
(2017-10-16 00:03:34)



Greetings children, it is I, Mother God. I greet you today, tonight, wherever you may be in this beautiful green blue orb, wherever you are at energetically, I see you and I greet the god spark within you.




Can you see how beautiful you are to me? I know every freckle (which are beautiful by the way) every smile, every tear, every loss, every pain and I see you. I love you and I embrace you. Snuggle up to me and let me tell you a story, your story, our story. But know it has a happy ending.




In the beginning, in the dawn of things, we were creating many beautiful and new galaxies and worlds, all a swirl with color and passion and light and love, lovely beautiful energies everywhere, like an energy blanket of love that permeated all things.




This love energy pulsed through the universe and was the substance of whatever we created. Only light and only love would we allow in our creative imaginings because we , Father and I, are pure love and light and creative potential. There are many creator gods, for how else could Source continue to create and expand and know itself? Other Mother and Father Gods created many universes and alternate realities, all within the confines of pure love. And so it was.




Much happened. And here we are today recovering and restructuring this reality that was so maligned from love it breaks my heart and causes great tears to fall. For your tears are my tears and I feel your pain. It was not supposed to be this dark. But I digress.




The lesser creator gods continued to create and to expand and report back to Source as instructed, until one day one of them chose to go their own way and do their own thing. Many versions of this story of rebellion are in your scriptures and ancient texts for it is a universal truth, in this universe, of rebellion and battle and has been so for so long. But times are changing. I will not go into further details at this time, that is for another day. But know that the chain of command of creation as it trickled down the line, became corrupted with greed for power and domination in a few, who made their presence of havoc and hell known across this universe. Several universes were completely lost to the dark and dissolved into themselves.




Earth was to be a safe haven, a creative library of common DNA questions and collaboration center where other beings and other creators could showcase their creations, and mutual learning and sharing of understandings could take place. This, as you know, was hijacked by those who wanted this beautiful jewel Gaia, as their own property and possession that they could do with as they wished and dispose of when they completed their journey, mission, it is hard to know what to call it. As you know, your beautiful human DNA that sparkled like a million diamonds was alarmingly reduced to only 2 strands, cutting the memories of your multi-dimensional self and of your own creator god powers.




Is this too much too soon children? Shall I continue? Please remember you volunteered, clamored, to come here and to be a part of the grandest evolutionary expansion your soul or this universe has ever e·xp·ressed. What an opportunity, for our goal is to continually love, continually expand more, and to experience Source more intimately, for when we experience Source within, we experience that elusive thing called inner peace, which is sorely needed on your beautiful war-torn planet at this time. Can you understand that which you seek is truly within you, in your heart space, in your diamond encoded DNA?




This is an extremely challenging incarnation and tumultuous moment on Gaia, but it shall pass. Truly it shall. Earth will be again a beacon of hope across the universe, across all of the many universes, announcing to all things that LOVE WINS. Do you see you are our beloved children and you are in the winning team? Breathe in the victory. Breathe in the comfort. Let us heal you. It is almost over. Hang on.




I enfold you in sparkle light of the highest love encodements, surrounding each cell, each finger, each little toe. I see you. I know you. I love you. All is truly well. All is well. Rest children in my arms, in my love, in my presence, and know how much you are loved. You are heavens hope for many, many things. You are the leaders of Nova Gaia. Feel it in your hearts and embrace the New as your reality. For what you see in your heart, you can create in your reality. Truly.




Be at peace now. I am your Mother God.






翻译:Nick Chan


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