

原创 2017-09-05 麦达昶 新纪元扬升之光

Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn, September 4th, 2017

翻译:荷光 * 凯,平台: xinjiyuanlove






Greetings Masters, I am Metatron, Angelic of Light withTyberonn of Crystalline Service. We welcome each of you in a vector of unconditionallove

问候大师们,我是 Metatron 与天使之光的水晶服务者 Tyberonn 。我们带着无条件的爱欢迎你们中的每一位。


We speak today on a very timely topic, that of natural disasters. Weunderstand the deep trauma and sorrow, as well as the great pain and miserythat accompanies all such catastrophic events, as has occurred with thehurricanes, forest fires, super tornadoes and earthquakes over recent years. Avery recent super-storm has occurred in the Gulf of Mexico, with cataclysmiclandfall occurring in Texas and Louisiana.




Time of Shift

Beinghuman at this time of shift on the Earth is extremely difficult for so many,and we ask all of you to offer your prayers to those that are experiencingagonizing loss. We of the angelic realm are with you.





Although there was a tragic loss of lives and devastation to the landand structures, these catastrophies are not meant as any retribution. Masters,we tell you that what is taking place must transpire. It is a requisiterealignment. It is the earth shifting, transiting into new energy….and indeedthe sort of occurrences will continue on a regional scale across the planet.




The Energy of Change

We feelyour pain at these losses, and we honor you so much for holding the energy ofchange throughout the hardships you are enduring. We truly do understand thesadness of duality realms. We encircle you in love through these times oftransition. But understand that everything happening is by choice, and thecourageous, sacred choice that humanity has made, is to Ascend.





Every soul whose physical life ends in such events, makes the choice todo so in free will and in higher purpose. We also tell you that whiledifficult, such events bring people together, and truly bring out the best inhumanity, pulling together to help one another. And this aspect of unity wasindeed seen in the areas of the Texas and Louisiana hurricane/tropical storm.Now, although the cleansing shift aspect of that termed as hurricanes,tornadoes, earthquakes & tsunamis are natural occurrences requisite for theplanet, these in the recent circumstance, also have an effect ofre-prioritization.


每一个在这样的事件中结束生命的灵魂,都是自由意志和更高目标的选择。我们也告诉你们,虽然困难,但这类事件会把人们聚集在一起,真正地带来人性中最美好的事物,齐心协力互相帮助。在德克萨斯和路易斯安那州的飓风 / 热带风暴中,我们看到了团结的这一面。现在,虽然这个被称为飓风、龙卷风、地震和海啸的清洁转变是地球所必需的自然现象,在近期的事件中,产生的影响也会重新评估。


We have shared with you information regarding the upshift and cleansingof the earth in seeking balance and preparing for change. However, many of youdo not realize that there are also very intricate relationships that existbetween the psychological environment of the human collective thought-flow, andensuing weather affects & climatic patterns. We tell you that people’scollective thoughts can & do indeed play a key role. Humanity’s collectivefeelings, thoughts & emotions absolutely flow into & thus influence tovarying degrees, the ‘consciousness’ field of the Living Earth.




Indeed, it is from the consciousness field of the earth’s naturalpatterns that all of your annual seasons and weather affects emerge.Accordingly humanity collectively can and do, play a role in the formation& effect of that which you consider to be ‘natural disasters’….especiallyin times of polarization and fear.




Polarization & Rebalance

In thisway, natural disasters oft ultimately end up ‘correcting’ an existing oremerging imbalance, and form conditions that may bring greater realization oflife’s true purpose, that of truly, unconditionally assisting & loving oneanother.





When striking polarization occurs within the human field, it creates afrequencial imbalance, and such divisional attitudinal imbalances are capableof mal-effecting the ascension path and obstruct the desired quality &higher goals of life. In this way, natural disasters, often create a scenariowhich alter priorities, up-shifts collective thinking in manners that bringabout a higher good, and enable a need for unity, of mutual caring andassistance in the face of the tempest.




It is true that when humans suffer great loss in a devastating disaster,as excruciating & painful as it is, the survivors overwhelmingly expresstheir gratitude at still being alive. For such traumatic events bring a senseof renewed priority , an understanding of the ‘gift of life’. And in mostcases, live their lives with a renewed sense of harmony and love toward oneanother and a great and greater understanding that changes them for the better.




