand magnetic fields. This strategy is further vetted by ascension symptoms thatthe head, heart and throat and many other parts of your physical body. Ineffect, lower chakras are beginning to interact with higher chakras. This isenhanced by changes in frequency developing within your current reality. Wepossess a dynamic that is changing every detail. As consciousness grows, thechakras are becoming more active and more of you are waking up. In the process,you begin to question the status quo and seek the greater meaning of life. Asyou change your minds about how you react to each other, a network is createdof people yearning to find the Truth. You are evolving in a direction that thecabal has tried to avert but no longer can. The number of those awakened nolonger holds in place the old reality, which was based on war, greed andcompetition. People's hearts want peace, abundance for all and cooperation.Victory is assured.
Greetings! We are your Ascended Masters! Wecome during this divine season to talk to you about Grace. As noted in anearlier message, Grace is about respect. It is a time when two people make theeffort to introduce each other's souls to one another in a spirit of kindness.It is a moment when one lives in alignment with our Creator's divine plan,rather than within the struggles of illusion. By the grace of God. It isimportant at all times to work beneath the sanction of divine grace, as itspurpose is to align your desires with the flow of the Divine. Moreover, at thistime, a continuous series of special blessings is showering your planet inacknowledgment of this most distinguished occasion. It is natural for Heaven touse this holy time to explain the extent of the special sacrifice of Yeshua(Jesus), the Christ. A towering Soul Essence was released at his resurrection.It is this special time in which we celebrate the prodigious number of heavenlyblessings bestowed upon both the great illuminated Light of the Christ and uponthose disciples who followed and sustained this utmost sacrifice. As we realignwith the Truth of who we truly are, we are all becoming Christed expressions ofour Creator.
What makes Yeshua's teachings special is theunique level of consciousness his Soul illuminated in that particular life. Itis important at all times to work within the sanction of divine grace, as itspurpose is to align your desires with the flow of the Divine. We are all developingChrist consciousness. As we look back and examine the lives of our fellowMasters, none can fully duplicate the meaning of Christ's sacrifice tohumanity. It has given us all a distinctive Light and blueprint that is one ofthe vehicles that enables us to raise consciousness. We are most blessed bythose who follow in the steps and ways of that great Christed Light. At thistime we honor the effect that that glorious Light has had on us and,ultimately, on the world. For that reason, we hold this as a very special timein our hearts.
In commemoration of this hallowed time, twoamong us, Count Saint Germain and Quan Yin, for a 24-hour period each year,shut down our World Trust activities to celebrate all that this season trulymeans to your ascension process. As we previously noted, this Light allows usto bring out into the open the great Lights and the victories that now areready to be revealed. Your growth in consciousness, connected to the Light, isnow ready to manifest a glorious Victory for all Souls trapped in the darknessthat once controlled this globe. Thus, we ask that the collective energy ofthis blessed season be used to lift up your individual and collectiveconsciousness. As you are prepared, embrace the Light of higher consciousnessand use it to help elevate the whole of humanity. Easter is a time to honor themeaning of the Christ Light and the way it is bringing in a new dawn ofconsciousness to the people on this planet and to all residing in the Milky Waygalaxy. In this most sacred season, we honor both the past sacrifices of thisone great Light and the growth of consciousness that is hovering on the brinkof an unprecedented global awakening.
Today, we carried on with our discussionabout your reality and how it is being transformed. Everywhere, your world isexperiencing the chaos that is a constituent of your present reality's demise.Understandably you are frustrated and you wonder when and how this turmoil isto end. We are working with Heaven and our Earth allies to get this hugelycomplex operation done in a divine and timely manner. Know, dear Ones, in yourHeart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heavenare indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Bein Joy!)
今天,我们继续了有关你们现实以及它正如何被转化的讨论。你们世界各处都在经历着混乱,这是你们当前现实灭亡的组成。可以理解,你们感到挫败,你们想知道何时这个混乱会结束。我们正和天堂以及我们的地球盟友一块工作来让这个巨大复杂的行动以神圣和及时的方式完成。亲爱的人们,请知晓天堂数不尽的供应和永无止境的繁荣确实是你们的!去这样成为它!Selamat Gajun!Selamat Ja!(天狼星语,成为一!处于喜悦中!)