2017年5月20日 15:37


 The Akashic Records and the Interactive Creation of Life’sExperiences

ByKevin J. Todeschi and Henry Reed






A term frequently discussed by the Edgar Caycereadings that had a tremendous impact upon his work was the term“the Akashic Records.” Derived from the Sanskrit word “akasha,”which means boundless space, the Akashic Records might best becompared to the universe’s “Cloud” or a supercomputer memory systemthat keeps track of everything. Edgar Cayce suggested that thestory of our lives – our thoughts, our words, our deeds, and ourrelationships – are stored in these Akashic Records, which servedas the ultimate source of information for his psychic readings.However, these records are much more than simply a compilation ofthe past; instead, they are interactive and somehow draw togetherexperiences and relationships specifically needed by eachindividual for her or his personal growth and development.Obviously, free will enables individuals to decide whether or notthey are willing to learn whatever lesson has been presented butthe lesson is theirs nonetheless. Ultimately, the Akashic Recordsare each soul’s “safety net,” insuring that everyone willeventually have the opportunity to become all that he or she wasmeant to be.




Also called “the Book of Life,” “God’s Book ofRemembrance, or even an aspect of Divine mind, on numerousoccasions during the process of giving a reading, Edgar Caycebecame aware of what happened to his own consciousness as he tunedinto these records:




I see myself as a tiny dot out of my physicalbody, which lies inert before me. I find myself oppressed bydarkness and there is a feeling of terrific loneliness. Suddenly, Iam conscious of a white beam of light. As this tiny dot, I moveupward following the light, knowing that I must follow it or belost.”




As I move along this path of light I graduallybecome conscious of various levels upon which there is movement.Upon the first levels there are vague, horrible shapes, grotesqueforms such as one sees in nightmares. Passing on, there begin toappear on either side, misshapen forms of human beings with somepart of the body magnified. Again there is change and I becomeconscious of gray-hooded forms moving downward. Gradually, thesebecome lighter in color. Then the direction changes and these formsmove upward and the color of the robes grows rapidly lighter. Next,there begin to appear on either side vague outlines of houses,walls, trees, etc., but everything is motionless.”




As I pass on, there is more light and movement inwhat appear to be normal cities and towns. With the growth ofmovement I become conscious of sounds, at first indistinctrumblings, then music, laughter, and singing of birds. There ismore and more light, the colors become very beautiful, and there isthe sound of wonderful music. The houses are left behind, aheadthere is only a blending of sound and color. Quite suddenly I comeupon a hall of records. It is a hall without walls, withoutceiling, but I am conscious of seeing an old man who hands me alarge book, a record of the individual for whom I seekinformation.” (Case #294-19 ReportFile)




Rather than being a literal “place,” the readingssuggested that this experience was essentially a symbolicrepresentation of his accessing information at higher levels ofconsciousness. Once given the record, Cayce had the ability toselect the information that would be most capable of assisting theindividual at that moment in life. Frequently, the readings pointedout that not everything available was being provided but insteadonly that information which would be “most helpful and hopeful.” Ifanother reading was obtained later, inevitably the Cayce sourcewould provide additional insights helpful to theindividual.




For ease of understanding, the Akashic Recordsmight be conceived as containing three very different components:those records dealing with the past (including past lives), thoserecords influencing present experiences and relationships, andthose records analyzing the ever-evolving future.


关于过去,存储在阿卡西记录中的信息本质上与记忆有关。访问和读取这种记忆的一个例子,与被称为濒死体验(NDE)所描述的类似。自从穆迪博士(RaymondMoody)的畅销书《死后的世界》(Life AfterLife)出版以后,无数个濒死体验的例子都在网上、出版物和媒体上介绍出现。这些故事中的一个共同点是,个人都会遇到“生命全景回顾”,就是看到他们整个生命历程。这些濒死体验的这个过程,就是在经历自己的过去的阿卡西记录。这些记录还包括前世的生活记忆,以及灵魂获取的才能、经验、倾向和欲望的总体积累。


In terms of the past, the information storedwithin the Akashic Records is essentially related to memory. Oneexample of how accessing this memory can be experienced has beendiscussed in the phenomenon known as the Near-Death Experience(NDE). Ever since Raymond Moody’s bestseller, Life After Life,countless examples of NDE’s have appeared online, in print and inthe media. One of the commonalities among many of these stories isthat individuals encounter a “life review” – seeing glimpses oftheir entire lifetime flash before them. Ultimately, what isoccurring in this process is that these people are experiencingtheir own Akashic Records of the past. These records also includememory from previous lifetimes as well as the overall accumulationof a soul’s talents, experiences, inclinations, anddesires.




