爱德加·凯西解读中的一个前提是,即使是最有问题或令人不安的灵异体验,也是有目的性的。 对于那些经历这类体验的人来说,这可能会让人感到意外,因为他们通常都是很沮丧的,而且往往是压倒性的。这种说法看起来与有过那种经历的人完全脱节。然而,解读表明,不仅这些经历有其发生的原因,而且它们也以主题和符号方式连接到观察者。 凯西表示,所有的梦境、灵视和其他灵异现象都出于某种原因,都有其目的。如果人们会花时间去探索,这个目的是可以被发现的。
One premise contained withinthe Edgar Cayce readings is that there is a purposefulness entailedwithin even the most problematic or disturbing psychic experience.This may come as a surprise to some who have had these kinds ofincidents, as they are generally upsetting, often overwhelming, andfrequently seem totally disconnected from the individual having theexperience. However, the readings suggest that not only are therereasons that these experiences occur, but that they are alsothematically and symbolically connected to the viewer. Cayceindicated that all dreams, visions, and other psychic phenomenaarise for a reason. Each has its purpose, which could bediscovered, would the person spend the time investigating theexperience.
现代研究证实了凯西关于许多自发灵异体验的目的性的说法。 例如,ESP统计研究的发明者J.B.Rhine的妻子路易莎·莱茵(LouisaRhine)从她收到的信件中编出了几本书。在“The Far Reach ofthe Mind”一书中,她阐明许多这类经历有其明显目的性。游客、浪漫奇遇、怀孕、出生和死亡的预感是这些体验中的常见主题。 研究土著人民的人类学家也发现了类似的主题,只是增加了与狩猎和天气有关的主题。 这样的预感似乎是自然的,因为它们帮助人们准备去迎接即将到来的。 事实上,凯西说过,发生在我们身上的任何重要事情,都会在梦中预见到的。无论是否记住这些梦境,其在某种程度上都是为了帮助我们做好准备。
Modern research has confirmedCayce’s suggestion as to the purposefulness of many spontaneouspsychic experiences. For example, Louisa Rhine, the wife of J.B.Rhine, inventor of statistical ESP research, compiled several booksfrom letters she received. In such titles as The Far Reach of theMind, she noted the apparent purposefulness of many of theseexperiences. Premonitions of visitors, romance, pregnancies,births, and deaths were common themes in these stories.Anthropologists studying indigenous peoples found similar themes,with the addition of themes related to hunting and weather. Suchpremonitions seem natural, as they help prepare folks for what iscoming. Cayce indicated, in fact, that anything of importance thathappens to us is previewed in a dream, helping us, at some level,remembered or not, to prepare ourselves.
Sometimes the psychicexperience goes unnoticed, blending in with ongoing thought.Charles Thomas Cayce, Edgar Cayce’s grandson, tells the story ofbeing surprised by the results of his participation in an ESPlaboratory experiment. The researchers asked Charles Thomas towrite on 10 index cards 10 names of people he knew. After takingthe cards, the researcher attached an electrode to Charles Thomas’swrist to measure sweating, similar to a lie detector. CharlesThomas was told that the experiment would start shortly and he wasleft alone to sit in the room. In another room, an assistant wrote10 random names from the phone book on 10 cards. The assistantshuffled those 10 with the 10 cards that Charles Thomas hadcontributed, and began to read aloud, one at a time, each name.Meanwhile, the element attached to Charles Thomas’s wrist recordedthe level of moisture on his wrist. Although he was unaware of whatwas happening, not even knowing that the experiment was underway,nevertheless, every time the assistant read aloud a name of someoneCharles Thomas knew, the recorder showed a small spike in his sweatresponse. There was no such spike when the assistant read the namesof people unknown to Charles Thomas. There have been many suchstudies conducted demonstrating what researchers call “unconsciousESP.” The implication is that you can be psychically affected bysomeone else without even realizing it. Having a sudden onset oftroubling emotions could be one sign of such an effect. If there’snothing a person can do with such experiences, what purpose couldthey possibly serve?
凯西认为所有的这些体验,我们都是在遭遇自己。 我们的体验是反映我们自己的镜子。 这些体验的目的是帮助我们增强与创造者合一的意识,这样我们可以以共同创造者的身份去生活。 如果令人不安的灵异体验是有目的的事件的一部分,我们如何整合它们呢?
