I'd like to explore some topics relevant to the Covid-19 pandemic that's happening today,in a question-and-answer format,for quick release.
Q:Are the people behind these pandemics Illuminati?
Matthew Ward:Yes,indeed they are Illuminati,and they still wield strong influence in clinical medicine,medical research and drug approval bodies–in short,they have been creating diseases by one means or another and manipulating health care systems and medications around your world.(1)
马修·沃德: 是的,他们确实是光照派,他们在临床医学、医学研究和药物审批机构中仍然有着强大的影响力——简而言之,他们通过这样或那样的方式制造疾病,操纵你们世界的医疗保健系统和药物治疗。 (1)
Q:How do they operate?
SaLuSa:Fear is the weapon of the dark Ones,and it has crept into all aspects of your life.The threat of Swine Flu is grossly exaggerated,and the vaccine can be every bit as dangerous as the flu itself.We see a major revolt against it,and the imposition of its mandatory use will engender a great backlash from the public.Like a number of earlier flus,it is man made,and intended to keep you in a state of panic.
SaLuSa : 恐惧是黑暗势力的武器,它已经潜入你生活的方方面面。猪流感的威胁被严重夸大了,疫苗的危险程度可以和流感本身一样。我们看到了对它的强烈反抗,强制使用它会在公众中引起强烈的反弹。就像许多早期的流感一样,它是人造的,目的是让你处于恐慌状态。
That you have woken up to how you are being used and abused has stalled the progress of the Illuminati plan to hold you all in their grasp.We also have some input into such matters,and we are allowed to limit the extent to which such plans are successful.Total interference is not allowed,as a karmic situations exist that must be followed through.(2)
你们已经清醒地意识到你们是如何被利用和滥用的,这已经阻碍了光照派计划的进程,这个计划就是要把你们全部掌握在他们的手中。我们在这些问题上也有一些投入,我们被允许限制这些计划的成功程度。完全的干涉是不允许的,因为业力的情况存在,必须遵循。 (2)
Q:How are we to meet the threat posed by pandemics?
Matthew Ward:We are aware that this new flu is the peak concern of many who have heard the media's dire warnings and who do not know that neither the disease nor martial law can come to fruition if they choose otherwise.Enough of you DO understand the universal law of manifestation and know that focusing on health in mind,body and spirit for all of Earth's peoples will create this instead of the goals of the dark minds.
馬修·沃德: 我們意識到,這場新流感是他們最關心的問題。許多人聽到了媒體可怕的警告,卻不知道如果他們選擇不這樣做,疾病和戒嚴令都將無法實現。你們當中有足夠多的人確實理解了顯化的宇宙法則,並知道為地球上所有人的心靈、身體和精神聚焦于健康,將創造出這一切,而不是黑暗心靈的目標。
A comparative handful of people knew that thought forms about SARS not being a real threat would prevent its materializing as such,and that thought forms to diminish hurricane Rita's force would reduce that storm's velocity,yet both of those results came from the collective energy put out with those intentions.The same is true in this case of bird flu,and we are immensely heartened by the numbers of you who feel no fear at all about it.(3)
相對少數的人知道,認為 ” 非典不是真正的威脅 ” 的這種思想形態,會阻止它的具體化,減少麗塔颶風力量的思想形態,將降低風暴的速度,然而,這兩個結果都來自那些意圖所產生的集體能量。在禽流感問題上也是如此,我們為你們當中許多人對此毫不畏懼而感到非常振奮! (3)
Q:Some are still so not ready to wake up to what's going on.
Federation of Light:Yet,with what is to come…they will have the opportunity to do so…And that is when,for all of you who have felt so frustrated and out of sorts,not feeling you are doing enough…will find it a time to be'All systems go!'
光之联邦: 然而,隨著即將到來的事情……他們將有機會這樣做……也就是說,對你們所有感到如此沮喪和不安的人來說,感覺自己做得不夠……將會發現‘所有的系統都消失了 ’
So,perhaps may we suggest to use this'quiet'time'…this'calm before the storm'…to prepare your Beings for the onslaught that is to come.In this we mean…and please know it is difficult as always to put this into words…that the'outburst/outbreak'of news…when it comes…will hit most of you like a ton of bricks.
所以,也許我們可以建議利用這段“安靜的”時間……這段“暴風雨來臨前的平靜”……讓你們的生命為即將到來的猛攻做好準備。我們的意思是……請知道,像往常一樣,很難用語言來表達……當“爆發 / 爆發”的消息來臨時……會像一噸重的磚頭一樣,砸向你們大多數人。
You may take a little time to come around…yet,because of this preparation,you are in NOW…you will be more than ready to deal with it and do what you have to do.
There will be a time…and we are not talking years and years away,we are talking.(4)
总有一天 ...... 我们不是在谈论年复一年,而是在谈论
Q:Please don't say'soon'
问:请不要说 " 很快 "
FOL:We understand…we are expressing of'in a short while'…when'an Occurrence'takes place that will shock the world.And we are not speaking of the Event at this point.
