2017年4月28日 11:25 新浪博客 .
原文链接:The Shadow and The Devil(http://www.ascendedmasterlight.com/ascended-master-light/date/91-2015/724-the-shadow-and-the-devil)
I am theascended master Mother Mary. I would like to comment on the topicof today’s show, namely the shadow or the devil. Let me begin withthe saying that you cannot have light without a shadow. My beloved,is that statement universally true? Are there any shadows in thesun? Are there any shadows in the ascended realm? There isnot.
Why are thereshadows on earth? What is it that creates a shadow? It is somethingthat has solidity so that the light cannot penetrate. This meansthat if you are looking at it from the outside, you cannot see whatis behind that solid wall. This is how the minds of most people onearth are. Your shadow was born out of your desire to hidesomething, to hide what is going on inside your ownmind.
In thebeginning you wanted to hide this from your spiritual teacher, aswe have described in several books given through this messenger.You have also developed a desire to hide what is going on in yourmind from other people. Now, my beloved, there is nothinginherently wrong with going through this experience. It is part offree will that you experiment with having your mind be closed tohaving others look into it, but it should only be aphase.
For mostpeople on earth, it has become a trap, a prison. The reason forthis, my beloved, is very, very simple. You cannot hide what isgoing on inside your mind from other people or the teacher withouthiding it from your own conscious mind. If you do not see with yourconscious mind what is going on in your sub-conscious mind, youcannot free yourself from it. This should be very simplelogic.
What does ittake to ascend, my beloved? It does not take some magical ability.It does not take the help of a magical teacher. It takes only onething: A willingness to look at absolutely everything in your ownsub-conscious mind. Those of us who have ascended have ascendedbecause, after suffering for lifetimes on earth, we finally came tothe point where we said: “Now, I am willing to look at everythingin my mind.” When we then did look at everything and dismissed allparts of our own shadow, all parts of our own ego, then we becameinvulnerable to the planetary (the collective) force that you oftencall the devil.
The devil wasnot created by God. The devil has no cosmic necessity. There is noneed for a devil. There is a temporary need for those who want tohide, because the devil serves as a justification for continuing tohide something from God, from the spiritual teacher, from otherpeople. In a sense, the devil is doing you a favor. He is helpingyou do what you say you want, namely having the perfect excuse fornot looking into the abyss of your own sub-conscious mind. Ofcourse, there is a price to be paid. The devil wants to be paid bygetting your energy and your attention.
When you getto the point where you have had enough of this, that is when youbecome open to the reality that you actually cannot get yourselfout of your own ego and shadow without having a frame of referencethat is beyond the shadow, because it is completely made of light.That is where we of the ascended masters can help you because weare, of course, only light. Therefore, we can and we will give youthat frame of reference. We have given it through many of our booksand teachings. As you apply these books and teachings and the toolswe have given, we can give it to you personally as well. I desireto see all of you get to that point where you can hear me insideyour own mind because you are no longer hearing your ownshadow.
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