




My dear friends, we love you so very much,




Your lives will unfold in the most miraculous ways this year if you can trust that everything around you is conspiring to lead you to greater love.




The things and people that inspire you are like beacons guiding you to greater love. Allow yourself to follow your heart even in things that seem insignificant. If you want a cup of coffee, stop and get one. You never know who you might meet.




The unloving souls and challenging circumstances are like canyon walls that guide the water to choose an easier path. Allow yourself to lovingly move away from what hurts or upsets you towards what feels more loving. Stop trying to save, fix, and change those who haven’t asked for it, and instead allow yourselves joy no matter what those around you choose. You will become the beacons of love and joy to guide those who are ready.




Your unexpected circumstances and changes in plans occur when the Divine sees something better for you than you might have asked. Avoid tantrums when things don’t go your way, and trust the adventure. Be open to spontaneous change. Attempting to control anything or anyone too tightly only leads to frustration and stress. Planning while allowing for change keeps you on a grace-guided path.




If you believe in love, you’ll see the love, and receive the love. Trust the unfolding adventure of your lives dear ones. You are always exactly where you need to be to learn what you wan to learn.




In the Real world, when you someday awaken from this earthly dream, you will remember that everything is, and always will be, all about love. Indeed there is nothing else beneath it all. Why not allow yourselves this love right here, right now? It is always present, beckoning you back into its embrace, whispering gently, “This is who you are.”




God Bless You! We love you so very much.— The Angels




天使 20180106 允许

通灵:Ann Albers

翻译:Nick Chan

    創作者 如是說 的頭像


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