光之联邦: 我们理解 ...... 我们正在表达 ' 在短时间内 '...... 当 ' 一个事件 ' 发生时,将震惊世界。在这一点上,我们不是在谈论这个事件。
There shall be an announcement made that sends everyone into a spin.It will not be able to be kept out of your mainstream media for it will be in accordance with the Divine Plan and it will not be able to be swept under the carpet.
It will also put your media into a new position…for many that'present news'will have their thoughts turned upside down and feel they have to follow the Truth.
它也将把你们的媒体放到一个新的位置 ...... 对于许多 " 当前新闻 " 的人来说,他们的思想将被颠倒过来,并且感到他们必须跟随真相。
The days are numbered,Blossom.…
时日无多了,布鲁森 ..... 。
FOL:Such turmoil,havoc and confusion.Such media hype taking you this way and that.Such obvious misunderstanding from so many and you feel there is no way for you to get through to them.
光之联邦: 这样的混乱,浩劫和混乱。这样的媒体炒作让你左右为难。这么多人明显的误解,你觉得没有办法让他们理解你。
ALL OF THIS we have spoken to you about.All these things we have said will be'in your face'and much discernment will be needed.
Yet,now do you see?Not only discernment about what you hear and read and watch,yet,discernment in these times,as to what you feel reasonable to say to those who do not understand what is going on.(6)
然而,现在你明白了吗?不仅要洞察你所听到的、所读到的和所看到的,还要洞察这些时期,你觉得对那些不理解正在发生的事情的人,说些什么是合理的。 (6)
FOL:We have told you that your world will become Topsy Turvy,yet far more so than now.
光之联邦: 我们已经告诉过你,你的世界将会变得乱七八糟,会比现在严重得多 .
In order for change to take place…many things must come to a halt as opposed to a'ticking over.'
Much disruption must be endured by everyone on many,many levels,due to the need and necessary adjustments to take their place in this Game.
Yes.It will get much more serious.Yet,the'illness'will subside,yet,not be forgotten in the'Once upon a time'story.(7)
是的。它會變得更嚴重。然而,“疾病”會消退,但不會在“從前”的故事中被遺忘。 (7)
Q:What are to be some of the positive outcomes from the pandemic?
Jesus through John:The pandemic has led people to question more freely and deeply the motivation of those in authority,and has given them the time and the opportunity in which to do so.Much of a nefarious nature is being revealed daily as investigative journalists,who are not directly employed by any of the main media organizations,academics,and whistle-blowers make their inquiries and then make the resultant findings available to all on the world wide web.(8)
耶穌通過約翰: 流行病導致人們更加自由和深入地質疑當權者的動機,並給他們時間和機會這樣做。許多邪惡的本質每天都被揭露出來,作為調查記者,他們不直接受雇於任何主要的媒體組織,學者,和告密者進行他們的調查,然後把結果公佈在全球資訊網上。 (8)
I have shifted the energy and the purpose of this Covid-19 pandemic so that all of you would stop and remember that you are Angels-in-form,experiencing and expressing love.(9)
我已经转移了这场新型冠状病毒肺炎流行病的能量和目的,这样你们所有人都会停下来,并记住你们是天使,正在体验和表达爱。 (9)
Seraphin through Rosie:We would ask you to treasure this period of stillness(Those of you who are not involved in emergency situations),for Divine Timing has provided it for your present growth before the bell rings.
大天使塞拉芬通過羅西: 我們請求你們珍惜這段靜止的時間 ( 你們中那些沒有參與緊急情況的人 ) ,因為神聖的時機在鈴響之前,為你們現在的成長提供了它。
The bell will ring at the end of the lesson.Then it will be time for a break while the"teachers"discuss which subject you will be taking next.
课程结束时铃声会响起。然后是休息的时间, " 老师 " 们会讨论你接下来要学的科目。
Do not underestimate this very important period;the process is taking place on a global scale,and is unprecedented,as is the evil which preceded it,and the bounteous abundance which will follow.We wish you strength through this final stage.(10)
(1)Matthew's Message,July 18,2009.
(3)Matthew's Message,Oct.17,2005.
(4)"The Federation of Light via Blossom Goodchild,"April 25,2020,at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/04/25/the-federation-of-light-via-blossom-goodchild-april-25-2020/.(Afterwards FOL.)
(6)FOL,April 18,2020,at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/04/18/the-federation-of-light-through-blossom-goodchild-april-18-2020/.
(7)FOL,March 21,2020,"March 21,2020,at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/03/21/federation-of-light-through-blossom-goodchild-march-21-2020/.
(8)"Jesus through John–Truly,even in These Unsettling Times,There is Enormous Reason for Hope and for Joy,"April 22,2020,at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/04/22/jesus-through-john-truly-even-in-these-unsettling-times-there-is-enormous-reason-for-hope-and-for-joy/.
(9)"The Mother's Clarion Call to All of Humanity!"April 21,2020,at https://goldenageofgaia.com/?p=309417.
(10)"Seraphin through Rosie~The Visible Unseen,"April 23,2020,at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/04/23/seraphin-through-rosie-the-visible-unseen/.
2020年5月4日 Steve Beckow整理
資料來源: https://www.pfcchina.org/xinrenyuedu/38845.html