Romantic Relationships ∞Quan Yin
“It is I, Quan Yin.
Opening yourself to another requires you to be vulnerable. You need to allow yourself permission to be exactly who you are. This is at the heart of why you connect in romantic relationship. It is not because you need the other person to be whole and to be complete. You come together to help each other heal. You come together because it is healthy for you to be exposed. It is a necessary part of your evolution to allow yourselves to be seen, to be heard, to be felt, to be experienced as you are.
Many of you are looking for the perfect mate because you feel imperfect yourself. So you have this notion, this idea that the perfect other will compensate for your imperfections. And some of you actually find these mates and soon recognize that they are also going to prompt you to expose yourself and be vulnerable, perhaps even more so.
When you feel that someone else has something that you do not have, some quality, some attribute, or some degree of attractiveness, that only magnifies your feelings of insecurity, your lack of self-love. So what I love to see in human relationships is when you let it all hang out, when you give yourselves permission to be messy, to have imperfections, and to be vulnerable and exposed.
And when you are, when you accomplish this, that is when the healing can begin. That is when the love of another can help you convince yourself that you are lovable just as you are. The primary reason why you feel drawn to connect with one another in that way is because your higher self knows precisely what you need, and so you will always be attracted to those who will be the catalysts for this type of growth experience.
I am Quan Yin, and I hold you in my heart.”