



1000 万年前,地球、火星和马尔戴克存在于三个行星上。许多因盘古大陆( Pangaea )大洪水而流离失所的生物化身于火星和马尔戴克,那里的环境比地球更恶劣,但在赤道附近却有森林和充足的水源。这些灵魂中的大多数化身为第四密度存有。想象、思维创造和梦境境界。





The beginning of Violence...




10 million years ago there was three planets that harbored life forms Earth,Mars and Maldek.Many of the beings that got displaced by the great flood of Pangaea incarnated on Mars and Maldek which had harsher conditions than Earth but had forests at the Equatorial locations and plenty of water.Most of these souls incarnated as 4th density beings.The realm of imagination,thought creation and the dream state.


1000 万年前,地球、火星和马尔戴克存在于三个行星上。许多因盘古大陆( Pangaea )大洪水而流离失所的生物化身于火星和马尔戴克,那里的环境比地球更恶劣,但在赤道附近却有森林和充足的水源。这些灵魂中的大多数化身为第四密度存有。想象、思维创造和梦境境界。


Many other star systems took interest in these planets one of the star systems were the Draco's who sent scout craft to Earth.The Draco and another group from Orion constellation had planned on a conquest of Earth but the Pleiadians were watching Earth extremely close and wasn't about to let it happen.It would be like the Draco coming into the Pleiadians laboratories and saying we're taking over the Pleiadians Earth experiment and they weren't going to let that happen.




At that time the Pleiadians had a protective vibration around Earth and at that time things like taking over a planet did not happen.But,Mars and Maldek did not have that protective barrier because frankly those two planets were not the Pleiadians terrain.




At first it was very hard for the Draco and the beings from Orion to live on Mars and Maldek's environment so they began their infusion thru the reincarnation process.These Draco's and beings from Orion were very aggressive and warrior like in their mentality.Their main purpose coming to Earth's solar system was conquest and mining of resources.Basically anything that would give them power and prestige.These beings had lost their connection to source.




The Beginning of War...


战争的开始 ..


Because Earth was being watched so closely by the Pleiadians the Draco decided to incarnate on Maldek in mass.They built great cities out of stone.These cities had gigantic fortresses around them to prevent attack.Maldek became a warring planet with the initiation of nuclear power.At this time the DNA of the population was a mixture of the Draco and the Orion greys which both had aggressive and war like tendencies.


由于地球被昴宿星人如此密切地监视着,天龙座决定化身为整个马尔戴克。他们用石头建造大城市。这些城市周围有巨大的堡垒以防止攻击。随着核能的开始,马尔戴克成为了一个战火纷飞的星球。当时人口的 DNA 是天龙座和猎户座灰人的混合体,两者都具有侵略性和战争性的倾向。


The scientists at that time did not realize the destructive capability of this weapon and one was fired at an underground military base and within that base there was hundreds of other nuclear weapons.This massive explosion sent an earthquake repercussion unlike any other.This explosion tore apart the planet of Maldek and broke it into hundreds of fragments which is now our astroid belt.10 million souls perished in this destruction and later these souls reincarnated on Mars.


当时的科学家没有意识到这种武器的破坏能力,其中一枚被发射到一个地下军事基地,基地内还有数百枚其他核武器。这次巨大的爆炸引起了不同于其他任何地震的反响。这次爆炸撕裂了马尔戴克这颗行星,把它炸成了数百个碎片,这些碎片现在是我们的星状带。 1000 万生灵在这次毁灭中丧生,后来这些灵魂在火星上转世。







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