这是阿斯塔,他在他的爱的使命中为最光彩夺目的 ( 基督 ) 服务! ♥ ️ !
这一刻,我们所有人都要记住我们的呼唤,以及我们为何来到地球母亲这里。许多的人在外面寻找他们的现实,用他们的五种感官思考和观察,而不是用他们的第六感 / 直觉。
亲爱的一们,末日就要到了,走到你们的荣耀(的终点),那是你们灵魂长久以来所渴望和奋斗的目标。请感觉你们的心在呼唤你们从深度睡眠中醒来,记住你们是谁,亲爱的一们 ♥ ️
再这样走下去,还需要 2.6 万年才能走完这条路。这就是为什么我们不断重复上述真理,让所有人意识到我们这样做的严重性,从我们的心到你们的心,亲爱的一们,盖亚妈妈邀请你们和她一起去!
醒醒! - 你们的水晶光室在等着你们!
通灵: Lotte
Thank you Ashtar and Lotte
Awakening of all Awakenings
This is Ashtar who serves the Most Radiant One (The Christ) in His Mission of LOVE!♥️
Greetings Dear Family,
This moment is upon all of us to remember our callings and why we are here on Mother Earth. Many are still not awake for they are all caught up in their 3D illusion. Too much looking outside for their reality, thinking and seeing with their five senses, rather than with their sixth-sense/intuition.
As you has been told, many times in latter messages: go within to get all answers!
Your world is changing all around, but some are not aware, for many are too busy with material things and have gotten off their paths and forgotten the contract they signed before incarnating this last time.
Dear Ones, the end is at hand, to go to and reach your Glory… for what your soul has been longing for and working toward for eons. Please, feel your heart calling for you to wake up from your deep sleep and remember who you are, Beloved Ones♥️
Gaia cannot wait for you any longer; She is more than ready to Ascend and reach her Glory, which is long overdue. She loves you, her children. She stopped her Ascension and waited three more years for you to catch up to ascend with her. Now you don’t want to miss going with her, again? Dear ones, you are The Ones you have been waiting for… to bring the Light into the world to assist your Mother Earth… for She could not do this without you! You have come thus far; do not delay yourselves any longer!
Please, do not think for one moment that you are not good enough, for you all are Masters from all the many lifetimes… which are thousands… and Beloved Ones, you have the experience to create worlds! This you must not let pass because of your sleeping in illusions!
We up here in The Ships know most are awakening and want to be on their way to abundance, Peace, Love and Light… and much more♥️
This is our message to all Mankind for all things are starting to pop, so to speak. We wanted to give this one more try for the climax and it’s momentum.
It will take 26,000 more years to come by this way again. This is why we keep repeating the above truth for all to realize the seriousness of us doing this, from our hearts to your heart♥️ Dear Ones, Mother Gaia invites you all to come with her!
We shall close on a higher note to let you know you are loved beyond all measure and we are here to assist you in reaching your goal!
Wake up ! — Your Crystal Light Chambers are waiting!!
Believing is Seeing!
Your brother,