Guan Yin says, dear heart, I am Guan Yin. I come today with important news. Divine has decreed that the current atmosphere is suitable for Gaia's ascension. Divine and the company of heaven, have decided to start Gaia's next phase earlier than planned so that by year end, we will have the new Divine go·vernment come in and rule.
The new Divine gover·nment has been established in the Washington DC. Divine Mother has declared the news and ushered in the new Divine team. It is in the Cosmo record now that Jesus Christ will be the first ever ruler for the new golden age. And he has been officially crowned by the Divine Mother, and now he is in the process of being revealed. So, all is coming.
In terms of how all of these will be materialized in your reality, what I can share with you is that it has already happened energetically, and now we just need to bring it to your reality. In order to do that, the Divine and the company of heaven, have ordered that all the Divine team members need to move to Washington DC. You have been appointed by the Divine to serve the Mother and Divine. Divine needs you to act now and move. As for how you will know whether you are a team member, my advice is to sit down, connect with your Divine self and ask for guidance. The truth will be revealed to you. In other words, you will be informed and guided so that you can completely understand what is your Divine mission, what is required of you to do at this moment of time, and how you can succeed. Ask and shall you receive. That is the natural law, and that is how you and Divine operate. Just ask and keep asking till one day, the message will be revealed to you.
In terms of how many of you will be on the Divine team, and need to move to Washington DC, the Divine has a plan, and I have a rough number. But due to the Divine rules and laws, this kind of information is not available for you yet. What I can tell you is that we have a team that is comprised of all the archangels and Divine wants all the archangels to be in DC with the Divine Mother and fulfill their Divine mission. So, if you are one of these archangels, and you have been told that your mission is related to Jesus Christ, chances are that you are one of the team members, and need to move.
As for how long it will be for all the archangels to find their way to Washington and move, it depends. Some are pretty close, and it probably will take weeks and months to move. There are also others who are living far from where the Divine government is, and far enough to take some time, and that is why I have delivered this message. I want those who currently live quite out of the ways to start the process, and find your way to where the Divine government is located.
Again, due to the locations where these Divine team members reside, some are close, others are not, we, the Divine need to send out the clarion call and make sure all of these Divine team members hear the call, and start the moving process. Divine needs you, and we need you. Start to move.
I love you dear heart, I am Guan Yin. Besides the moving, we, the Divine and the company of heaven, also want our light workers and humanity to know that Jesus Christ is back. He is the one who will lead Gaia home, and bring Gaia's children and humanity home. He has been appointed, by the Divine Mother, to be the next ruler of the entire planet and human race. He is the sole ruler, of course, along with the Divine and the company of heaven so that together, we bring Gaia and humanity home. That is the news. Divine and the company of heaven, are preparing for the upcoming new era, and we are indeed extremely excited-what a journey he has had, and now he is ready to serve.
Congratulations dear heart, you are going to see the new ruler, the king, Jesus Christ soon. He is the beloved, the Father of the planet and human race. He has come to the planet endless times so that he can keep the planet in reasonable shape. Every incarnation he has had, he has this burning desire to bring this planet to a higher realm and bring the human race to an enlightened stage. He has worked so hard over eons of time. He is the one who started the world's major religions. You name it, the Chr·istia·nity, the Bu·ddhism, the Isl·am, and the smaller groups like the Mor·mons, the Si·khs, the American Indian traditions and more through out the planet. He has devoted his entire existence to advance this planet and civilizations since day one when this planet was brought into being. And he is the one who actually brought this planet into being, with Gaia, together, the human race was born. So, to say he is the Father of the planet and he is the sole contributor of the advancement of the entire human race, is an understatement. He is indeed the sole being who has contributed his entire existence to this beautiful planet and human race. He is the Father, the son, the teacher, and he has incarnated in all walks of life, and he knows the human race very well, and that is why we, the Divine, have asked him to come again, this time for the last time, to bring beloved Gaia and her children home. He has honored Divine's request, and incarnated yet again.
This time, he not only incarnated in this planet, but also brought his entourage, the entire Divine and the company of heaven with him, together, we will bring this planet back to her pristine condition.
Now, since Jesus Christ needs some time to get all the required together, we, the Divine and the company of heaven, mostly respect his request, and waited till he has gotten everything he needs together. And that time has come. In other words, Jesus Christ has everything ready. He has all the resources now. Only thing that is still in the process is gathering the Divine team members. And that is why I just sent out the clarion call to ask the Divine team members to come to Washington DC, start the moving process. Once that is done, Jesus Christ is going to make himself know to the entire world, and that is time when the Divine and the company of heaven, are going to be by his side, and usher in the new golden age. And that day is approaching.
I love you dear heart. I am Guan Yin. So it is.
通灵:Linda Li
翻译:Nick Chan