笑笑 巴夏Bashar
Now we have discussed from time to time the idea that our civilization is becoming less and less physical, even though we still have a physicality.
But the reason why this occurred, how this occurred was that
When we began to awaken in our dreams to become lucid in our dreams to know:Why we were dreaming that we were dreaming
And began to realize that we could control the dream and can access what we call The Template Reality, the level of the blueprint where you design, shall we say, your physical reality experience
同时也开始意识到,我们可以控制自己的梦境,还能访问 我们称之为“模板层的实相”(也就是你们 设计你们的物质实相的经历的“蓝图层实相”)
When you are out of body, so to speak, and then reinsert yourself to play out physically the blueprint that you set up in the template level
When become lucid in your dream, you can consciously, more awarely visit the Template Level, The Blueprint Reality
and in being more aware that you are dreaming, being more aware that you really are in an altered state, and not getting in the dream scenario so much,
你就能够更加觉察到你在做梦,能够更加意识到:你现在 处在另一种意识转化了的状态,并且,不会太过于沉浸在梦境中
You have then the ability to feel more awake, aware, more in control, and you can more intentionally and more consciously designed your template, design your physical reality blueprint to be more in alignment with what you prefer it to be
然后,你就能感觉到 自己更觉醒、更觉察、更有控制力,你就可以更有意识地、更有意地设计你的人生模板,从而使你的“物质实相的蓝图”更符合你的喜好
Thus then reinserting yourself in the physical reality experience, and playing out that redesign, that new upgraded blueprint
But when we discover that we could do this, that we can become lucid in the dream state, become awake in the dream
Because we’re tapping into The Template Level Reality that was created in our physical experience, we also realize that the physical reality is also just another type of dream
And as we began to realize that, we also allowed ourselves to become more lucid in the physical dream, more awaken more aware, and allowing there to be less difference between what you call the waking dream and the sleeping dream
Eventually what we did is, we remained in the state of lucidity when we were in the dream, so that we allow ourselves to experience physical reality more like a dream.
And thus because we are always awaken and always dreaming
Now simultaneously we no longer sleep
The ideas is that we always awake, but always dreaming, you can in your evolution begin to experience this in between status, this hybrid status, this blended state
Of really knowing, consciously knowing that you are creating your dream, that you are creating your physical reality as a dream, as a projection, that it can really be designed to be what you prefer it to be
You will control the dream
You can make it do this, you can make it do that
But you won't be dreaming in the sense that you will be subject to the scenario
You will now be consciously and intentionally guiding the scenario, rearranging the scenario, getting it to do whatever it is you prefer it to do,
And you can begin to expand yourself to the template level reality
并可以扩展自己的意识,进入 模板层实相
And it will be laid out in a sense like the blueprint
You will begin to see it through new eyes, through a new perspective of your consciousness, and can begin to rearrange things if you wish knowing that when you reinsert yourself into the physical dream, when you refocus as the physical dream
如果你愿意的话,你就可以重新安排事项了,并且知道,当你重新进入 物质实相的梦境时,当你重新聚焦在 物质梦境时,
You will start to see more and more and more of the changes that you made in some fashion in the template level reality while you were lucid in the sleeping dream
You will be really on the threshold between physical and nonphysical reality
You will be designing your reality in the way you prefer to see it, in the way you prefer to experience it.
I was recently at an Abraham Hicks conference.
前段时间,我参加 Abraham Hicks 研讨会
They discuss that, basically, the information that you recall in you dream is download to you last few seconds before you awake.
One part of it, yes.
In other words, let's put it this way
Dreams can be many things
Sometimes they are simply you processing information. Sometimes they are symbolic memories of experiences you may be having in other dimensional realms.
But when you refocus into physical reality and are about to quote and quote wake up in your physical body, you have to allow your physical mind to then pull from whatever symbols it has at its disposal,
Those that are most representative to the best of its ability of the experience that you had
So it will rapidly construct the idea of the symbolic dream to represent as best as he can
Whatever experience you may have had that took maybe in your terms, longer, or perhaps didn't take any time at all on another dimensional level,
But your physical mind has to, once you're done with that,
then quickly create a symbolic representation that you can remember as a physical person, so that's what it does in the last few seconds
Allow yourself to ask for that assistance in your dream time when you go to sleep, and information will be downloaded to you as to what to do