My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Happy Almost New Year to you! Those of you on this list know our belief – that in every breath you begin a new year, a new moment, a new life, a new you! That said, we understand that as human beings you need mileposts and markers – times in your life to pause, reflect, recalibrate, and resurrect the light from within!
Take a few moments before the new year to ponder this question… “In exactly one year from now, what do I want my life to look like?” Who will be in it? How will I feel? What will my body be like? Take time dear ones and really allow yourself to be completely honest with you! If you could wave a magic wand, what would your life be like this time next year?
Now, get out a piece of paper and write upon it your wishes. I want to be healthy. I want to lose weight. I want to be more flexible, tolerant, and kind. I want to resolve my unpleasant feelings with a certain person whether the healing is inside or out. I want a new home. I want to feel safe and secure in my finances. I want to take a glorious vacation. I want to find ways to make my body feel vital and alive. I want a new career that makes me feel abundant, expressed. and appreciated. I want to learn a new skill…
Keep going. Make sure each and every item on the list makes your heart leap with joy as you think of having it.
Next, take time and with each item, really imagine that you are at this time next year and that thing or condition is in your life. Imagine it deeply. Feel it. Repeat this exercise until you actually have taken the time to feel deeply each and everything that you want as if it is already here. Your imagination may be a bit rusty but if you keep at it, you will bring it – and your creative powers that enlist the assistance of the entire universe – to life!
Now put your list away in a special place – perhaps a pretty envelope in a drawer, upon your alter, or under a beautiful piece of art! Be creative.
As the year approaches, every single time you think of anything on that list, without exception, your only job is to say to yourself…
“There’s no need to worry. The universe is working on all my dreams. I simply have to enjoy my days and honor my guidance. My life unfolds in perfection. I trust that the Creator of Universes can fulfill all my heart’s desires.”
There you go dear friends! You have set the entire universe in motion to fulfill your dreams! Print that affirmation out. Carry it with you. Repeat it often. And then, at this time next year, take out your lists and be amazed at the miracles that have been created in your life!
Happy New Year! Happy New You! Happy joyous celebration of life’s ability to be recreated anew!
God Bless You! We love you so very much.— The Angels
通灵:Ann Albers
翻译:Nick Chan