Keep yourself as cheerful, as blissful, as possible, because much happens when you are cheerful; you are open. Life happens only when you are cheerful because you have hope and you are expectant. You look for something to happen; you are available and you are not closed.
To sad people nothing happens, and when nothing happens they become more sad. When they become more sad, it becomes even more difficult for anything to happen to them; it is a vicious circle.
Break that vicious circle. Be more cheerful and then you will see many things coming on your way.
Each small act attracts new things. If you laugh, you will attract a few people who can laugh. If you weep, you will attract a few people who are in search of sympathising with someone, who enjoy sympathising.
They will be the wrong people. They would like you to remain sad so they can go on sympathising. There is investment in your sadness; they enjoy the trip.
If you laugh, you will attract people who are finding a way to laugh, not sympathisers; you will find friends, not missionaries. If you laugh, you will find sooner or later that the whole existence laughs with you.
The first thing: bliss, cheerfulness; and the second thing: peace, silence.
To live outside, to relate, one should remain cheerful, and to go inside, to relate with oneself, one should become peaceful. Peace is to the inner journey as cheerfulness is to the outer journey. And these two things have to be remembered together so that balance is not lost.
Otherwise there are people who are cheerful but shallow because they never go in; they are just extroverts. Mm?
You will find them in the clubs and the movie-houses and in the hotels. They are always laughing and cheerful but their laughter has no depth, it is always phony. They are always chattering but their chattering has no significance because there is no silence; their words are empty.
And there are people who are silent but closed; they don't relate. They become monks, they move to the monasteries. Or even if they live in the world they live in a closed way, windowless.
Both are lopsided. A real life arises only when both are balanced. These are the two wheels of life's cart….
译自:OSHO The Open Door