We are moving to the Golden Age of the New Earth.We are not alone in the Universe as we share DNA with thousands of species throughout our Universe.Things on Earth are moving faster and faster towards completion.
我们正在进入新地球的黄金时代。我们在宇宙中并不孤单,因为我们与遍布宇宙的成千上万个物种共享着 DNA 。地球上的事情正在越来越快地走向完成。
More and more people are waking up to the outlandish lies on the ground.Many are not telling the story like it is and that has to do with the Cabal and the 13 families fighting over the planet.They do not have the highest knowledge and Hillary Clinton knows she will be indicted.
越来越多的人开始意识到地面上那些稀奇古怪的谎言。许多人并没有像现在这样讲述这个故事,这与阴谋集团和 13 个家族为争夺地球而战有关。他们没有最高的知识和希拉里克林顿知道她将被起诉。
There's a war going on between the 13 families using reverse technologies and they will be revealed and will not be able to hide what they've been doing.They will have to give up control,we are just about at the end of duality here on Earth.
13 个使用反向技术的家庭之间正在进行一场战争,他们将被揭露,并且无法隐藏他们一直在做的事情。他们将不得不放弃控制,我们正处在地球二元性的末端。
Just like the Dark having spies,the Light also has spies that have infiltrated the Dark factions here on Earth.They have access to the plans of the Dark and they use that information to counter the actions of the 13 families and Cabal.Some of these are extraterrestrials in government.
就像黑暗势力有间谍一样,光明势力也有间谍渗透进地球上的黑暗势力。他们可以接触到黑暗势力的计划,并利用这些信息来对抗 13 个家族和阴谋集团的行动。其中一些是政府中的外星人。
Humanity needs to break free from the programming,programming has drained your mind and emotions to react in a certain way.So many are triggered by core fear programs which are so detrimental.We manage the planet crisis by raising our consciousness.
Social media is a great tool because it shows they can no longer control us,their secret is out.Together we will bring a Divine Galactic Government to Earth which is a stipulation in Disclosure.Divine government means we recognize ourselves as Galactic citizens.There will be no more Draco royalty,no Vatican royalty we are sovereign beings on this planet we all need to know we have that power.We have made the old plan of the New World Order obsolete through social media.We must acknowledge our Human to Galactic status and our connection to extraterrestrials engaging the human race.
We must start working with the Earth grid,ley lines and energy portals.This strengthens the Earth by dissolving the Dark Earth energies.We must start taking control of healing our physical bodies,cosmic Ascension means dealing with all the pain and fear,terror and loss we must forgive our past and detach from the old stories.The past is the past it's gone...
Long ago we fell into density,our shadow side,that's our past,let it go.As we raise our consciousness,as our DNA activates we forgive our past,there is no duality,no karma.We overcome psychic warfare,demonic forces and mind control.We recognize that we need to change our force towards wisdom and decrease ignorance and study truth.Connecting with your higher self diverts anger and depression that causes harm.Learn to self counsel...
很久以前我们陷入了密度,我们的阴影面,那是我们的过去,让它去吧。当我们提升我们的意识,当我们的 DNA 激活我们原谅我们的过去,就没有二元性,没有业力。我们战胜了精神战争、恶魔力量和心灵控制。我们认识到,我们需要改变我们的力量走向智慧,减少无知和学习真理。与更高的自我联系,可以转移造成伤害的愤怒和沮丧。学会自我反省。
We need to restore our balance.Each time you close yourself off from the highest energy you fall back.It is your job to keep the window open.Develop the positive mind.When you understand yourself it's much easier to understand another.Sometimes things are very simple until ego confuses the situation hence,know yourself.You understanding yourself is key and maintaining confidence is very valuable.Clear the blocks and purify your instincts.Remember,your Ascension is completed when you have no more questions.💙
資料來源: https://www.pfcchina.org/lingxing/33455.html