






Greetings Beloved Ones,

This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Archeia HolyAmethyst, and we greet you in Love. Today, we wish to discuss receiving theLight of consciousness.




The rarified Light of higher frequency is reaching yourplanet at a much faster rate and with increasing intensity than you havepreviously experienced. It is circulating in and around the Universe to bringopportunities for advancement to all life forms. It is inviting you toexperience the feeling of lightness for advancement in consciousness.



The Light of consciousness is a vibrational frequency, ratherthan a solid form. Therefore, the call to receive the Light of consciousnessmay appear in many ways. It may appear as a soothing, gentle form of energy. Itmay feel like a soft breeze even though the wind is not blowing. It may sound likea gentle melody, or it may be a thought that drifts into your mind. It may evenbe a beautiful rainbow or the fragrance of your favorite flower. Whatever formit takes, when you are open and ready to receive this Light, it will appear.




When you say yes to receiving the invitation for the Light ofconsciousness, it will drift gently around you. Its sparkling points of Lightflow softly into your energy field and blend with your existing energeticpattern. You can regulate the amount of flow by communicating with the Light tolet it know when you are ready to receive more. Then it becomes a partnershipbetween you and the Light.




It is inviting you to rise to a higher point ofconsciousness, and you are agreeing to carry this higher vibrational Light forthe greatest good of all.




Preparation for receiving the Light of consciousness is anongoing process. The more you prepare to receive the Light, the more easily youcan incorporate it into your energy field. The more Light you incorporate, themore you are able to receive.




As we have discussed with you in previous messages, lettinggo of old, outdated ways of thinking can enhance this process.




Being aware of your thought patterns allows you to monitoryour current state of being. As you review your day, you can assess whetheryour thoughts have enhanced your progress or whether you would make adjustmentsunder similar circumstances in the future



例如, 3D 世界中有些是难以改变的。当您调整思维模式以反映变化不断发生的概念时,你可以为此做好更多的准备。你意识到即使你不喜欢某些改变,它们也可能发生,你可以加强你的内在的力量,这样你就更有可能在这些时刻保持稳定。日常的冥想和静心练习可以帮助你建立你内在的力量。

For example, change is a constant in the 3D world. When youalign your thought patterns to reflect the concept that change is continuallyoccurring, you can be more prepared for it. You realize that even though youmay not like certain changes, they may happen and you can strengthen your innerresources so that you will be more likely to remain centered during thesetimes. Daily practices of meditation and quiet time can help you build yourinner resources.




If you find that you have certain thought patterns that occurregularly and cause you distress, you may decide to take a time out to reflecton what other thoughts and feelings are behind these thoughts. Very often, thepresenting or first thought around a situation has an underlying thought orfeeling associated with it. When you are aware of these patterns, you have theoption to change the thought or to keep it. Even though you may not be able tochange the situation, you are aware of and in control of your thoughts aroundit.




Then, you are able to allow new, more inclusive and expandedthought patterns to form in your consciousness. This will help to form newpathways into which the Light can flow.




As these new pathways form, you may find yourself open toeven more expanded thought patterns. You may become aware of new ways oflooking at situations that you had never considered prior to your expandedconsciousness. You may be able to see all sides of a situation and understandeach viewpoint while remaining clear about which viewpoint represents yourcurrent state of consciousness. It does not mean you must agree with eachviewpoint. It is simply observing and being aware of each viewpoint.




The observation and awareness allow you to be in the positionof the observer. Because you are merely observing, you are not drawn in on anemotional level to what is occurring.




You areable to ask for highest good. When you do this, then you are able to receiveeven more Light of consciousness. This lifts you to a higher vibratory level.As you receive more Light, it flows out from you to all who are around you, andit extends throughout the Universe.




It is a continuing process and cycle. The greater yourunderstanding, the more Light of consciousness you are able to receive. Youexpand your own progression on the ascension path, and you are able to be ofeven greater service by radiating your Light and by being the magnificent Beingof Light that you are.




Beloveds, we are happy that you are expanding yourability to receive the Light of consciousness. We are with you as you travelthis magnificent path of awareness and the Light of consciousness.







Know that you are greatly loved.

WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Archeia Holy Amethyst

and we surround you with Love.

And so it is.


Archangel Zadkiel via Linda Robinson, May 31st, 2017




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