(2018-01-12 17:45:26)
Sadhguru: Today human intelligence is used in a very crippled way, constantly dipping into one’s memory bank. If your intelligence functions only from the memory that you have accumulated then you are just a recycling bin. The same thing keeps happening in many permutations and combinations.
One major aspect of spiritual process is to keep your hand out of the memory bank. Why we speak so much about karma – karma is memory – to be out of it, is because the moment you dip your hand into it, your life will become cyclical. Once your life becomes cyclical, you are just going in circles which mean that you are going nowhere. The idea is to break the cycle. If the cycle has to break, your intelligence has to become free from the accumulated memory, otherwise cycles will not be broken; cycles will be created. The more deeply you dip into this memory the cycles will become shorter and shorter and slowly lead you towards insanity.
灵性修行的一个主要面向就是让你的手不去伸向这个记忆库。为什么我们阐述了这么多关于业力的内容 —— 业力就是记忆,我们要解脱它,是因为一旦你触碰了业力,你的生命将陷入轮回。一旦你的生命陷入轮回,那你就处于轮回之中,也就意味着你哪儿也去不了。修行就是要打破这个轮回。要打破这个轮回,你的智能必须摆脱你所累积的记忆的束缚,否则,轮回不但无法被打破,还会产生新的轮回。你在你的记忆中陷得越深,轮回的周期就会变得越短,渐渐地,就会让你发疯。
Surya Kriya enables you to move towards a space within yourself and around yourself where circumstances are not in any way intrusive or obstructing the process of life.
Right now we are in the process of bringing forth a certain dimension of physical practice. Physical on the surface, but with a certain dimension of spiritual process, which we are referring to as Surya Kriya. In the last four to five months all brahmacharis have been doing Surya Kriya, they are still in the process of correcting their practice. When the practice is done, geometrically, in a hundred percent correct manner then we will initiate the Surya Kriya in a certain way and it will become a very powerful process towards physiological and psychological health as well as a tremendous spiritual possibility. It will take a certain amount of time and application and constant correction to come to that state of perfection. Only then, initiating into it will be worthwhile because it is a powerful process. It needs to be done with a certain level of competence.
Surya Kriya is different from Surya Namaskar in that the original practice or the real practice is Surya Kriya. It is a way of aligning yourself with the sun and it is a much more refined process which needs enormous attention in terms of the geometry of the body. Surya Namaskar is a country cousin of Surya Kriya. There is also another process called Surya Shakti, which is a far-off relative. If you want to use this system as just a physical exercise to build muscle, to become physically strong, you do Surya Shakti. If you want to build muscle, be physically fit, you want to do aerobic exercise where your heart becomes strong and you also want to have a spiritual element in it, you do Surya Namaskar. If you want a strong spiritual process in the physical process that you are doing, then you do Surya Kriya.
苏利亚克里亚不同于拜日式( Surya Namaskar ),因为苏利亚克里亚才是最初始的或者说真正的修行。这是一种将你与太阳同步的方法,而且这种修行方式更为精妙,因此需要我们在身体的几何分布上投入极大的精力。拜日式与苏利亚克里亚有一些渊源。还有另一种修行方式,叫作苏利亚夏克提( Surya Shakti ),与苏利亚克里亚的关系就更远了。如果你想用这种体系,仅仅作为一种锻炼肌肉、增强体魄的身体锻炼,你可以修习苏利亚夏克提。如果你想锻炼肌肉,还要保持身体健康,你会想进行有氧锻炼以增强你的心脏功能,并且同时你也想要有一点灵性元素,你可以修行拜日式。如果你想要让一种强大的修行贯穿在身体练习中,你就可以修习苏利亚克里亚。
When we say Surya we are talking about the sun, the basic powerhouse for this planet. Everything on this planet is solar powered – all life on this planet is solar powered, including yourself. The solar cycles run in twelve and a quarter to twelve and a half years. To be able to ride these cycles is a part of your well-being. You can either ride these cycles or you can be crushed by them.
当我们说到苏利亚,我们说的是太阳 —— 这个星球上最根本的能量源。这个星球上的一切都是由太阳供给能量 —— 这个星球上的所有生命都是由太阳供给能量的,包括你自己。太阳周期持续时间在 12 年零 3 个月到 12 年半之间。能够驾驭这些周期也是你获得幸福的一部分。要么你能够驾驭这些周期,要么你被它们碾压。
The sun, the planet and the moon have a significant role in making the human body. Surya Kriya is a way of using the sun’s cycle so that you bring your physical body to a twelve and a quarter to twelve and a half years cycle. If you observe your life carefully you will see that at certain periods of time, from the beginning of puberty, for example, there is a certain sense of repetitiveness to the situations that you face. The psychological experiences that you have, the emotional situations that you experience are cyclical. Someone may be going through a twelve year cycle; another may go through a six year cycle or three years, eighteen months, nine months or a six months cycle. If it goes anywhere below a three months cycle then that means, psychologically one is in a state where one definitely needs medical treatment.
太阳、地球以及月亮在人体构造中起到了非常重要的作用。苏利亚克里亚就是一种利用太阳周期的方式,从而让你的身体进入一个为期 12 年零 3 个月到 12 年半之间的循环。如果你仔细审视你的生命,你会看到在某些特定时期,比如说,从青春期开始,你会感到你面对的环境有点重复。你的心理感受、你体验到的情感环境都是循环的。一些人可能会经历一个 12 年的周期,另一些人会经历 6 年、 3 年、 18 个月、 9 个月或者 6 个月的周期。如果这个周期低于 3 个月,这就意味着在心理层面,一个人处于得需要药物治疗的状态了。
From absolute health and balance to complete deterioration one can notice depending upon the length of cycle that is happening within oneself. Women are a little more in sync with the moon. As a result, they may not notice the solar cycle as much because they are noticing the lunar cycle much more. On the surface, for a female, the lunar cycle is playing a much more important role than the solar system. But the fundamental nature of the human body is essentially in sync with the solar cycles. So, Surya Kriya enables you to move towards a space within yourself and around yourself where circumstances are not in any way intrusive or obstructing the process of life.
After four months of meticulously correcting their practices, these brahmacharis who have been doing sadhana for eight to ten or fifteen years every day, are now beginning to understand what it takes to get the geometry of the body right. For fifteen years they have been doing Surya Namaskar and they believe they are doing it right. They are generally doing it right, but getting the geometry of the body right is not a simple thing. If you just get that right, it can download the whole cosmos. It takes a lot of work – adjusting and readjusting, to come to a point where it is just perfect. If we come to that point, then we’ll set fire to it, which is called initiation. We can set fire to the process and it will become a phenomenal practice of bringing physiological and psychological well-being on one level and becoming a powerful system to ride the cycles of the sun.
经过四个月时间仔细精确的修正,这些坚持每天修炼,持续了 8 到 10 年,甚至 15 年的禁欲修行者现在开始明白,该如何才能修正身体的几何分布。 15 年来他们一直在做拜日式,他们觉得他们做的是对的。大体上,他们是做对了,但是,修正身体的几何分布不是一件简单的事。如果你能将它调整好,身体就能下载整个宇宙。这需要做很多工作 —— 调整,再调整,使其达到一个恰好完美的点。如果我们达到了这个点,那么我们就能将它点燃,这称之为开启。我们可以将这个修行方式点燃,它将成为一种非凡的修行方式,能够让你的身心幸福到达一种高度,从而让身体成为一个能够驾驭太阳周期的强大系统。