As you move forward from the doing phase of your incarnation into the being phase, you start to step away from what you feel you should do into what you feel guided to do. (Be aware of the word should, for it often involves judgment of self and dismissing your true wants and needs. It is an indicator of operating through the mind and attempting to work against the energies, while being guided is being led by the heart which is loving, connective, and works with what the energies support).
By allowing yourself to move how you are guided to, you begin to surrender and flow into your highest good, which automatically honours the highest good of others. Because you are surrendered into what your best service is however it wishes to present itself that day, you step out of the second guessing of yourself into deep trust in the unfoldment, which allows far more presence and peace than you have ever experienced before. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
翻译:Nick Chan