Dear beautiful friends I am Lord Buddha! You are all very dear to me. I love you. When I look at Earth I see so many beautiful and special flowers. I see a botanical garden where all the flowers are important, where miracles can happen, whenever there is faith.
Each and everyone of you are a lovely flower that is also very exotic. You are exactly where you are supposed to be. You have your special colors, patterns, rhythms and you are unique.
This year of 2018 is a year where you grow. You ARE already YOU, and you are much awaited as YOU ARE dear! Please feel your uniqueness and I would like you to take yourself seriously and also embrace the fact how special you are. You and your special abilities, are much awaited. You all have different skills, and you complement each other. Cooperation and coherence are two very important tools in this new year of 2018.
You need each other and you make each other complete. And at the same time this year is about just being yourself, and letting yourself grow. You have worked for eternities, in life after life, to achieve this level as a ray of the sun. I Lord Buddha, have followed you in your work, to fill the earth with light. Each ray of the sun have special qualities and are unique, and you hold that light, every one of you dear beloved lightworkers.
Sometimes I feel your hesitation and you might be thinking something like; “Do I really have anything to offer other people, animals or earth?!” Dear friends, many of you have walked in narrow roads and encountered hard resistance, and some of you need to find your faith once again. YOU are YOU and you have your special mission as a lightworker and loveworker. No matter who you have met, or in what kind of situations you have been in,NO ONE can take away the important fact that YOU are YOU!
When I look upon Earth I see you all, and you are so very beautiful and you make her shine in a wonderful light. I just want you to have full faith in yourself, so your light will shine even more! I am always by your side, just call on me and I will assist you!
I am Buddha I feel your love and I see your light I am and YOU ARE!
佛陀 20180110 扩张之年
通灵:Kerstin Eriksson
翻译:Nick Chan