As with all experience, Caycewould say that we are meeting self. Our experience is a mirrorreflecting ourselves. The purpose of the experience is to help usgrow in awareness of our oneness with the Creator so that we mightlive in co-creative companionship. If disturbing psychicexperiences are a part of the mix of purposeful events, how are weto integrate them?
爱德加·凯西提供了两个基本原则,来帮助面对这类令人不安的、不想要的灵异体验的发生和内容。 第一个与我们称之为结界破损有关。 凯西对于一些人说,他们的某个灵性中心(脉轮)功能出了故障。 这可能是由身体损伤造成的。 例如,凯西自己被一个年轻人用棒球打在脑后,引发过一种灵异体验。 这类刺激灵异的创伤经历也可能是跟情绪有关的,例如因为虐待或批判。 把他人论断过为上心,也会在体光中形成一个破洞。因为现在,不属于本人的存在可以渗透进来。 除了心理上、情绪上和身体上的创伤之外,打破体光的方法还包括过量酒精饮品、迷幻剂和药物滥用。
Edgar Cayce provided twoelementary principles to explain the occurrence and content ofdisturbing, unwanted psychic experiences. The first had to do withwhat we might call a breakdown in a boundary. For some, hedescribed a breakdown in the functioning of one of the psychiccenters. This could be caused by a physical trauma. In his owncase, for example, as a youth getting hit in the head with abaseball had the effect of awakening some psychic experiences. Thekind of psychic-prompting trauma could also be emotional, such asthrough abuse or criticism. Taking someone’s judgment to heartcould also create a hole in the aura, as it were, for now somethingalien to the person has penetrated the person’s sense of self. Inaddition to mental, emotional, and physical trauma, ways ofbreaking down the aura can include alcohol, drug and substanceabuse.
一旦有了破洞,重新获得体光保护和恢复个人结界的第一步,就是恢复人的整体性。 关于恢复整体性的第一个重要原则是:我们是创造者赋予的拥有自由意志的灵性存在体。 没有什么比我们自己的意志更强大。 若非我们的允许,没有什么可以超越我们的意愿。 例如,当我们允许让评判入心,可能就会开启破损点。 能够从批评中学习是件好事,但如果过分的话,就会损害自己的自我感觉。
Once the breakdown hasoccurred, one of the first steps to regain psychic protection and arestoration of personal boundaries is to restore one’s integrity[wholeness]. A first important principle to keep in mind regardingthe restoration of integrity is to recall that we are spiritualbeings endowed by the Creator with free will. Ultimately, nothingis more powerful than our own will. Nothing can overcome our willwithout our giving permission, however indirect. When we take acriticism to heart, for example, we are accepting it. It’s good tobe able to learn from criticism, but if we overdo it, it harms oursense of self.
To restore this integrity, onemust exercise one’s free will to bolster one’s natural defenses andto affirm that one can choose to not be responsive to thedisturbing psychic influence. How do you exercise this act of freewill to make it effective? At a physical level, a chiropractic orosteopathic adjustment may correct any spinal contribution to thisunwanted “opening.” It is also important to eat well-balanced mealsand, especially, not to go hungry, because this state of depletionmakes a person more vulnerable. At a mental level, readinginspirational literature is helpful. Spiritually, prayer is verybeneficial, as it helps you to affirm your essential connectionwith the divine. For some, an essential step is to examine oneselfto be sure that there is no fascination with the “psychic.” Psychicability doesn’t need to be shut off, but it is more constructivewhen it operates within our intentions and ideals. When affirmingone’s free will and choice to be at peace seems to be insufficientto stop the unwanted phenomena, it is necessary to dig deeper,applying Cayce’s second principle, regarding the meaning for selfof the content of the experience.
One example is the story ofJack. He met a man at a weekend workshop, and this man’s mysteriousways fascinated him for days later. One night, Jack awoke in themiddle of the night feeling that the man was in the room. It seemedlike nonsense, yet the feeling that the man was somehow close bywas very strong. Jack could “feel” his presence. He began to sensethat this man “knew” where Jack was, and was in mental contact withhim. Jack was worried, as the tone was menacing, as if this man hadevil, even murderous thoughts about Jack. He recalled Cayce’sprinciple of the impenetrability of our free will, and so heaffirmed that he chose not to meet self via an encounter with thisman; that he chose to meet this aspect of self in meditation. Hefound peace in the meditation, and as he came out of it, herealized that the part of himself that he subconsciously recognizedin this man was a tendency toward self-destruction. Jack surveyedsome of the ways he had been self-destructive, and processed someof his feelings about himself. Thoughts of this man never returned,except for Jack’s being grateful that he’d had this learningopportunity.
