新纪元扬升之光 今天
守护者:盖亚新黎明 Channel: James McConnell
I AM the Guardian of the New Dispensation.
I have not been withthis group for some time. As I mentioned a while ago I would not be returning,we would not be returning as The Guardians, until such a time that thevibrations have increased enough to allow for the beginning, theprocess of the New Dawn to come over this planet. And that time is nearlyhere.
As you hear many times, many, many different ways that you areon the cusp, that you have reached the finish line, that you are nearing thecrescendo. And all of these are true. True to the consciousness that is of manat this time. But as you all know man’s consciousness changes with everythought and every moment so it can never be determined ahead of time when thefull changes will commence, when The Event will happen.
But know that in these moments now, prior to the great Event,prior to the New Dawn appearing over this planet, you are in those momentsbefore the New Dawn. Moments, of course, could be different timeframe than whatyou are used to. Because as we are coming to you we are in a place of no time.We are in space but not time as you know it. So when we say moments, that canbe at times an eternity for you. That is not to say that it will be muchlonger. For you are in those moments. You have reached the finish line asSananda has said many times.
It is only up to you now, each one of you, to continue aboutyour mission both individual and group.
And as you are preparing to continue on this journey for findingthose records, and even though those of you, many of you, have not pursued thispreviously, you have pursued this previously because many of you that are onthese calls participated in this forming of those records and the secretingaway of those records.
当你准备继续踏上发现这些记录的旅程时,即使是你们,你们中有很多人, 以前没有这样做过,你们有些人之前也有过这样的经历,因为你们中也有很多人参与了这些记录的形成并隐藏起了这些记录。(注:不是很理解,希望大家提建议)
And it is very important to continue this journey, this processthat you started so long ago and to find yourselves now remembering.Remembering; knowing from within that you have the key, as has been spoken. Andthat you are the key. That all of you together, working asOne, will find the culmination and the results that you are after.
But only working as One. For if ever there is adiffering viewpoint comes in and creates a resonance that is not the resonanceof the One, that you must know even beyond that of those records, you are allafter the records within yourself, those memories that will return.
And many of you are beginning now to return because everythingis in the moment. All of you must come to understand that you are in themoment. And every time that you create within that moment, that you visualizewithin that moment, you are creating the new world, New Age of Gaia. You arecreating that each and every thought that you have, each and every vision thatyou have. And within this it is time for you to realize just how powerful yourthoughts, your words, and your actions are.
It is only you that can do this. We cannot do it for you norwould we if we could as we cannot and will not take the place of your freewill. We are always here to assist and guide wherever the call goes out. Whenthat call goes forth we, those of us The Guardians, those that are of theCompany of Heaven, the many of the Ascended Masters that you know of, we areall here with you.
Always know and understand that. Believe that.
I AM the Guardian of a New Dispensation. For it is a NewDispensation. It is a new level of consciousness that is coming over thisplanet and will continue to come over this planet and within each and every oneof you the collective you. I leave you now in peace and glory and love, untilthat moment when the New Dawn arises.