The physical planet that you recognize is highly conscious, indeed moreconscious than is humanity at the current time. The Living Earth is attuned tothe needs, resonance and vibratory energy patterns of human thought, and isaligned to the ascension path of humanity in the ”New Earth’.




Make no mistake, the natural climatic patterns of cleansing are not onlyrequisite, they also contain vast imprintable geo-patterns & codes. Thesepatterns are “fluid,” in that while they exist, their final expression is oftena format of possibility and probabilities, imprinted & directed by consciousness.The patterns themselves can be “activated” in specific mannerisms &affects.





J Tyberonn Question to Metatron: We understand from the informationgiven over the past years, that these are necessary for the Ascension. Can youexpand on this ?


JTyberonn Metatron 的问题:我们从过去几年的信息中了解到,这些是提升的必要条件。你能你能详细谈谈这个吗?



AA-Metatron: Hurricanes, storms, earthquakes, floods, etcetera, are ever and always, necessary to the balancing & well-being of theearth. Accordingly, both electromagnetic balancing of the planet, as well asmankind’s succinct purposes are ‘naturally’ served when such events occur. Theearth is ever dynamic. You must understand that the balancing of the livingplanet is a continual ‘natural’ process. The equilibrium shifting that hasalways occurred will continue to occur as needed, it is an ongoing process.




But in the present time, these storms and also serve to further awakenhumanity to greater truth, higher purpose. For it is within the difficultexperiential arena of disasters and catastrophes that human life is for anenduring time, drastically altered.



 Just as your physical human body & ‘auric’ body makenecessary adjustments according to external and internal experiences andforces, so does the body of the living planet Earth make shifts for balance.




To some extent mankind’s collective attitudes, desires and emotionseffectively blend & merge with the physical aspects of nature so that suchstorms or disasters in certain circumstances, are as much the result ofpsychological activity as they are of physical weather conditions.




Disasters provide a rather drastic, societal shock. This immediatechaotic confrontation disrupts habitual, institutionalized patterns of behaviorand quickly renders people to react in the ‘now’ and opens people to moreamenable actions of assistance & survival. The affect can bring social,political and personal change.




Emotional influence as a ‘Human Event’

Mankind inmass consider storms, hurricanes, rain, earthquakes etc, as natural events, yetyou do not consider thoughts or emotions as natural events in the same terms.We tell you there is a very real & valid interaction between emotionalattitudes and 3d-physical events.



人类大众认为风暴、飓风、暴雨、地震等是自然事件,但你们不会以同样的方式把思想或情绪看作是自然事件。我们告诉你,在情感态度和 3d 物质事件之间有一个非常真实和有效的互动。


Although most humans realize the weather affects your emotional moods,very few of you recognize deeply understand that your moods & resultingattitudes can have an absolute effect upon the weather. Although this may seemobscure, even unbelievable to many, you are never unaware victims of naturaldisasters. Initially it may seem that you are, but on a higher level, you mustunderstand that you have scripted your life events, and accordingly you havewillingly had a hand in forming them….for greater good and higher growth.Indeed, your lives are pre-planned in higher self. You are individually,collectively co-creatively involved in all of the the earth’s events &cycles. Do you understand?




A Global Event

To nosmall degree, the increasing polarity and resulting outbursts of violence, haveinfluenced the longevity & intensity of the recent hurricane & floodingexperienced in the United States. Do not think it is a punishment specific to alocalized region. It is not a punishment, rather an opportunity to raiseawareness and change priorities. Nor is it truly regional, it is a global event,in the sense of the worldwide focal attention given by the media.





What has taken place in the face and aftermath of the disastrousflooding, has provided a unique and optimal opportunity for change, it servesas an awakening. A unifying desire for man to assist fellow man.




If the quality of life that is considered spiritually andbiologically necessary fails, then adjustments must occur. Social, politicalproblems can indeed be modified, reshaped and reformed by a natural disaster ifpolitical means fail.




Creative Response

Disastersprovide a temporary liberation from the status quo in daily life. Worries,aggression, prejudices, inhibitions and anxieties associated with the immediatepast and future temporarily are put on hold. That is clearly because disastersliterally force people to concentrate their full attention on survival, on theimmediate moment-to-moment, needs within the context of the present realities.