Jack’s experience brings us tothe second part of Cayce’s approach to such experiences. Sinceeverything we experience is a meeting of self, then the content ofthe disturbing psychic experience must be reflecting oneself insome manner. In Jack’s case, for example, the destructiveness hefeared from this man was a reflection of self-destructivetendencies in Jack that were ready to enter into his awareness.These are learning opportunities.
凯西使用“共鸣”这个词来解释这些意外的灵异体验的缘起。 无论我们使用“吸引力法则”还是“同性相吸”,“共鸣”或“亲和”一词,我们都需要明白,这类体验的内容可能会为个体揭示一些什么。像梦境这样的经历是可以翻译解释的,因为它的出现是出于某些原因。 这就像起床铃声,是来唤醒人们的某种能力的,或者去治愈过去的创伤,或者是个人蜕变过程的一部分,是灵性自我的重生。探索这些经验的潜在意义是有价值的挑战。无论体验的内容如何,都反映了选择性的重点。为什么梦境是一场自然灾害,而不是公司破产? 为什么有梦到可怕的东西,但实际上遇到好的事情发生? 到底是什么原因选择了这类恼人的灵异经验?
Cayce used the term “affinity”to explain the source of unwanted psychic experiences. Whether weuse the term “law of attraction,” or “like attracts like,”“resonance,” or “affinity,” we need to understand that the contentof the experience is potentially revealing about the person havingthe experience. Like a dream, such an experience can beinterpreted, for it is happening for a reason. It is like a wake-upcall to awaken people to their abilities, to heal a past wound, orpart of a transformation process, a rebirthing into a morespiritual sense of self. Probing these experiences for theirunderlying meaning is a worthwhile challenge. No matter what thecontent of the experience, it reflects selective attention. Whydream of a natural disaster and not of a corporation goingbankrupt? Why dream of something terrible when there are goodthings happening? What is behind the choice of disturbing psychicexperiences?
Nancy awoke one morning havinghad a nightmare about a dog finding a young infant girl lying in aremote part of a forest battered to death. As part of an AtlanticUniversity project, Nancy was assigned a student as a “buddy” withwhom to coordinate daily simultaneous meditations. The studentscombined two of Edgar Cayce’s suggestions to create an experimentto see if it would be possible to help people like Nancy. At theconclusion of each meditation, the student and the “psychic buddy”would tune into each other for any psychic impressions. Once a weekthey’d have a telephone conversation, share their impressions, andget feedback. The student working with Nancy kept track of thekinds of information Nancy received about the student. It was ameans of assessing the themes and topics for which Nancy seemed tohave selective attention. As their experiment proceeded, Nancybecame aware of some dark memories from her childhood. Ultimately,Nancy realized that she had repressed memories of abuse, and thather disturbing psychic experience was somewhat like what thepsychiatrist Sigmund Freud called “the return of the repressed.”Her disturbing psychic experience was her attempt to bring toawareness painful memories that needed healing. At thisrealization, her concern over disturbing psychic experiencesvanished, and she began to use her abilities for personalguidance.
Remember the Challengerdisaster? Many people had documented precognitive dreams about it.Why did some folks dream of it while others did not? In anotherproject, conducted at the Edgar Cayce Institute for IntuitiveStudies, two people who had had such dreams participated. A groupof psychics were asked to interpret each of these two people’sdreams, not knowing the actual content or their relationship to theChallenger disaster. In each case, the dream interpretations thepsychics provided revealed personal connections between thedreamers and aspects of the Challenger problem. Doris, like one ofthe doomed astronauts, was a teacher. Like the teacher astronaut,Doris had also taken some risks and although she had not died, shehad truly suffered for some things she attempted. In fact, she felt“shot down” at school. Tony, a bit of a rebel, had been fired fromhis job for criticizing the way things were run. Somewhat of awhistle blower, he had uncovered unethical and unsafe practices athis job, and his reward was to be fired. As the investigation ofthe Challenger disaster unfolded, the drama of the engineers’warning about potential trouble and the administration’s ignoringof those warnings in order to meet performance deadlines echoedTony’s experience at work. For both these people, the Challengerdisaster was a deeply soul-stirring event that resonated withpersonal tragedies and malfeasance they had experienced. In bothcases, each felt a bit of vindication by the public outcry andgrief over the disaster.
