Starseed, volunteers, indigo, crystal and rainbow children are lighting up the planet. Spread far and wide, our mission is to raise the vibrations from ground zero. We have each agreed to do this. We experience life as a human, with the usual amnesia to establish a fair playing field. However this is not a normal lifetime. There is nothing about 21st century planet earth that is normal. The focal point for a war of frequencies that has ravaged humanity physically and karmically for thousands of years. We have arrived at the epicentre of a profound transformation. Normal rules don’t apply. Gaia the goddess spirit inhabiting planet earth has chosen to ascend to higher planes of existence. As she transcends she is taking the planet and her people with her.
星际种子,志愿者,靛蓝、水晶和彩虹儿童正在点亮地球。扩展地相当深远,我们的使命就是从零开始提升振动。我们都同意这样去做。我们体验人生,伴随着遗忘去建立一个公平的游乐场。但,这不是一个普通的生世。没什么关于 21 世纪的是正常的。频率战争的聚焦在物理上,业力上摧残了人类上千年。我们到达了一个深度转变的中心。正常的规则并不适用。盖亚,居住于地球的女神,已经选择扬升到更高的存在平面。随着她超越,她会带行星和她的人民一起前往
Prophesied across galaxies for eons, this momentous time is etched in the stars. Cosmic intervention, solar support, intergalactic allies rallying around, and Gaia’s will are the tools for transcendence. As volunteers we play our part, raising our own cellular vibrations in the face of an onslaught of matrix engineered, dense vibrational fear. We seek to awaken those sleeping, to comfort those awakening and protect and heal all who come to us for guidance. This is our mission on Gaia. Ascended beings invested in this great shift, walk among us and commune with us from the skies. We are being asked to stay strong, calm and in love vibration. To anchor high frequency light to Gaia’s grid, enabling waves of momentous transformation. Long dormant strands of DNA are being activated, bringing us online with fifth dimension wavelengths.
预言在星系中传播了恒久,这个重要的时刻铭刻在星星之中。宇宙干预、太阳支持、星际盟友团结在一起,盖亚的意志是超越的工具。作为志愿者,我们扮演自己的角色,在面对矩阵设计的、稠密振动的恐惧猛击时提升我们细胞的振动。我们寻求唤醒那些沉睡的,安抚那些醒来的,保护和疗愈所有向我们前来寻求指引的。这是我们在盖亚上的使命。扬升的存在致力于这个伟大的转变,在我们之中行走,从天空与我们交流。我们被请求保持坚强、平静和处于爱的振动。把高频的光锚定到盖亚的网格,促使一波又一波的重大转变。长期休眠的 NDA 链在被激活,带我们与五维的波长连接
For volunteers awakening is a confirmation of truth known deep in our soul beings. Our perspective, our way of life, our expectation of peace and compassion are at stark odds with the actual experience, down here in reality. For some awakening to their true identity and mission came early. Able to break away from conformity and expectation they have been working tirelessly to lighten the dense atmosphere and heal people. Others were born into high vibrations, unable to navigate the current matrix system. Many, who adopted stealth mode early on, have forgotten their truth. To awaken as a starseed is to finally understand why we are here. The world is upside down, fear thrives where love should. Anger, hatred and all the negative emotions encouraged here expose infiltrators. Rising out of flames of destruction to soar skies of zen love is starseed mission.
Since 2012 there has been a steady rolling out of higher vibratory fields, triggering mass awakening. The language of rEvolution, questioning the state, crown, media and religious leaders has taken hold on a global scale. Technology has accelerated this mass waking up, shrinking the world, connecting ordinary people to each other. Cyberspace has united an oppressed and divided people. Exposing the rot, disabling algorithms of mind control, empowering people to take a stand. Social media has a raw, immediate power. It’s honesty and swift momentum connects the dots for people, illuminates the here and now. No spin. No agenda. The authorities have let loose their Frankenstein monster. Despite expensive attempts to monitor and censor us, digitised tribal connectivity rampages wild and free. It’s harder to deceive and manipulate people when we can see what others see and experience. Compassion builds. Racist rhetoric becomes recognisable, transparent. We see through lies and illuminate, share, truth.
