(2017-09-05 03:56:59)
JJK: Today I had a déjà-vu while I remembered two of my former incarnations. Back then, as well as today, it was my mission to bring messages of light to the people. Back then only very few understood them. Today of course there are significantly more, but I still find that the number of those who truly awaken is small. My question is: Do times and people never change? Is awareness ultimately only for the few?
JJK: 今天我有一个似曾相识,我忆起了两个之前的化身。当时,以及如今,我的使命是把光的信息带给人们。当时只有很少人能够理解信息。如今当然有着显著的增加,但我依旧发现真正觉醒的人还是很少。我的问题是:时间和人们永远不会改变吗?意识真的只是少数人的东西吗?
MASTER MARY: I surround you with my light.
God’s grace creates a field of awareness for everyone – and it is up to each individual if and when he enters this realm of grace.
神的恩典为所有人创造了一个意识领域 --- 取决于每个个体要不要以及什么时候进入这个恩典领域
As for your questions, beloved Jahn: It is a long and windy road until the ability of a person to look right through every illusion has completely come alive. Life after life, people go through new experiences and dis-illusions until they reach a level of maturity at which they cannot be blinded by any light anymore.
至于你的问题,亲爱的 Jahn :这是一段漫长且艰辛的道路直到一个人能够看穿每个幻象。一生又一生,人们经历新的体验和幻灭,直到他们到达成熟的水平,也就是他们无法再被任何的光蒙蔽
That’s why centuries pass without any apparent changes. Human consciousness seems stagnant, and in moments like this when a huge illusion has not been recognized by the majority of people, you may perceive this stagnation as painful.
It is true that many people – very many – unwittingly and with the best of intentions follow the dark seducer who masquerades as luminous being.
确实,很多人 --- 非常多 --- 不经意地,出于一片好心,跟随黑暗的骗子,伪装成光明的存在
JJK: What are the karmic effects for the individual if false prophets remain unrecognized?
JJK: 如果虚假的先知没有被认识到,个体的业力影响会是什么?
MASTER MARY: The continuous confrontation with these circumstances until they are recognized. And these confrontations always entail dis-illusions. A process that often continues throughout many lives, until the person is ready to truly get to the bottom of things.
JJK: Not wanting to get to the bottom of things …
JJK: :不想要弄清楚真相 ...
MASTER MARY: Only very few human beings are born with this ability and this will. It is a “talent” only few possess. Mostly old souls do. That is why it is painful for an old soul to see how people tend towards the wrong direction for ages. The human path to enlightenment on all levels is a process over many incarnations.
Just like a fruit doesn’t fall to the ground before it is ripe, humans reach perfection when the time is right.
JJK: Is there a way that allows all people to recognize dark intentions right away? Can this process be accelerated by any means? It would surely be beneficial for the world.
JJK: 有没有方法让所有人立刻就能认出黑暗的意图?这个进程能用任何方法加速吗?这肯定会利益全世界
MASTER MARY: There are „exceptions“: people who are uniquely sheltered by the grace of God. And there are “short cuts” for those whose thought, speech and actions are radical, who tackle things at the roots, and who walk their path to enlightenment relentlessly. How many such people do you know, Jahn?
大师玛丽亚:有着“例外”:被神的恩典独特庇护的人。有着“捷径”,对那些想法,话语和行为激进的人,解决事情根源的人,无情地行走启蒙道路的人。你认识多少这样的人, Jahn?
JJK: There are a few that I presumably see something in. When I include all of humanity, their number however is rather small.
JJK: 有一些人我大概可以看到这些特点。当我包括所有人,他们的数量是很小的
MASTER MARY: The answer to your question whether there’s a “method” to enable all people to always see through things, is no.
Because the level of consciousness defines the degree of ability to discern.
When someone is awakened they intuit, sense and perceive quickly what is going on! Someone who is still on their way to mastery can only perceive to the extent of their own inner potential. And again, the individual transformation process becomes the focal point of action. Because it is the basis for absolutely every realization.
and it currently is in fact a problem for the spiritual awakening of mankind, is that many warriors of light perceive themselves as already completely transformed.
JJK: There is a saying: “There are too many chiefs and no Indians” …
JJK: 有种说法:“有着太多首领,没有印第安人”
MASTER MARY: The path into mastery always holds the hidden danger of falling into the trap of all kinds of misconception. Each and every case of misconception has to be properly recognized and perceived as truthful. Only this truthfulness towards yourself allows you to continue on your spiritual path, and the next steps are revealed to you.
Lesson after lesson, life after life, until this realm of existence was mastered you will be confronted with your misconceptions and self-limitations. For old souls this is a logical process, and such human beings go through time in a different way.
Not someone who is tired or weary of life is an old soul, but someone who knows their unique mission and fulfills it time after time.
JJK: You are talking about “dangers” along the way.
JJK: 你是在说一路上的“危险”
Danger is always associated with “fear”. My point is that I hear from more and more people, almost reflexively, that they are fearless. For me this is total nonsense. Because fear at the sight of a threat makes me alert and allows me to take adequate counteraction. In this case fear serves as my protection. Which human being is really free from fears? And why do so many people pretend to be?
MASTER MARY: People who stereotypically announce that they never experience fear of anything or anyone, usually cover up especially deep-seated traumatic experiences. It is good to let them believe that until they sense on their own that something essential is being suppressed and something important hasn’t been recognized.
Fears that don’t take you over – meaning they don’t block you – can be used to get into “fighting mode” in case of danger.
恐惧不会接管你 --- 意味着它们不会阻挡你 --- 可以被用来进入“战斗模式”,当处于危险
Resistance, defense or determination isn’t possible until danger is recognized as such.
