We are here honoring you and also inviting you to honor yourself. It is a simple practice, yet we assure you when you truly begin to honor and appreciate who you are, both as a physical being and a vibrational being of energy, your life will shift in amazing ways.
Your world exists because of vibrations and frequencies. When you clearly understand that you are responsible for the vibrations and frequencies you offer to your world, you will become the master you are meant to be.
Empathy is one of your many gifts as a divine being. It is a superpower, the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. We have observed that most humans have learned to suppress or repress this ability. There might be a select few in your life with whom you feel safe in sharing your feelings as well as allowing yourself to feel theirs.
Realize that you are always reading energy; this is done on such a subtle level you are usually not aware of it. Being empathic is who you are. You are a vibrational being feeling the vibrations of others. Most feelings are communicated silently through vibrations alone. You feel them, however you might not recognize or acknowledge what you have picked up. Often when you do feel some vibrations/emotions, you dismiss, ignore, distract yourself or even deny what you are experiencing.
意识到你总是在读取能量;这会在非常微妙的层面完成,你通常是意识不到的。同理心就是你的所是。你是一个振动存在,感受着他人的振动。大多数感受只通过振动默默地交流。你感到它们,但你可能并没有认识到或识别你拾起了什么。通常当你确实感到一些振动 / 情绪,你忽视、忽略、分心、甚至否认你正在体验的
We understand that when you realize you are connected to the entire energy field of this planet and all those dwelling here, it can be challenging. So we are inviting you to begin with some simple yet personal expressions that will open the door to your power and honor your gift of empathy as well.
Everyone has an energy signature that is created by their thoughts and beliefs as well as by emotions felt and expressed or felt and repressed. Their energy signature is always interfacing with those they encounter each day. When two people pass on the street or in the marketplace, there is always an exchange of energy. It is how ideas, beliefs, thoughts and emotional vibrations are exchanged. It is an energy transmission.
This exchange can often trigger some unconscious beliefs, insecurities, or repressed emotions. When this occurs, your mood or behavior will shift. This exchange can also offer the experience of elevating your state of mind and mood.
Either way it is important to remember to simply state, “All energy that does not belong to me I send back blessed and transformed. All energy I have sent forth, I call back blessed and transformed, and integrate it with grace and ease.” This is the same as washing your hands when they are soiled. No judgment, no issue, no story; it is simply and powerfully transforming misqualified energy. If the exchange was loving, pleasant, informative, sending it back blessed and transformed elevates its positive action.
无论哪一种,很重要去记住述说,“所有并不属于我的能量,我转化后、祝福后发送回去。所有我发送出去的能量,我召唤回来转化并祝福,伴随着优雅和轻盈整合。”这就跟你的手弄脏了后洗手一样。没有评判,没有问题,没有故事;这只是简单地、强力地转变失真的能量。如果交换是有爱的、愉悦的、有益的,祝福 / 转化后发送回去提高这个积极的行为
This conscious action is literally offering blessings of grace to everyone you encounter. It is also adding blessed and transformed vibrations to another’s field. This action is healing for all.
You are in control of your personal energy signature. You might begin to play with and practice offering an uplifting signature. Your core energy or vibration as a divine being is the frequency of love, joy, gratitude and appreciation. So when you consciously begin to offer heartfelt appreciation, gratitude or joy for being alive and embodied, it feels good to you and to those you encounter. These are powerful coherent vibrations that imprint the quantum field. They are also broadcast to the empathic abilities of everyone. Others will always respond to your offerings of love, joy, gratitude and appreciation.
These coherent vibrations/emotions guarantee an uplifting response from your reality. It is one thing to be thankful for material things in your life. True authentic gratitude will unlock the mysteries of fulfillment. Gratitude, appreciation and joy that you exist and get to play and expand in this hologame are among the highest frequencies you can offer.
这些凝聚性的振动 / 情感担保了一个来自你现实的振奋人心的响应。感谢你生活中的物质是另一回事。真正真实的感恩会解开圆满的神秘面纱。你在这个全息游戏中玩耍、扩张和存在的感恩、欣赏与喜悦包含在你可以提供的最高频率之中
Expressing gratitude will free you up, will shift your daily reality in amazing ways. The frequency of gratitude also creates a vibration that will begin to attract all sorts of synchronistic events into your reality.
表达感恩会自由你,会在惊人的方式中转变你的日常现实。感恩的频率也会创造一个振动 --- 会开始把各种同时性的事件吸引到你的现实中
Remember, everything in the quantum field is frequency and vibration. Genuine gratitude has a high vibrational or energy signature that is similar to unconditional love. When you are offering gratitude you begin to connect with this field in a profound manner. You begin to resonate or entrain with the language of the universe.
When you express genuine gratitude for your life and blessings, you energetically open the universal doors to more of the blessings and goodness to flow to you and your affairs. The universe begins to connect with you through your empathic understanding. The universe speaks in the language of energy and vibrations. It speaks through synchronicities, “meaningful coincidences” which appear to have no causal relationship yet seem to be meaningfully related. Synchronicities trigger awareness. Begin to pay attention to all the hints from the universe that you are being guided to your highest and your best.
当你对生活和祝福表达真诚的感恩,你积极地开启宇宙大门让更多的祝福和美好流向你和你的事务。宇宙开始通过你的同理心理解与你连接。宇宙在能量和振动的语言中说话。它通过同时性“有意义的巧合”说话,看起来没有因果关系但似乎有着意味深长的关联。同时性触发意识。开始关注宇宙发送的所有暗示 --- 你被指引向你最高和最大的良善 / 利益
Remember you cannot convince yourself to be grateful for something. Your gratitude must come as a true feeling of gratitude for what you are experiencing or witnessing in the moment. While it is good to appreciate the material things you have, we are speaking of a higher, more coherent feeling that shifts your consciousness. When you witness an act of kindness, or a beautiful sunrise or experience a loving action from someone important in your life, it moves you in an emotional manner. This is gratitude in its highest form.
This level of gratitude is your power and your magic. It will attract and resonate with more incredible moments and experiences. This level of true gratitude will literally shift any reality.
You become master of the vibrations you are offering to others and to the universe/quantum field. You know that others are empathic and you are uplifting their field simply by radiating a coherent emotion. You feel gratitude because you are meant to use your feelings/vibrations to heal others and help heal the consciousness of the planet.
你成为你提供给他人和宇宙 / 量子场域的振动的主人。你知道其他人是有同理心的,你通过辐射一个凝聚性的情感来提升他们的场域。你感到感恩,因为你注定会用你的感受 / 振动疗愈他人,帮助疗愈地球的意识
We invite you to remember that every moment of your life is holy. Be alive. Pay attention. You truly deserve the honor of your own awareness. Be in your gratitude and experience it fully.
We are here to assist and support you in remembering your magnificence as an energy vibrating being of divine consciousness. Rest in your own knowing that we stand beside you in gratitude. We acknowledge you from our deepest level of this vibration. the ‘team’.
通灵:Peggy Black
翻译:Nick Chan