Guan Yin says, dear heart, I am Guan Yin. In the process of getting the Divine government members together, we, the Divine, have noticed that there are quite a number of our beloved archangels who are currently incarnated in human form, on the planet, and yet have no idea who they are. They have no idea that they are great archangels incarnated, and conducting Divine missions. They just go on with their lives as if there were nothing special about them. In this way, they enjoy human life till the end, not knowing that they are the ones Divine has sent them here with great expectations and hope that someday, they would be the ones who bring Gaia home, clean up the planet, and help humanity along the way.
There is a great deal of work waiting for those souls, and we, the Divine and the company of heaven, have tried numerous ways to get their attention, and hope that they know their true identity, and wake up to the Divine calls.
These souls are the ones Divine has repeatedly called. We want them to know that their wake up time is due. Their mission is waiting for them, and they need to come up the ladder and start the mission. They have a great deal of work ahead of them, designed for them, particularly at this time. And they need to know that. They are the archangels, and they have the homework to do.
Wake up dear heart, you are the ones Divine is calling. We, the Divine, have repeatedly sent out the clarion calls in the hopes that you would heed the call, rise up and start the mission.
Due to the time when you are needed, which is now, we, the Divine, really have desperately tried to get your attention. We know that once we have your attention, we have a better chance. But no matter how hard we try, you seem to enjoy your human life, yet totally forgot your origin, your archangel origin, and that saddens us. We, the Divine figured that eventually, after a few trys, eventually you may just wake up. But, as of today, we still have large number of archangels who remain in deep sleep. No matter what, they seem unable to wake themselves up. And that has to change. Regardless what it takes, we, the Divine are determined to bring our beloved archangels home, one by one, we are going to make sure all of them, wake up and join the Divine, and eventually come home.
I love you dear heart, I am Guan Yin. In this process of being human, we, the Divine, have lost a tremendous amount of light beings. I say lost because they just forget who they are, and never make it. They come and go, not waking up to their true identity. They have mastered the skills of being a human, but never experienced awakened life, and that is the tragic part of this ascension process. We have so much love and investment in this process, yet at end of the day, we have so little harvest. Most of the beings on the planet, come and go, no real wisdom gained, only thing they enjoy in human aspects, being human and playing the ego games, and never tired of it. And that is the current state of the most human beings on the planet, and we have come to the conclusion that we need to eliminate that as soon as possible.
In terms of what the Divine can do to make this journey efficient, so that our Divine team and Divine government can start their rules and begin the next phase of the planetary ascension process. We, the Divine, had come to the conclusion that we need our entire team to come to Washington DC, and start the journey from there. But in order to do that, we have to have all of the team members ready and so far, we only have a third of the team members ready. The other two thirds are still in the process. They don't even know that they are archangels incarnated. They are the Divine team members. Their Divine Mother is waiting for them and their Divine mission is waiting for them. So much so that they are the ones that Divine has literally focused on since day one, and yet, they still are no where near ready. So, that has to change.
After consulting with the Divine and the Divine Mother, we, the Divine and the company of heaven, have decided that all the archangels who are currently on the planet, in human form, and regardless of where they are, and how far they have come on this ascension journey, we, the Divine, wants them to respond to the call. We are the ones who have been trying to wake you up. And we have been calling you, yet you have not heard the call, nor have you waken up. But now is time. You need to heed the call, and come home to the Mother. You journey home needs to start now. No more games. Regardless of who you are, you need to come to the realization that your true calling is here. You are wanted by the Divine, and the Divine wants you to know that You are the archangel incarnated. You have a great many roles to play here in Washington DC. We are waiting for you, now, not tomorrow. Get yourself ready, wake up and start the move. We are waiting for you indeed. I am Guan Yin, I love you. So it is.
通灵:Linda Li
翻译:Nick Chan