Edgar Cayce’s secretary, Gladys Davis, toldmembers of the office staff that she had an intense phobia ofsharp, cutting instruments such as knives and scissors. She statedthat throughout her life she had often been gripped by “nervousfear” whenever she saw a sharp instrument near her or witnessedsomeone else using one. She eventually came to understand this fearas part of a past-life memory: according to Edgar Cayce’s ownreadings for her in ancient Persia she had been killed by being runthrough with a sword. Once she understood where the fear came from,it began to diminish and she no longer had an issue withit.


来自凯西信息的一个独特的概念是,前世的“业力”本质上是记忆 -它是个体过去的记忆在她或他现在的生活经历和关系中遇到(并需面对处理)的。我们都有这样的记忆的例子,有一些我们被吸引的职业,或者我们喜欢的特定食物,或是吸引某些文化和历史时期。那些似乎是我们的天生的东西,通常可以追溯到业力记忆。另外一些例子包括第一次见到某人,就不喜欢那个人,或见到某人,并立即被那个人吸引。爱德加·凯西说,我们把以前遗留的又重新捡起来:所有的关系、才能、我们的敌意和缺点。


A unique concept from the Cayce information isthat past-life “karma” is essentially memory – it is memory fromthe past that the individual encounters (and deals with) in her orhis present-life experiences and relationships. We all haveexamples of this kind of memory – we have certain occupations weare drawn to, or specific kinds of food we like, or cultures andhistorical timeframes that appeal to us. Those things that seem tobe an innate part of who we are can oftentimes be traced to karmicmemory. Other examples include meeting someone for the very firsttime and not liking that person, or meeting someone and having aninstant positive attraction to that individual. Edgar Cayce statedthat we pick up all of our relationships, our talents, ouranimosities, and our shortcomings exactly where we left themoff.




In regards to the Akashic Records of the present,the readings suggest that each of us has an almost unlimited numberof patterns from the past (both positive and negative) that can be“re-energized” by our thoughts, activities and relationships in thepresent. Some of these patterns relate to positive qualities andtalents, while others deal with negative behaviors andshortcomings. Each of these is essentially the byproduct of whatthe soul has done with its prior experiences. For example, aninnate musical talent is simply the individual picking up anability that was acquired previously. Conversely, an innatenegative behavior, such as selfishness, aggression, bigotry, etc.,can be a shadow of negative choices and experiences from the past.What’s important for us to become aware of in the present is thatit is just as easy to energize a negative pattern by our thoughtsand activities as it is a positive one. That is why the Cayceinformation frequently recommended working with spiritualideals.




From Cayce’s perspective, each of us clearly seesour own strengths and weaknesses in other people. And we often dealwith our karmic memory (both positive and negative) in ourrelationships with others. Ultimately, the Akashic Records draw tous people that mirror our own strengths and weaknesses, followingthe universal law: “Like attracts like.” Each of us sees in otherpeople something very specific to our own needs.




The Edgar Cayce readings clearly state that eachrelationship and every experience that we find ourselves involvedwith in the present has the potential to be helpful and hopeful interms of the soul’s quest for personal wholeness. Cayce saw theearth as a “cause and effect” classroom whereby each individualconstantly has the opportunity to meet self and apply spiritualprinciples in the material world. Differing than some New Ageschools of thought, rather than “getting out of the earth,” thereadings’ premise is that our ultimate goal is to bring spirit intothe earth, manifesting the individuality of the soul in theprocess. Our success with those lessons and relationshipsdetermines the next series of experiences the soul draws to itself.Actually, each choice in the present leads to another series ofpotential futures.




For example, if a soul really messes up in thepresent – totally ignoring the lessons that are being presented andbecoming abusive (or even a criminal) in relationship to others –the next time around that soul will have much more limitedparameters of free will. Ultimately, the universe will only let asoul get into so much trouble. Conversely, a soul that reallyachieves lessons on its learning agenda will be given much greaterflexibility and much greater parameters of free will in which tobring “spirit into the earth.” Our personal free will isinextricably connected to how well we interact with the lessonsthat the Akashic Records draw to us.




The Akashic Records of the future embody anever-changing array of possibilities and potentials. The future isnot fixed; instead, the future changes and alters with everythought, every choice and every decision we make in the present.Essentially the future is an ever-evolving shadow of that which maybe, totally dependent upon what one does in the present with whathe or she has learned from the past. However, because we areconstantly receiving information from the Akashic Records,essentially “tapping into” the material connected to us personally,our changing futures can be glimpsed in intuitive impressions,hunches, and even our dreams. In fact, the Cayce readings statethat nothing of significance ever happens to anyone without itfirst being foreshadowed in a dream.




Because of the nature of the Akashic Records andthe fact that there are responsible for drawing to every soulexactly what that soul needs, the Akashic Records are constantlycalculating probabilities – if the individual does this, this isthe probable outcome; if someone makes this choice, this is whereit is potentially headed. As we sleep, we often tune into thesuperconscious mind and our own potential futures. This is exactlywhat Cayce meant by seeing a shadow of the future in the dreamstate.




