I AM St. Germain.
And I bring to you the Violet Flame. But I represent the Violet Flame just as you are each one that Violet Flame. We are all bringing this in together; all of us as one bringing the light, bringing the oneness, bringing these changes and shifts and all of this in consciousness that is continuing on.
And I am here this time to bring you news. News yes that is happening, that you are beginning to see more and more, but this news is going to increase greatly. These happenings, these changes, these shifts are going to continue to happen just as they are in the process now.
You have heard for a very long time now of mass arr·ests. You have heard that the shift in consciousness is going to come about and bring these great changes which will culminate in these mass arrests. For this has to happen. It cannot be held back. And those of the dark forces have realized that they are finished.
As Archangel Michael said recently, many opportunities have been given to those to turn toward the light. They have received many chances but they have thwarted each one. Each advance that has moved toward them they have pushed away because they know only one thing. They know only service to self. They are not aware at all about service to others as those of you, the light workers, light warriors, light sharers and bearers, you are the ones that are coming to understand now more and more of this idea and concept of service to others because you have all been a part of this before. You have all done this before.
So it is time now for the entire population to begin to awaken more and more and you are the ones that have been anchoring the light and sharing the light. And because of you bringing this light in and holding it here, you are the ones that are allowing for this continuing process to occur. Without you we would not be able to make much of a change here. But because of all of you we are able to make inroads into the changes that are necessary in this process.
And these changes are coming very rapidly. You are beginning to see this more. There are going to be many arrests that are going to happen. Many are going to be indicted and many are, at this point, and more are coming. Many more are coming! And you are only at this point still seeing the lower realm, you might say, the lower rungs of the ladder but you are going to begin to see more and more of those ones at the upper echelons of the, what you call the elite. They are going to be taken out of the picture and that is strongly in process now.
So all you need to know is that everything is happening exactly as it needs to, exactly as we have all been saying it is going to happen and the belief process that is necessary for you is something that you need to more and more continue to believe in. Believe in that belief process Believe that you can make the difference. Believe that you can change the very molecular structure of your body whenever you need to whenever it is necessary as well as helping to change the molecular structure of others who are also in need. And as you have come to understand yes it is the belief process that is necessary here. Intention is one thing but you must have the belief. That is the belief to be able to change your DNA, to change your structure within you, to make those shifts and changes within you.
All of this is possible because you are the power, you are the ones that are holding this, you are the God Creator within each of you. The Source of All is within every single one of you; every single one of us. And the more and more you continue to understand that, the more that you will find yourselves one day there: right at the threshold of the ascension. And this is where you are headed. This is what you are working toward.
So all you need to know or all you need to continue to do is just keep on doing those things you are learning to do. Do not be concerned about whether you are doing them or not doing them, whether you are following through or not following through. Everyone — and I do repeat this — everyone that is resonating to these kinds of words, to these understandings, everyone will move through this ascension process. It cannot be so that it cannot be.
So all you need to do is keep on doing those things you are being trained to do. And even more importantly those things that you have known to do all along because it is in, within each of us to move through this process and continue to have this ascension. And as you have heard many times the ascension can no longer be stopped They have tried many times in many different ways to hold the ascension off but even they knew that it would not be able to be possible. They only attempted to hold it off. They attempted to change the timelines, all of these things, but in reality they are up against a force that they cannot even understand themselves.
I AM St. Germain I leave you now with all of my peace and love and that the Violet Flame continues to merge and shift and change everything within you as it purges out all of the old and brings on the new.
圣哲曼 20171119 相信你可以做出不同
通灵:James McConnell
翻译:Nick Chan
音頻來源: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTZkP927R50