



We are the Galactic federation of Sirius and we present ourselves here today to bring forth cooperation between worlds. Our intention is to share with you tools that you can use on your ascension path and use them for your liber·ation.




The first tool, is through the power of visualization. Imagine yourself inside a beautiful crystal pyramid surrounded by Dolphins and whales swimming around your pyramid. These water beings are originated from our constellation and are on your planet to raise and clear the vibrations through sound. Under water it is possible from Dolphins and whales and their sonars to cleanse a vast area and harmonize the vibration of the Earth, that expands through water in waves of energy, creating a powerful vortex of pure consciousness of the Creator. That's what we want you to create for yourself, an experience of purity that will flow and realign your system with the purity of the Creator. Awakening the remembrance of this energy within your system and cells, much can be liber·ated and return into balance. You can enhance this experience hearing at the same time the sounds of whales and dolphins. Allow yourself to be merged in the pure waves of purity inside your crystal pyramid.





The second tool that we wish to share with you is a powerful tool for aligning your entire system. First create a peaceful environment around you. Put the sound of the sea and or Dolphins. Breathe deeply and/or light a candle. Something that suits your mind and heart. Lay down and connect with the sound of the waves and/or Dolphins, breathing and relaxing. Imagine the star on the drawing come from above through your I am presence descending through all your chakras and aligning them with your truth and pure state of being. Allow this star of Sirius to clear and realign all that is needed. When the star touches your Feet the star will come up passing again through all your system in direction of the sky until it disappears. In the end you will feel a sense of relief, alignment and a profound sense of peace.




You can experience the same energy after reading this message.




The 2 tools we are sharing with you even they seem simple, they are powerful and in these times it's important for you to receive higher energy that nurture and awakens the quality of purity from the Creator within you, this way you will be more in tune with your truth helping you to access Divine inspiration, awaken your connection with your clarity.




Providing this pure moments of bliss will help your ascension path in a beautiful way.




Centering within and allow the energy of purity to become part of you and grow, will help you to achieve a higher frequency of light much needed. When you are in a pure state of being you are anchoring the Divine onto the Earth. Expanding this energy, you, like a dolphin, will form a vortex of pure consciousness of the Creator.




We are your friends from Sirius,




Helping you to become more, in alliance for peace on Gaia




天狼星银河联邦 20180513 扬升工具

翻译:Nick Chan



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