For example, many individuals have had theexperience of having a conversation with someone, or goingsomewhere, and all at once having the realization, “What a minute –I’ve already had this conversation…” Or, “I’ve already been here…”These experiences of déjà vu happen because most often anindividual dreamed about the activity previously and while it isoccurring there is a partial memory of having encountered itbefore. This kind of déjà vu is essentially associated with tuninginto higher levels of consciousness.




Aaron Frazier was a thirty-year old business whenhe had a dream that seemed to indicate a change in his company’stable of organization. His boss had left the company, making himone of the applicants in line for the job opening which would havemeant a promotion. While waiting for the decision to be made, hehad a dream:




I saw the table of organization on the companypresident’s desk. As if somehow watching over his shoulder, I sawthe president use a pencil eraser to erase the entire division thathad once reported to my boss and separate it into two differentdepartments. Using his pencil, he then connected one of thedepartments to an already existing division within the company andthen he connected the other department to anotherdivision.




Within a week, the company announced that thedeparting division director would not be replaced. Instead, as acost-savings measure, the company had decided to break apart thedivision and separate its function between existing divisionswithin the corporation. As a result, the dreamer retained his jobbut ended up reporting to another division director, just as hadbeen foreshadowed in his dream.





The Akashic Records are much more than a memorystorehouse of data, these records are interactive in that they havea tremendous influence upon us in the present as well as upon ourunfolding futures. We constantly interact with them, and theydownload those very circumstances and experiences we need to becomebetter people. The records are our personal tool for keeping trackof the lessons we’ve learned and still need to master on the soul’swholeness curriculum. In fact, Edgar Cayce stated that each of usare where we are for a reason: it has been pulled together by theAkashic Records themselves.




A good example of the activity of the recordscomes from the story of Kelly, who had a dream of them as a“tablet.” Kelly was participating in a dream incubation project atA.R.E.’s summer camp by spending a day in isolation and then anight in a special “dream tent” erected for this purpose on thebanks of White Rock Creek. She had been praying for informationconcerning the direction of her career. The next morning, she hadthis report:




I awoke in the middle of the night, startled tofind that a strong wind was blowing, and that the dream tent hadblown away! A small, old woman appeared, calling out my name, andcommanded me to pay attention to what was about to happen. She saidshe was preparing my body for death and that the winds were spiritswhich would pass through me to check the seven glands. I was atfirst afraid, then took comfort in the old woman's aura ofconfidence and authority. Finally I surrendered to the experience.At that time, I saw before a large luminous tablet, containing manycolumns of fine print which detailed my past experiences and myfuture lives. This vision ended abruptly, and I found myself lyingwithin the tent as if I had awakened from a dream. This experiencewas very different, however, from any other dreams. Over time, Ihad other dreams that commented on this vision, and gave me theconfidence to choose a new, more creative path for mycareer.”




From what source do such dreams draw theirinformation, not to mention the creative intelligence to gather the“just so” information to apply toward a ingenious purpose? Intoday’s language of quantum physics, Ervin Lazlo has compiled andshared the scientific version of Cayce’s Akashic vision in hiswell-regarded book Science and the Akashic Field: An IntegralTheory of Everything. He explains that just as there are invisiblebut highly active electro-magnetic fields, and gravitationalfields, there exists also an informational field. One of theprimary observations in modern science that require the acceptanceof this ancient Hindu notion is that of “non-locality.” This termrefers to what Einstein called “action at a distance,” or theinstant transmission of information over large distances, as when apair of widely separated electrons maintain an instant rapportconnecting the polarity of their spin. More than this “psychic”connectivity, Lazlo goes on to explain how this informational fieldacts with intelligence and purpose, providing a guidance system forthe evolution of creation, especially that of consciousness itself.The direction of the evolution of consciousness, according to theevidence, is away from an ego-centric point of view to a moretranspersonal orientation.




Whether considered from the point of view ofCayce’s psychic vision or from the perspective of integral science,if the Akashic Records are the mind of God, then that God is onethat actively cares that we “wake up” to the underlying reality ofour existence.




Ultimately, where is all of this leading? Why arewe supposed to be working on loving one another and dealing withissues we have with ourselves and one another? The answer is reallyso that we can become worthy companions of an all-loving Creator.The soul is destined to grow (and eventually awaken) to anawareness of its true relationship to the Creator. Whatever ittakes to bring about this growth in consciousness is exactly whatthe Akashic Records will continually draw toward the soul. Cayceasked one individual, how much longer “can the will of man continueto defy its Maker?” It is just a matter of time before we all joinup in a sense of shared companionship, a destiny that is alreadywritten in the book of remembrances.

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