新纪元扬升之光 2018-05-20

The Angels viaAnn Albers, May 19th, 2018




My dear friends, we loveyou so very much,



Have you asked yourangels for help today? If not, take a moment.Think of something you want help with – the first thing that arises within you.It can be something big like a relationship. It can be something small likejust having someone be kind to you today. It can be inspiration to eathealthfully, or help finding a new bicycle.



No request forassistance is too large or small. for we know that underneath every request youmake you are asking for love. You all, withoutexception want to remember your connection with love. You remember it throughrelationships, through kindness, and through good food. You remember it byfeeling joyous about your new bicycle, or by experiencing peace with adifficult person. In every desires you have – be it a grand home, or a tiny bitof comfort – you are asking for love.



For the most part,humanity has been taught to look for love in all the wrong places!



You have been taught to look for love via the external world. Inreality when you find love inside yourself, then you will have gloriousmanifestations of that love in the external world.



Think about the shinynew bicycle, for example. You want it and youtell yourself, you won’t be happy until you have it. You are obsessivelyfocused on “not having it.” That’s not a loving reality. We can do our best butyou are so focused on “not having it” that you would miss our guidance when wetry to help you “have it.”



What if, instead offocusing on your lack, you find the love for that bicycle within you rightnow? What if you look at a picture of it every dayand tell it how much you love it. What if you pray for it and think joyouslyabout riding it. And then what if you say, “Dear angels, I am madly in lovewith that bike! I have found the love for it within me. Help me find it in theexternal world.”



Then dear ones, youwill recognize our guidance. You will have found that bike within you so itwill naturally be drawn to you in the outer world. Youwill be open to opportunity and happy all along the way. You will see your lovecome to life!



Ask us for helpalways but do so from a place of love rather than lack. Then we can help youcreate absolute miracles!



God Bless You! We love youso very much.



— The Angels



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