(2018-01-08 10:19:33)
Sadhguru looks at why it is absolutely essential to stay silent and focused while practicing asanas.
Question: Why should we not speak when doing an asana or correct others while they are in an asana?
Sadhguru: An asana is a dynamic way of meditating. Because you cannot sit still, you do something else to become meditative. To take you back to the Yoga Sutras – Patanjali said sthiram sukham asanam. That which is absolutely stable and comfortable is an asana. This means your body is at ease, your mind is at ease, and your energy is vibrant and balanced. Asanas are a preparatory step to come to a state of being naturally meditative.
萨古鲁:体式是一种动态冥想。因为你没办法静止不动地坐着,所以你就做点别的让自己进入冥想状态。正如帕坦伽利( Patanjiali )在《瑜伽经》里所说, sthiram ukham asanam ,那种绝对稳定和舒适的姿势就是体式。这意味着你的身体是自在的,你的头脑是自在的,而你的能量是活跃而平衡的。体式是一种为了让你达到自然冥想状态而进行的准备步骤。
In a way, asanas are a dynamic way of meditating. To think that when you are meditating, you can have a conversation is ridiculous. The same goes for asanas. Speaking triggers a number of changes in your system. You could check this yourself. First sit quietly and check your pulse rate. Then speak intensely and check your pulse rate – it will be very different. The pulse is just one example. Speaking not only changes the physiological parameters – even the energy parameters change dramatically. Above all, without focus, how to do an asana?
从某个方面来说,体式是一种动态冥想。认为冥想时还能与人交谈是荒谬的。做体式时也是一样。说话会触发你系统的一系列变化。这点你可以自己来验证。首先安静地坐着,检查你的脉搏频率。接着激烈地说话,再度检查你的脉搏频率 —— 你会发现脉搏频率会非常不同。脉搏的变化只是一个例子。说话不仅仅改变了生理参数 —— 甚至能量参数也会发生巨大变化。首先,如果没有专注,又何谈进行体式?
Once, I was invited to speak in a yoga studio in the US. This lady is an Isha meditatorand she had been a yoga teacher for many years. When I came to her yoga studio, music was playing, and she was in ardha matsyendrasana, talking non-stop into a microphone to the group. When I saw this, I wanted to leave, but she recognized me, said “Hi,” jumped up out of the asana, and came towards me. I took her aside and told her this is not the way to teach yoga because it brings serious imbalances to one’s system, and it turned out that she actually was suffering from them. She gave up teaching after some time, and these issues disappeared.
一次,我被美国某瑜伽工作室邀请去做演讲。邀请我的这位女士是 Isha 瑜伽冥想者,并且做了多年瑜伽老师。当我到达她的瑜伽工作室时,我发现那里正播放着音乐,而她一边进行着 ardha matsyendrasana (半脊柱扭动体式)一边通过麦克风不停地讲解。看到这个场景我马上想掉头离开,但她认出我来,和我打招呼,停止了体式并跳起身向我走来。我将她拉到一旁对她说,不能这样教瑜伽,因为它会给人的系统带来严重失衡,后来知道她确实因此受苦。过了一段时间,她停止了教课,而这些问题就都消失了。
There should be no talking while doing an asana, and no going into any asana whenever you feel like it. I have seen people doing some asana during a bathroom break, because they want the world to know that they are doing yoga. This is silly. If you are able to sit without the need to run to the bathroom, without the need to talk to anyone, without the need to drink anything – that is a good advertisement for you if you are doing yoga. You do not have to get into a posture to tell everyone that you are doing yoga.
在进行体式时不应该说话,也不应该在任何你想进行的时候就进入体式。我看到有人在中间厕所休息时间里都不忘做个体式,因为他们想要全世界都知道他们在做瑜伽。这很愚蠢。如果你做了瑜伽,能够只是坐着,不再需要跑去洗手间,不再需要和任何人说话,也不再需要喝任何东西 —— 这对你就是很好的宣传。你并不需要摆出某种姿势来告诉别人你在练习瑜伽。
As a rule, you never ever speak in postures because focus, breath, and what happens to your energy system are most important. And above all, asanas are a preliminary meditative state. You cannot talk in your meditation. If you speak while doing an asana, you will disturb the breath, the mental focus, and the stability of your energy system.
To the question of corrections – in a way, physically correcting someone would amount to using props. If the teacher makes the corrections clear, people should be able to consciously correct the asana. Otherwise, later, they will make the same mistakes again. Another aspect is, if they are already in a certain state and you try to physically correct the posture by touching them, you could cause damage.
关于纠正别人的问题 —— 从某个方面来说,在身体上纠正别人等同于使用道具。如果老师将纠正说清楚,人们就应该能有意识地进行自我矫正。否则过后他们依旧会重复同样的错误。另一方面,如果他们已经处于某一状态而你试图通过碰触他们来从身体上进行姿势矫正,你会对他们造成伤害。
To give an example – just moving my finger involves so many things. My muscles, ligaments, skeletal system, mind, and energy have to work in a certain way. Suppose you hold my finger and move it, it is a completely different matter. So the teacher should tell you until you understand how it should be done, but you should make the effort to do the correction from within.
举个例子 —— 仅仅是移动我的手指就会牵涉到很多东西。我的肌肉、韧带、骨骼系统、头脑和能量必须要以某种方式运作。假设你握住我的手指移动它,那是完全不同的一回事。所以老师应该通过语言来告诉你,直至你了解应该如何做为止,但你应该努力从内在进行自我矫正。