Disasters, in this way, stimulate rousing courage & creativeenergies of the populace. In survival emergency mode, humans tend to see oneanother as fellow humans in need, not categorized by race, religion or economicclass. Assistance is rendered based on common need. Indeed, this is exemplifiedin the altruistic and heroic actions of so many in the aftermath of the recenthurricane in Texas. People from all parts of the United States, Canada andMexico came together to offer assistance. Many courageous rescues came not fromgovernment agencies or military, but from what your media referred to as the‘Cajun & Cowboy’ navy.


灾难,以这种方式,激发了民众的勇气和创造性的能量。在生存紧急状态下,人类倾向于视彼此为互相需要的人类,而不分是种族、宗教或经济阶层。根据共同需要提供援助。事实上,在最近的德州飓风过后,许多人都在无私和英勇的行动中体现了这一点。来自美国、加拿大和墨西哥的所有人都聚集在一起,提供帮助。许多勇敢的救援行动不是来自政府机构或军队,而是来自媒体称之为“ Cajun Cowboy” 的移民。


Bearded and tattooed, rough and ready individuals highly capable ofnavigating their boats through raging currents into isolated floodedneighborhoods to heroically rescue the trapped of all ages, religions andraces. This action inspired others to play various roles in opening theirhomes, providing food and blankets to the less fortunate. Do you see the silverlining?


有些人在汹涌的水流中,穿过激流,进入孤立的洪水社区,勇敢地拯救所有年龄、宗教和种族的人。这一行动激发了其他人敞开自己家门时扮演各种角色,为那些不幸的人提供食物和毛毯。你看到一线希望了吗 ?


Do you understand that such noble actions would not have occurredwithout the setting of the catastrophic floods?




We tell you that the actions of both the rescuers & rescued havechanged the attitudes & focus of millions, not only effecting those in theimmediate area, but also the hundreds of millions of souls across the planetwho viewed the events on television, internet and other media outlets.




Mankind & Nature

Mankindcannot separate, cannot divorce themselves from nature, nor nature’s collectiveexperiential intents. Although at such times you may consider nature, in itsviolent storming expressions as an adversary, on a higher level you are awarethat you collectively played a role in co-creating the enduring trauma of theexperience….and that this very trauma brought out a better side of humanity. Inthis way, you are forced to look for reasons outside of yourselves to explainwhat seems to be occurring. The belief systems and struggle for survival, uponwhich you humans base your lives, do indeed condition & culturally programyour existence such that you outwardly deny what you inwardly know.





You have made certain divisions because of your cultural programming andbeliefs which make this kind of explanation extremely important, but equallydifficult to contemplate or truly grasp in higher context. You think offlooding or earthquakes as totally natural events, but you do not considerthoughts or emotions as natural events in the same way….or consider that yourfears, prejudices or emotionally charged thoughts played a role in themanifestation of any disaster. And that the disaster itself helped you raiseyour consciousness into a more aware & indeed noble context.


因为你的教育机制和信仰使得这种解释非常重要,同样难以在更高的境界中思考或真正理解。你认为洪水或地震是完全自然的事件,但你不把思想或情绪看作是自然事件… . 或者认识到你的恐惧、偏见或情绪化的思想在所有灾难的表现中起了作用。灾难本身帮助你将你的意识提升到一个更觉知和崇高的境界中。



Masters,we emphasize that every experience each of you experience, you have had a handin creating. The University of Earth is a purposed illusion, but if it did notseem real, you would not learn.





Life can be difficult, and that is a great Truth. But it is often invery difficult times that you rise to the occasion, and transcend the pastcages & limits. For it is through facing your chosen ‘set-ups’ that youmaster the lessons of love offered in the curriculum of duality.




Natural disasters paradoxically bring out the altruistic aspect ofhumanity, in which mankind become kind men, and neighbors become trulyneighborly. The lessons learned in these experiences, while devastating in 3d,also change people for the better, revealing a greater truth, the truth ofLove.


自然灾害使人产生了利他主义的一面,人类变成了善良的人,邻居变成了真正和睦的邻居。在这些经历尽管是在 3d 的破坏中所吸取的教训,但也改变了人们的生活,揭示了更大的真相,爱的真谛。


I am Metatron, with Tyberonn of Crystalline Service, and we share withyou these truths. You are deeply beloved.


And So it Is…And it is So…


我是麦达昶与水晶服务者 Tyberonn ,我们与你分享这些真理。你深深的被爱着







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