通常,从体验中反思并考虑其本质或来源的能力是很有帮助的。 在情绪传染,或者突然有剧烈的感觉的情况下,可能需要问,这些感觉(情绪)是谁的? 有时正念(Mindfulness)可以提供答案。
Often, the ability to standback from the experience and contemplate its nature or source ishelpful. In the case of emotional contagion, or having a suddenattack of strong feelings, one might ask, Whose feelings are these?Sometimes mindfulness can provide an answer.
John’s meditation was suddenlyinterrupted one day by intense feelings of resentment against hisdentist. He got so upset he had to break off the meditation and gofor a walk. As he cooled down, he wondered what could havetriggered this disturbing replay of a past incident at thedentist’s office. He assumed he'd let go of it. The thought of amale client came to mind, someone he had an appointment to counselthat evening, and John felt inexplicably calmed. Later thatevening, during their counseling session, the client told Johnabout how his wife and a tenant had both abused him by takingadvantage of his good nature. Although it was clear that the clientfelt hurt, angry, and taken for granted, his voice was calm andwithout a hint of emotion. John, on the other hand, was feeling theagitation of righteous indignation. He realized he was literallyfeeling the client's anger, doing the feeling for the clientbecause the client was cut off from his own feelings. At thatmoment, John realized why he had been so upset earlier in the dayduring meditation. He had found himself thinking about how thedentist had convinced him, against his own wishes, to have acertain treatment. He had gone along reluctantly and then simplyrelegated the experience to a bad dentist memory—seemingly, no bigdeal. But as he listened to his client, he realized that he had nottotally processed his experience. His psychic connection with theclient had resurfaced his anger at the personal insult andhumiliation he felt at being so easily manipulated by the dentist.His disturbing psychic experience was resonating with feelings thatneeded attention. When one has important issues that are not beingaddressed, sometimes a disturbing psychic experience can bring thematter to attention.
爱德加·凯西反复强调灵性而不是灵异的重要性。 后者是一个功能,是计划中的现实,而前者,是我们在这里的目的。 灵异能力,特别是以直觉指导的形式,可以为灵性发展服务。 要更有灵性,所以我们不能滥用灵异能力,灵性是一个重要的先决条件,否则觉知万物会把一切淹没。 一个人必须成长为爱、接纳、不论断、慈悲等等,才能处理体验和了解人类经验的各个维度。 你准备好忆起你所有的灵魂记忆吗? 你能否慈悲地看待自己过去的错误? 你能幽默地去接受别人的限制吗? 你能学会以上帝爱人的方式去爱每一个人---尽管他或她有各种缺点?
Edgar Cayce repeatedlyemphasized the importance of the spiritual over the psychic. Thelatter is a function, a reality within the scheme of things,whereas the former is the purpose for our being here. The psychic,especially in the form of intuitive guidance, can serve thespiritual. Rather than becoming spiritual so we don’t abuse thepsychic, the ultimate reason spirituality is such an importantprerequisite is that it can become overwhelming to be so aware ofthings. One has to grow into love, acceptance, non-judgment,compassion, and so on, before one can handle experiencing andknowing the various dimensions of the human experience. Are youready to remember all your soul memories? Can you view your pastmistakes with compassion? Can you accept other people’s limitationswith good humor? Can you learn to love each individual the way thatGod loves that individual—in spite of his or hershortcomings?
我们注定要意识到并共同负责所有的被造物。 不请自来的灵异体验是在邀请我们扩展自己的意识。 他们是唤醒服务,是赠送的礼物。 然而,这需要紧盯意识的理想,并且愿意去看到镜面的自我反射。 即使怪异的体验也是缔造者为我们量身定制的个人和集体觉醒计划的组成部分!
We are destined to become awareof, and co-responsible for, all of creation. Unwanted psychicexperiences are invitations to expand one’s awareness. They arewake-up calls—gifts. Yet they require loyalty to the ideal ofconsciousness and the willingness to look in the mirror. Evendisturbing experiences are part of the Creator’s plan for ourpersonal and collective awakening.