(2017-08-02 15:19:05)
Humans can recognize emotions acrossall vocalizing land animals, researchers have found.
The research supports naturalistCharles Darwin’s views from over a century ago, when he observedthat humans and other animals express their emotions in similarways.
The findings could have applicationsfor animals welfare, as humans could rely on their instincts torecognize, for example, if an animal is stressed.
Previous research on the topic ofanimal vocalizations has suggested that animals understand humanemotional sounds.
For example, pet owners are usuallyattuned to this and their pets recognize their emotionaloutbursts.
Previous studies have also suggestedthat acoustic attributes of emotional (aroused) vocalizations areshared across many mammal species, and that humans can use theseattributes to determine an animal’s emotional state.
But researchers weren’t sure if thisalso extended to land animals that aren’t mammals.
To find out, an international team ofresearchers gathered the voice recordings of a diverse group ofnine different species: The black-capped chickadee, hourglasstreefrog, American alligator, common raven, giant panda, barbarymacaque and the African bush elephant.
为弄清事实到底如何,一个国际研究小组收集了不同群体共 9 种不同动物的声音:包括黑顶山雀、沙漏树蛙、美洲短吻鳄、乌鸦、大熊猫、巴巴利猕猴和非洲丛林象。
Then, research participants wereasked to listen to the recordings and try to identify the emotionalstate of the animal who made it.
To rule out the possibility thatcertain sounds may be more recognizable by people who speak certainlanguage, the researchers recruited volunteers who spoke German,English or Mandarin.
The researchers also carried out anacoustic analysis of the sounds on the recordings, comparing thesounds with people’s reactions to them and found that humans usemany acoustic clues to understand emotional noises made by otheranimals.
SOURCE: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6252b0bb0102xf3e.html