自 2012 年以来,有着一个稳步延展的更高振动场域,触发了大规模的觉醒。革命的话语,质疑国家、皇冠、媒体和宗教领袖在全球范围内发生。科技加速了这个大规模的苏醒,收缩了世界,将平凡的人连接在一起。网络空间汇聚了一些受压迫和分离的人。曝光腐敗,禁止脑控运算,授权人们去表明立场。社交媒体有着一个粗糙的,直接的力量。它诚实且迅速的势头为人们连接节点,四处照明。没有晕头转向。没有议程。当局已经释放了他们的科学怪人。尽管昂贵,还是试图监控和审查我们,数字化部落的联通狂野、自由地肆虐。当我们可以看到他人看到和体验了什么,就更难欺骗和操纵人民。同情心建立。种族主义的言论变得家喻户晓,透明。我们看穿谎言并照亮,分享,真理
We are not alone. Ascended beings walk among us just as hybrids, clones, lizards and all kinds of other species permeate the population. Earth is a popular planet. Humanity, like most third dimension beings, is a multi faceted species. Intergalactic intervention, engagement and integration has occurred many times. Our history is diverse and intricately woven into visitations from the skies. It is rumoured every soul who ever walked on Gaia is here for her ascension. Just as we, the volunteers are here, and the prophesied rainbow children have and are being born, so too are many others. It really is like Men in Black out there. The borders, the walls, the fighting and hatred fostered in the matrix to divide and conquer us, blinds us to energetic frequencies. Add to this multi dimensionalities operating on the material plane, visitors from the fourth and higher dimensions, time traveler’s, angels and demons. Gaia truly is ground zero in our slice of the cosmos. This is where it’s all happening folks.
Our energetic antennae are our most trusted tools for truly seeing who and what we are dealing with. The holographic matrix creates masks that fool our brains into judging everyone. Matrix avatars given at birth further muddy the waters of truth. When we sharpen our energy antennae with cleaner living, solitude and meditation we begin to trust our gut, our third eye, our heart over our eyes. The matrix convinces us the eyes are the most reliable sense, they are not. How the mind interprets information from our eyes is intensely vulnerable to manipulation. Energy tells us what is really in front of us. We get a feeling, an emotional energetic response. This frequency reading is truth. The matrix conditions us to disregard our inner radar. Energy doesn’t lie. It speaks of frequencies, vibrations, that fluctuate and transform as we move through our day. The matrix can’t fool us when we use energy as our primary source of information.
The vast spectrum of human energetic emotion is rare in the galaxies. Mercurial, highly sensitive, a myriad of emotive energies can emanate from human beings in the blink of an eye. There is a sharpness of focus, a depth of emotional response few lifetimes offer. It’s quite a ride people, even without the whole rare and momentous experience of Gaia’s ascension. We play our part. We connect to the magic of Gaia and of being human. We can ride waves of profoundly increased karmic release. A quantum leap of consciousness offers us all the opportunity to evolve at an exponential rate. Self care is spiritual awakening. To release the static of stress, blocks of fear, grit and grime of hate and insecurity, is to clear the decks for love to take root. Gratitude is where the heart beats loud.
Emotional wellbeing, mental health, physical wellness all reside in our ability to reconnect our minds, bodies and souls. We understand our selves in the light of meditation, quiet reflection, creativity and music. Breathe in the present. Be mindful of every interaction. Love vibration is the fifth dimension. Love frequencies take us beyond the density of the third and fourth dimensions. The fifth is where the magic happens. The fifth is where the world gets trippy. Where quantum leaps of consciousness release our spirit from the weight of lower realms. We can soar free in a mystical, magical multi verse. We can be one with universal love frequency. Own your light. Protect your light. Ground your light. Stay in love vibration cosmic surfers.
I own my light.
I protect my light.
I ground my light.
In gratitude, humility and with grace. Namaste.
【Morag O’Brien】5月31日《给光战士的信息:万事俱备》
翻译:Nick Chan