When you look around you in your now, things seem to be chaotic. They couldn’t get much worse. Well, yes, what you are looking at can get more chaotic, and soon will. Remember what we have said many times, you cannot build a new house until you raze the old. In the case of what you have had until now, remodeling would not work. The wood rot in the very framing is far too extensive. You will not find it pretty, but you need to see it so that you never allow it again.
Several other things should be changed at the same time. We see that there is far too much animosity and spite being hurled around. Calling each other names and threatening them with harm is only not unproductive. It delays much of what needs to happen for the collective as well as for the individual.
There are millions seeking to raise their vibrations at this time. This is a wonderful occurrence. More are joining in, literally every day. However, many are still allowing the negative to be a part of their daily intake – and output. This is like trying to get somewhere while taking a step back after every step forward. As we have taught elsewhere, you cannot be in the light while you hold another in darkness. You cannot be loving and still harbor hatred.
Now, if we may, let’s take a more positive tack.
The incoming light, the new energy environment that your planet is passing into, continues to increase in frequency and effect. Those who are accepting what is available are noticing a wide variety of personal change. Some are seeing what they have never seen before. Some are going through great changes in their personal circumstances. Some are slowly discovering abilities that they never dreamed of having. If you wish to witness this, however, you will only find it in personal interaction. It is not going to be in the news. Your media does not give even a moment’s attention to anyone’s inner development.
If one were to make that personal development their focus, their entire view of the world would transform almost immediately. How so, you ask. First, it is time. It is time because humanity has said so. Second, now that your collective souls have asked for and accepted it, there are vast numbers of others ready and urgently waiting to help in your efforts.
“How do we know that? And how do we know we can change? Things have always been this way. That’s what reality is.”
May we gently point out to you that you have almost no concept of what reality is? Even more gently, please understand that it is not required that you know. It is only required that you begin to accept the possibility of change.
Toss the unexplainable fiction of a loving God that can be so angry at you that he smites you and then burns you forever. Understand your Creator as one who has made you out of All That Is and that you are therefore an integral part of Her/Him. God can have only love for something that is, even in your understanding, a reflection OF God.
As a reflection of your Creator, you are a creator. You might find it very enlightening to begin each day with the intention to create the best day that you are able. Seven billion people doing that would have a new world built in short order. One person doing that would have a new world built for herself in an equally short time. And what you do not see very clearly yet is that, that person’s world will affect all of the others. You CAN change your world.
通灵:Ron Head
翻译:Nick Chan