In a healthy person, a danger foreseen immediately activates a response. And this response, which may take the form of massive resistance, is part of human divine nature. Every human being has inner sensors that detect danger, which allows for appropriate and timely measures of protection or defense.
In the new spiritual movement the erroneous assumption seams to stick that fighting is bad and should be left to the forces of light.
This assumption needs to be corrected here. Because nobody can transfer the inevitable fight from one specific realm to another. In this sense I request of you to be alert and to correct the dogma “fighting causes new karma and constitutes a sin”.
Sin is, on any level, not to stand up for your life.
JJK: Does it make any karmic difference how I fight? Is the method of fighting crucial or how I align internally?
JJK: 我如何战斗会让任何业力产生差异吗?战斗的方式重要还是我如何内在对齐重要?
MASTER MARY: Resistance can happen on different levels – verbally, mentally, emotionally, physically or spiritually. This means that you can get active on an energetic level or in the world of form. How does one decide? Every situation holds the solution. And internalize this as well:
大师玛丽亚:抵抗会在不同的层面上发生 --- 口头,精神,情绪,身体或精神。这意味着你可以在能量层面或形式的世界变得活跃。一个人如何决定?每个情况都持有着解决方案。内化这些:
Peaceful warriors are still warriors. What makes for peaceful warriors is their aspiration to find a mindful and peaceful solution, but not to sacrifice their aspirations for hollow peace.
JJK: So everything from talking to energetic resolution (light sword) to physical effort is possible?
JJK: 所以一切从能量的解决方案(光剑)到物理的努力是可能的?
MASTER MARY: In order to find the right means or tools for a fight, you need to recognize what level this fight is happening on. Then you have to determine your own position. Do I have a mission in this, and if so, which one? By reviewing this you will never be drawn into fights that have nothing to do with you.
JJK: And what if you have to act fast? I am thinking of a sudden and direct physical attack.
JJK: 如果你必须快速行动呢?我在想一个突发的,直接的物理攻击
MASTER MARY: Every human being has their own intuition. How do you react, Jahn?
大师玛丽亚:每个人都有自己的直觉。你如何反应, Jahn?
JJK: By getting out of there, or – if that is impossible – by striking back without hesitation. I have experienced this before, and it has proven to be right in hindsight. Sometimes there’s no other way – that’s how I see it. I am not one to turn the other cheek!
JJK: 离开那里,或者 --- 如果这不可能 --- 毫不犹豫地反击。我有过这样的经历,事后证明这样做是正确的。有时候别无他法 --- 这是我的看法。我不是很能容忍的人
MASTER MARY: These courses of action are in the blueprint of every person. False religious beliefs are the reason why many people are afraid to handle and master situations in the way you just described. Formerly proud and powerful human beings have turned into submissive slaves. All this is changing now, this is noticeable everywhere. Wrongs are righted, religious concepts or paralyzing programs are recognized and rendered ineffective.
JJK: Master Mary, the divine mother, talks about fighting. That in itself will cause some astonishment…?
JJK: 大师玛丽亚,神圣的母亲,谈论战斗。这本身会导致一些惊讶吗?
MASTER MARY: In this and in future messages that will be channeled by you up until the light reading on September 24th, 2017, I appear as Master Mary. This reflects the time quality in compliance with the divine. Because it is the divine purpose that as many people as possible achieve their mastery now. The word “Master” before my name is meant to uplift you into your own mastery.
大师玛丽亚:在这则信息和未来的信息中,直到 2017.9.24 的光之阅读,我,作为大师玛丽亚前来。这反应出了时间的质量,按照神圣来说。因为这是神圣的目标,尽可能多的人实现自己的精通。我名字前的“大师”意在于提升你进入你的精通
JJK: Let me summarize:
JJK: 让我总结一下:
Everybody knows their own inner potential (Jesus talks about talents).
Fighting – no matter in what way – is not a sin but part of human existence. (Even Archangel Michael and his armies don’t hesitate for a moment to use the light sword).
战斗 --- 无论在什么方式中 --- 不是一个罪孽而是人类存在的一部分。(即使大天使麦克和他的军队不会犹豫片刻去使用光剑)
Mastery is achieved by those who radically and relentlessly clean up their own lives. (Wanting to change the world and staying the same oneself exclude one another.)
MASTER MARY: So it is, and I elaborate:
Everyone, no matter what talents they were born with, can lead a fulfilled life as long as they live out their potential.
God answers to your aspiration and not to your given talents.
Each conflict and each unfortunate situation can be resolved. Commit yourself to the solution, rebuff assaults on all levels. Stand up for your life.
Fighters of light or warriors of light – both terms strengthen you. Don’t reject them.
光战士或光的斗士 --- 两个术语都会加强你。不要拒绝它们。
God’s realm of grace is absolute and omnipresent. Entering it means accepting everything that you are.
In God’s light all illusion ends and every life lie can be recognized.
Whoever truly wants to recognize themselves, who is ready for this step, will have an easy time looking through illusions and deceptions by a second or third party. This concludes the circle, and we are back to the beginning of our conversation.
Recognize yourself, and you recognize everything!
Rise, wake up and step into the realm of god’s grace. The abundance that awaits you here is immeasurable, the wisdom you encounter here is boundless, and the love that touches you here is limitless. Now and forever.
I am with you, I love you endlessly.
原文: https://lichtweltverlag.at/en/2017/09/03/until-the-light-no-longer-blinds-you-part-1/
通灵:Jahn J Kassl
翻译:Nick Chan