原创 2017-09-22 玛利亚 新纪元扬升之光
Mother Mary via Ann Dahlberg, September 21st, 2017
I am Mother Mary and I am here today to talk about the fact that the Earth now is getting rid of much negativity – The negativity has been caused by people, but some of it also originates from Earth itself. Earth is in motion and this can cause some inconveniences for those of you who happen to be in those places where the movements are taking place. You have the ability to measure such movements and ought to help each other so that the damage does not become too large for people and animals in these areas. You are a people in unison and the help could reach everybody. It is a matter of preparations, dear children on Earth. It is time for you to become One with each other. You need to collaborate across country borders and take each other by the hand. The light has awoken many a soul who understand what this means. It means it is time to wake up and that all resources on Earth are used for all regardless of it is technology, knowledge or economy. It is time to take responsibility for the knowledge you have and let it multiply for the benefit of all. When it is concerning life that needs to be saved you must act in one way or another. You are people with a heart and a soul so it is time for you to step forward and show your humanitarian side. You all have it in you. It is just the courage that is missing – The courage that tells who you are and why you are on Earth today. You are part of a big change in consciousness that is happening both on Earth and in yourself. You chose to come down at this time to share your gifts and to help the Earth and yourself to ascend into a higher dimension. You were tired of this a bit dark and grim reality and wanted to have a bit more light and love in your lives.
The light is here now and is shining its rays of love on Earth today. This increases the awareness of light and love in your hearts. Many of us know that it is time to take a step forward now and to do what it was you came down to do. All of you that are on your way to wake up needed to be shaken a little and those that are awake need to become clear in how they show who they are so that more will see and understand where Earth and you are heading. I, Mother Mary, am now spreading roses on your path in order to make it easier for you to follow it and to listen to what your heart is whispering to you. The light is strong now dear friends and time is starting to reach completion. Earth is starting to dress up in her wedding gown and she is incredibly beautiful to behold. It is as if the world is holding its breath today in anticipation of the “big” that soon will happen I love you so much and want you all to come with Earth when she now ascends towards the sky. It will be a marvelous journey with many adventures that all end in light and love for all that is.
Yes, my dear friends, we are now ascending and it can be felt in all your bodies. There is much that you are getting rid of at the same time as the light is seeping in. The choice that you have made in your heart is valid now and if your world is a bit confusing it is because of the choice of your heart. It has chosen to develop and to follow Mother Earth. It has chosen light and love and is now preparing itself to enter into a higher dimension of love and light. Be happy all of you who have bodies who react – it is often a good sign. Do not get discouraged by some obstacles on the way. Your heart will guide you along the path that will lead you home. Learn from what you encounter and grow together with your heart. You will get the help you need. Listen inside and the answers can be found there. You all have many guides around you now who do everything in order for you to find your way home to yourself and to the light of the heart that you carry inside you.
Call on me and I am here for you. I am here among you now and I love you so much.
Mother Mary
音頻來源: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49Lc0xWk5Mc