Mother Mary, Lady Venus and Kuan Yin –Special Message of Love
阿斯塔远程在线 - 2017年2月14日
Ashtar On The Road teleconference –February 14, 2017
“Greetings and Namaste to all! We have stepped forward to be in special closeness with you on this dayof Love – in Celebration, in Peace, in Harmony and, yes, in Joy. We are speaking with one voice. We invite you to feel us!!! We are Mother Mary, Lady Venus and KuanYin. And together, we represent powerfulenergies of Love, though we speak softly, in accordance with the energies thatwe come to share with you. So we ask youto join with us in a most special way of being in the Oneness of our Lovetogether. We ask you to open your Hearts even more to feel this Love that weare sending to you, to further facilitate our coming together in the Oneness ofthe Highest energy in this Universe!
“What Ascension is – although there are many aspects to it – what itis is a Homecoming, a return to Love where we shall all be in its Lighttogether. But meanwhile, most BelovedOnes, we reach out to you and we ask you to take the Love that we bring to youinto your own Hearts. Let it come intoperfect Harmony and Balance and, yes, that Peace – that wondrous Peace – andfeel how it feels to be so joined, as to be One in the Light of Lovetogether. This is perfect union, or asSananda calls it, Perfect Communion of Spirits and Hearts made Light with theLove that pours in!
“We ask that you feel as carefree as children, for we all regard youas children of the Earth, our most precious ones, indeed, our treasuredones! We see you all shining so brightwith your childlike innocence – it matters not what your physical age is. It matters not where you have been in thislife or others. By coming together in the Light, you literally wash yourselvesclear of anything that you may have judged yourselves, in a less-than-lovingway, to have done or expressed anywhere at any time along your own timelines!!!
“It is yours, this Freedom, to enjoy in this precious moment ofOneness. It is yours, this Love webring, which is echoed in your own Hearts, in your own energy fields. It isthis Love which, together, we strengthen. And it is this Love that we tell you we see, so precious, sodivine! The only difference between usand you is simply that we are in our Light bodies and, therefore, free fromwhat you have experienced and expressed as members of third-dimensionalHumanity!
“But your identity is not that. Your identities are the Lights, theLights of Love you truly are!!! And thatis what we are here to tell you. Wespeak Truth to you, as any mother would to her child when she expressesLove. There is no reason to speakanything other than Truth. There isevery reason to tell you Who You Really Are, and how we see you and most ofall, how very much we love you!
“You are the Light and the Hope of the World. And we ask that you take our Love – let itinto your Hearts. Keep our words always,and shine them forth to share with others here on Planet Earth, for this is theTruth! And it is this Love that lightsthe way into the Golden Age Lifestyle, and beyond to your Homecoming!!! This isour message to you and while there is much more for you to learn and to know,keep this always as your guide, as your basic and fundamental Truth, the Truthof Who You Are, and the Truth of how we see you!
“This Love will clear out whatever there might be that isdisharmonious or unpleasant in any way to you. This Love will clear away whatever impediments or blockages you may befeeling. This Love will light your way,and in turn you will – and are already – lighting the way for others!!!
“Know that we are with you. We walk with you along your Paths and we areso Joy-full to be in such closeness with you! And, yes, most Beloved Ones, beautiful Children of Earth, we feel yourLove and we take it into our Hearts as the greatest treasure, as a joining withyou! You are our most precioustreasures, and we thank you for coming – for having the Courage to come and bein these lives of yours – and most especially for coming here to give us theopportunity to be in loving Oneness in the Truth of the LoveLight We AllAre! And so we say unto you, let yourPaths be brighter and brighter with the Light of Love, and in the knowing thatyou are never alone, and that all is well and Divine in each and every one ofyou!!! And so it is. Namaste!”